Added on September 30th,2005 by EZLO21 at 11:18 P.M.
Added: News:Revolution Less Powerful Updated:Affiliation Section
I updated the Affiliation Section so check it out.
I found some Revolution News at IGN so check it out.
Added on September 29th,2005 by EZLO21 at 9:50 P.M.
Added: Resting:I will be resting today News:my Cats
Well for those who know me my oldest cat Tom died today so if you knew me and saw him it will be sad to you too.
I will be resting today.So if something big happens today i will bring you the News by Linking you to it or if i get Nintendo Power vol 197 i will give it to you that way so you know.Also I would like to say thanks for Visiting so if there is something you would like to see then e-mail me or IM me.
Added on September 28th,2005 by EZLO21 at 10:59 P.M.
Added: Interview:Satoru Iwata Video:SSX On Tour with Luigi
I found another SSX On Tour Video this time with Luigi so check it out.
If you want to see the Interview with Nintendo's Satoru Iwata then tune into G4 at 2 AM and these other times by clicking here If you missed seeing it so you know.It will have PS3 and X-Box 360 TGS stuff in the G4's showing of it so you know.
Added on September 27th,2005 by EZLO21 at 11:41 P.M.
Added: News:Mario Kart Arcade GP Baseball News:Braves have 14th consecutive division championship
the Braves officially have their 14th consecutive division championship for all you braves fans out there who did not get to see or hear it.
Mario Kart Arcade GP will be on its way so click on the link to read more about it.
Added on September 26th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:15 A.M.
Added: Updated:Past Updates Rest:I will be Resting today
Yeah I will be Resting today unless something new comes like news on any Mario game coming or unless we get some Twilight Princess news pictures or anything on these games then i will add it.So until then Zelda Dreams and Tetra wishes to all and to all a good night.
I Updated the Past Updates September 2005 So if you missed an update go to the September 2005 section to see it.The TGS video is also in the Revolution Controller section if you want to watch it.
Added on September 25th,2005 by EZLO21 at 5:52 A.M.
Added: News:DDR: Mario Mix Video Removed:Zelda Links Topsite list
I removed Zelda Links topsite list cause they quit working on there site but from what i hear they are going to have a forum up so you know.
I found a DDR: Mario Mix video at IGN so check it out.
Added on September 24th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:19 A.M.
Added: News:Super Mario Strikers News:Nintendo Minute Vol. 18
Ign has released Nintendo Minute Vol 18 so check it out it looks great so far.
I found some Mario strikers news from IGN so check it out.
Added on September 23rd,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:37 A.M.
Added: News:Shadow the Hedgehog Video from IGN
I found a Shadow the Hedgehog Video from IGN for you all to see i know it maybe old to some of you but others it maybe new to them so if you have not seen it check it out.
Added on September 22nd,2005 by EZLO21 at 1:31 A.M.
Added: News:Meet Miyamoto News:SSX on tour News:Nintendo Best Friends Edition Revealed Readded:NCity Topsites readded
Since NCity has returned i have readded there topsite list to my list of joined topsites so check them out.
Nintendo now has a new Nintendogs Best Friends Edition that will be shipped with 2 new Ds color systems so go to the link above to read more about it.
Check out this SSX on tour Video from IGN it will have Mario Luigi and Princess Peach and maybe other Mario related characters in it as well so check it out.
You have a chance to meet Shigeru Miyamoto at the Nintendo World Store in New York City this Sunday, September 25th so don't miss out.Check out the link at the top to learn more about how you can do this.
Added on September 21st,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:28 A.M.
Added: News:Revolution Controller The Possibilities Slow:News is going slow
Video Game news is going slow so Give us a break and look at something we have already added so you know.I plan on having more big news with Nintendo Power Issue 197 so have fun and enjoy your stay and thanks for visiting.More later til then Zelda dreams and Tetra wishes to all and to all a good night.
Go to IGN to see what they think about how the Revolution's Gameplay will be like when it is released.
Added on September 20th,2005 by EZLO21 at 3:44 P.M.
Added: Haircut:I will be getting a haircut Preview:Sonic Rush Preview from IGN Movie:Legend of Zelda: The Complete Animated Series News:Nintendo goes Apple white. New console new looms Update:Past Updates for September Update:Topsite readded
I readded Evoforums Top 25 to my site since they are back now so check them out again.
I cleaned up the main page a little bit as you can see so if you missed an update or any news then check out the Past updates for September 2005 and have fun.
Nintendo goes Apple white so read more about this from IGN.
Here is a Legend of Zelda: The Complete Animated Series link from IGN to check out while we all wait for more Big News so have fun and enjoy it.
I found a Sonic Rush Preview from IGN so check it out it also has screenshots and a Video so you know so check it out.
I will be getting a haircut tomorrow so i will be going to bed sooner then normal today so i updated sooner today then i normally would so have fun and Zelda drems and Tetra wishes to all and to all a good night.
Added on September 19th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:22 A.M.
Added: GameBoy Micro Released Resting:i will be resting today
Other then the GBM news I am going to rest today unless something big happens like big news on the Revolution Twilight Princess or New Super Mario Bros. news then i am going to rest more tomorrow til then Zelda Dreams and Tetra wishes to all and to all a good night.
Other then the GameBoy Micro Being released today there is not much going on so get you a GBM if you want one.
Added on September 18th,2005 by EZLO21 at 3:50 A.M.
Added: News:GameBoy Micro New Affiliate:Super Mario Rebirth
We have a new affiliate please Super Mario Rebirth they look like they have a very good site going so give them a visit or two and have fun and enjoy your stay.
The GameBoy Micro will be released tomorrow so get one if you want it.
Added on September 17th,2005 by EZLO21 at 11:03 P.M.
Added: News:Sonic Riders News:Understanding the Revolution Controller News:Revolution Controller: The Possibilities News:Hands on with the Revolution Controller from Nintendo
I found a hands on Revolution Controller news from Nintendo so check it out.
I found more news from ign about how the Revolution Controller will be used so check it out.
I found some news about the Revolution's Controller shell the Remote Controller is not the only thing Nintendo is working on as you seen last night. But we Did see the Revolution's Controller but the shell for it we have not seen yet and IGN has a mock-up of what they think it will look like so i know we can't wait to see it but looking at the Controller will have to do til then.
Sonic riders will be on the gamecube I found this out at game winners so you know.
Added on September 16th,2005 by EZLO21 at 11:42 P.M.
Added: New:Revolution Controller section Update:TGS starts today TGS:TGS Video Happy Birthday:Super Mario Bros. Updated:Sonic Gems Collection
I updated the Sonic Gems Collection section with a link to some codes so check it out.
Well Mario had a Birthday this week so Happy 20th Birthday Mario so what better way then to get news about the Revolution Controller and a Tokyo Game Show Video so have fun and talk about all of this on the forums.
I put a link to the TGS keynote speech I called it TGS video cause it is at TGS so check it out.If you have not already seen it you will say WOW.
The Tokyo Game Show is today at 11:00 A.M. and Nintendo gave us the link to it so be ready to watch it.If you are in school at this time we will still have the link for you so you can watch it later when you get home.
Well Nintendo reviled Nintendo Revolution's Controller and should i say WOW I like that it is alot different from Past Controllers and you can talk about it on the our Forums so get to talking.
Added on September 15th,2005 by EZLO21 at 2:00 A.M.
Added: Tested:ATS 5.0 Update:welcome to Tokyo Game Show 2005 News:Game Boy Micro
The Game Boy Micro comes out in 4 days so you know.
Well tomorrow is the Tokyo Game Show so as I hear it IGN won't have a video of it but Gamespot will so I will find the video of it for you tomorrow and link you to it.
well I tested Aardvark Topsites PHP 5.0 RC1 which did not work for now but when it is released for real i will be upgrading or doing a fresh install which ever one would be better.
Added on September 14th,2005 by EZLO21 at 1:34 A.M.
Added: Updated:Mario Buddy Icons Updated:Legend of Zelda Icons News:TGS update Countdown:TGS
Well just 2 more days til TGS so check out the TGS Update link above this to be ready for it.I can't wait how about any of you?
I found a TGS update for you to see from IGN so click on TGS Update to read it.
I also added a new Link icon to the Legend of Zelda Icons section so check it out too.You can use the New Link icon on aim just click on it.
I updated the Mario Icons section so go to the Buddy Icons section to see the 6 new Mario Icons i added.You can also use these new 6 icons on aim just click on them.
Added on September 13th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: Rest:I will be resting today too
Since there is not that much to give you guys and girls at this moment I will be resting yet again but if I do get news on New Super Mario Bros Mario Kart DS Mario and Luigi partners in time or Twilight Princess then I will give it to you or link you to it.
Added on September 12th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:16 A.M.
Added: Count:Tokyo Game show Rest:I will be resting today
Other then the countdown til the Tokyo Game Show I am going to take a break from my site today.Unless i get some news on New Super Mario Bros or even Twilight Princess or even Super Princess peach so til i get news on these games or Mario Kart DS or Mario And Luigi Partners in Time then today will be my rest day since i have not had one in a while so you know.
The Tokyo Game show starts in 4 days from today so other then this there is not any news at the moment so you know.
Added on September 11th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:20 A.M.
Added: Affiliate:Yoshi's Wish Removed:Hyrule Castle.net
I will be removing Hyrule Castle .net from the list cause they are gone but if they ever come back they will be welcome to re affiliate with us.
We have a new affiliate please welcome Yoshi's wish to the affiliates list.Check them out and yeah they maybe a geocities site but this site started off that way too.
Added on September 10th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:13 A.M.
Added: News:Nintendo Minute pics:Mario and Luigi 2 screenshots pics:Mario Kart ds pics
I also found some Mario Kart DS screenshots at ign so check them out.
I found the Mario and Luigi 2 logo at ign if you have not seen it click on the link to see it.
Ign has a Nintendo Minute thing which sounds very good so I would check it out if you have a question for a Nintendo president that you want anwsered then go to ign send a question and wait and see if it gets anwsered.
Added on September 9th,2005 by EZLO21 at 2:49 A.M.
Added: Updated: 2-D Or Not 2-D News:THQ Onboard Revolution Fixed: FSA walkthrough
I fixed the FSA walkthrough I noticed it was missing so i fixed it by readding it so check it out.
THQ is onboard revolution so click the link above to read more about this.
I just finished the 2-D Or Not 2-D section so check it out.It is a must read for any 2-D fan.
Added on September 8th,2005 by EZLO21 at 2:48 P.M.
Added: Updated: 2-D Or Not 2-D Renewed:Nintendo Power Updated:Zelda Genesis
Zelda Genesis now have there own domain so give them a visit if you would like to.
I renewed my Nintendo Power Subscription so soon I will have even more news on games you want to hear about so be ready.
I updated the 2-D Or Not 2-D section so check it out.I finished the Second part of it.I only have one part to go now and that is The Next Level part which will be very good as well so read what i have so far.
Added on September 7th,2005 by EZLO21 at 2:00 A.M.
Added: Update:Past updates Started:Mario 128 section New:2-D or Not 2-D
I added a 2-D or Not 2-D section on the Nintendo Info part to the left so check it out.I am not finished with it yet cause it is 4 pages long on Nintendo Power issue 196 with the pics and other stuff on it but check it out any way.I did add alot of it tho i am almost finished with the first page alreadyso have fun reading what I have added so far.
I started the Mario 128 section cause we will soon be hearing more about this game in 9 days from today so have fun and enjoy your stay.
I updated the past updates section with the rest of the August past updates and i started the September past updates as well so if you missed an update check them out.
Added on September 6th,2005 by EZLO21 at 9:30 P.M.
Added: News:Super Princess Peach Updates:Super Princess Peach News:History of Hyrule TV news:Bob Denver dies New Affiliates:The Light World and Zelda Genesis
We have a new Affiliates please welcome The light World and Zelda Genesis to the affiliates list they are a very good sites which you should go and see.
Well i am very sad to say this but Bob Denver of Gilligan's Island has died at the age of 70 to read more click on the link above.
History of Hyrule is coming back in the near future so if you did not know this go to History of Hyrule to read what Melora said.I am very happy to hear that Melora is planing on bringing History of Hyrule and Melora's World back She said that she misses everyone and i am sure you miss hearing from her site so to me this is very great news so i can't wait to hear from her myself either.
I updated the Super Princess peach Section with Peach's emotional states in the game so check these out.They are also from page 20 of Nintendo Power issue 196.
Super Princess Peach News-Ever since news of Peach's DS game was revealed last year, SPP has been in hidding- until now.The platformer seems to go the 2-D Mario route, but we're hearing that the Princess will take on the 40-plus levels in her own way.After col-lecting power-ups that fuel peach's emotions, players will tap her emotional states to solve puzzles.How emoticontrol play out? Japanese gamers will find out on October 20. This is from Page 20 on Nintendo Power issue 196 if you have it.
Added on September 5th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:23 A.M.
Added: News:New Super Mario Bros.
It's been years since we last saw Mario in an all-new side-scroller, and it looks like Nintendo's been saving up lots of ideas.New Super Mario Bros. retains that classic Mario feel, but introduces all sorts of new visual tricks and gameplay elements.Who bet-ter then the king of platform-ing to show that the classic genre can still offer something fresh and different?
New Super Mario Bros. features a two-player co-op mode-a first for the series.
Not content simply to keep Luigi out of the limelight Mario now uses his brother as a human shield. Maybe next time Luigi should leave his hotshot sibling to rot in the haunted mansion.
This is from Nintendo Power issue 196 on page 70 so if you have it check it out.More tomorrow til then Zelda Dreams and Tetra wishes to all and to all a good night.
Added on September 4th,2005 by EZLO21 at 9:45 P.M.
Added: News:Tokyo Game Show NEW:Babel Fish Translation News:Nintendo Power 196
I finally have Nintendo Power issue 196 the last of my 3 for free that has some New Super Mario Bros News and 3 new Screenshots with it that make me want this game even more so be ready for that tomorrow.
You can now Translate this site into a different language from one of the flags to the right so if you want to read this site in Japanese you can now do that.
Satoru Iwata is supposedly gonna be releasing info about the rev controller and mario 128 so let's hope we get to see some pics of Mario 128 and the Revolution controller.This will happen at the Tokyo Game show on September 16th 2005.I will find out more in the days to come about the Tokyo Game Show so stay tuned.
Added on September 3rd,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:57 A.M.
Added: News:Nintendo DS game of the month News:Donkey Kong King of swing
Donkey Kong King of swing will be out Sep 19, 2005 so there is only 16 days left til it is out so if you are a big Donkey kong fan don't miss out on this game.
If you liked Nintendogs you will be happy to hear that it is the game of the month so read more about it from Ign by clicking the link above so i would check it out now.
Added on September 2nd,2005 by EZLO21 at 4:22 A.M.
Added: Nintendo Power Issue 196 News:Mario Superstar Baseball News:Mario Kart Arcade GP News:Mario on tour Preview:New Super Mario Bros hands on preview
I found a hands on preview of New Super Mario Bros also from ign which you can check out by clicking the link so if you are like me when it comes to this game i would check it out now.
Mario Also seems to be on tour as well from what i found out at ign which you can see by clicking on the link.
I found some Mario Kart Arcade GP news for you to see click on the link.
Mario Superstar Baseball is doing great so if you have not played it yet you should try it i may soon try it myself too.
Do any of you have Nintendo Power Issue 196 yet cause i am still waiting on mine.If you have it read it and when i get my copy of it i will add the Mario Sonic and Zelda news i get from it.
Added on September 1st,2005 by EZLO21 2:05 A.M.
Added: News is slow New:Mario Advance New:Mario PinBall Land
I added Mario PinBall Land to the game boy/Advance section so check it out.
Since there is not much game news I added a Mario Advance section for the Game Boy/Advance section so check it out.
The Game news is going slow at the moment so I will be working on things on the site and forums so check it out.