Added on June 30th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:Beautiful Katamari Skips PS3, Goes Wii
IGN has some Namco Bandai news and here is some of it: "Namco Bandai revealed earlier this year that it was developing the next-generation Katamari Damacy sequel, Beautiful Katamari, for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Up until recently, the developer continued to work on both versions of the project. However, sources close to Namco Bandai tell IGN that the studio ran into some trouble with the port of the game to PlayStation 3 and these issues, coupled with the stalled sales of the system, have led to the project's quiet cancellation. Looking to better-than-expected sales of Wii, the company has, say insiders, re-shifted resources to ready a Wii build of Beautiful Katamari instead. Given that the title cannot be ported from Xbox 360, the game is being re-concepted for Wii." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 29th,2007 by EZLO21 at 1:00 A.M.
Added: News:Wii Lightsaber This Autumn News:Consoles, Handhelds Become Civilized
IGN has some 2K news and here is some of it: "Today 2K announced it is building Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution for consoles and handhelds. Scheduled for completion in spring 2008, the game is currently in development at Firaxis, which has handled the franchise since Civilization III. This will be Sid Meier's first venture into the world of current-gen systems." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some LucasArts news and here is some of it: "When the Wii's motion-sensing controller was first revealed, everyone pondered how cool it would be to wave a Wii-Lightsaber around - probably while going "zwwoooom, zwooom, kzzzzzzzk". Now, it seems that dream is set to become reality this autumn." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 28th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:WiiWare: Original Downloadable Games on Wii News:The Wii Conspiracy News:The Bigs Plays Ball News:Majesco Announces Blast Works for Wii News:Midway Speeds Cruis'n Exclusively to Wii News:Midway Announces Game Party for Wii News:NINTENDO'S WIIWARE PAVES THE WAY FOR FRESH GAMES, COOL CONSUMER EXPERIENCES
I may have this news already.Any way Nintendo has the same news in a Press Release form of it and here is some of it: "Nintendo Sets a New Paradigm: One Game Can Still Make a Difference.
SANTA MONICA, Calif., June 27, 2007 The search for the next ingeniously ground-breaking video game has begun. At a private developers conference this week, Nintendo announced the introduction of WiiWare, a game-creation service that will allow developers large and small to create new downloadable video game content for sale by Nintendo through the Wii Shop Channel of the hot Wii home video game system. WiiWare paves the way for smaller, more creative games to make their way to the public at lower prices, without any inventory risk to developers. The first WiiWare content will launch in early 2008.
"Independent developers armed with small budgets and big ideas will be able to get their original games into the marketplace to see if we can find the next smash hit," says Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime. "WiiWare brings new levels of creativity and value to the ever-growing population of Wii owners." You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above.
IGN has even more Midway news and here is some of it: "Midway on Wednesday pulled back the curtain, just barely, on its two new Wii titles. One is, of course, the next installment in the Cruis'n franchise. The other is the aptly titled Game Party, which is another project clearly inspired by such efforts as Wii Sports and EA Playground." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Midway news and here is some of it: "Veteran gamers and arcade aficionados will no doubt remember Midway's classic racing games, Cruis'n USA and Cruis'n the World. On Wednesday, the publisher revealed exclusively to IGN Wii that a new entry into the franchise is underway and it's being created specifically and only for Nintendo's next-generation console." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Majesco news and here is some of it: "Publisher Majesco Entertainment on Wednesday announced that it has teamed with developer Budcat Creations to bring Wii owners Blast Works; Build, Fuse & Destroy. The title, a side-scroller whose presentation spills with stylized geometric shapes, enables gamers to build their own levels and then destroy them, absorbing the parts of enemy ships as they go. The project is scheduled for a fall release on Wii." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some The Bigs news and here is some of it: "Today 2K Sports announced it has hit one out of the park and The Bigs, its over-the-top arcade baseball game, is now available at retail. The title sports pick up and play mechanics for minimal downtime and maximum style." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Data Design Interactive news and here is some of it: "UK developer Data Design Interactive announced early this year it had a slew of titles in development for the Wii. Publisher Conspiracy Entertainment has picked up nine of these games for release in the U.S. and Asia, and they're all apparently to be released in 2007." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Wiiware news and here is some of it: "Nintendo has announced that original downloadable games are heading to Wii thanks to the WiiWare Channel with the aim being to let developers both large and small distribute their titles on the service. Unfortunately, the bad news is that it's not launching until early 2008." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 27th,2007 by EZLO21 at 1:00 A.M.
Added: News:Reminder: Opera Grace Period Ending News:Harry Potter Appears at Retail News:BioWare Chats Up the Hedgehog News:Online N64 Games News:More early sales figures for Phantom Hourglass
Go Nintendo has some Phantom Hourglass news and here is some of it: "Yesterday we posted a story on some unconfirmed sales date for Phantom Hourglass first day on the market. Now some more news has come in concerning the first weekend of sales. It seems that Nintendo put out 400,000 copies to retailers, and managed to sell 350,000 in the first weekend." You can read the rest of this from Go Nintendo above.
Vent from Hyrule.net has some N64 related news and here is some of it: "Yup. You can play N64 online against aaanyone in the /world/!
I have made a ZIP with Mario Kart 64, Mario Tennis, and Super Smash Brothers that's just begging to be played!
There's instructions in the ZIP." You can see it at Hyrule.net's forums the Que? Did you just say..., N64 Online? above.
IGN has some BioWare news about Sonic's RPG game and here is some of it: "Earlier last week, SEGA and RPG kings BioWare made a huge announcement: not only would the two companies be working together to create a role-playing game with SEGA's Sonic the Hedgehog character in the lead, but also that the game will be produced for the Nintendo DS handheld. BioWare revealed a few months back that it had formed a division specifically for handheld development -- and the company managed to score a rather big project as its first." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Harry Potter news and here is some of it: "Today Electronic Arts and Warner Bros. Interactive announced that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the tie-in to the fifth movie in the fantasy series, has shipped and is now available for every platform imaginable. Harry's latest videogame outing allows players to explore Hogwarts, as the digital version is an exact replica of the school fans know from the films." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Wii Opera Browser news and here is some of it: "Wii owners who have not yet downloaded the Opera Internet browser for free only have a few remaining days to do so. The browser went live back in April and has been available free of charge since its release. Starting Monday, July 1, though, tickets to the Opera will cost gamers 500 Wii points. At the current exchange rate, that comes out to $5." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 26th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:Doctors: Videogames Not Addictive
IGN has some Videogames related news and here is some of it: "During a weekend debate at the annual meeting of the American Medical Association, doctors and addiction experts rejected the idea that videogame addiction is a serious risk akin to alcoholism or compulsive gambling. If there is such a thing as videogame addiction, experts don't believe it can be classified as a "mental disorder," as these other types of addictions are designated." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 25th,2007 by EZLO21 at 3:00 P.M.
Nintendo released Pokemon Battle Revolution and here is some of it's news: "Epic Franchise Reaches Several Firsts
REDMOND, Wash., June 25, 2007 - Today's launch of Pokémon® Battle Revolution heralds a number of firsts for Nintendo's hot-selling Wii video game system. Pokémon Battle Revolution is:
The first online Wii game in the Americas.
The first Pokémon game for Wii.
The first Wii game to wirelessly link to Nintendo DS.
The first Wii game that lets players use their Nintendo DS as a controller." You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above.
Nintendo updated the Virtual Console and here is some of it: "Forget the lemonade and long naps. If it's summer action you're after, head straight to the Wii Shop Channel for a thrill-packed selection of fast-driving, high-flying, hard-hitting games. This week's new additions include futuristic racers and fierce fighters guaranteed to liven up your lazy summer.
Three new classic games go live at 9 a.m. Pacific time. Nintendo adds new games to the Wii Shop Channel every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:
F-Zero® X (Nintendo® 64, 1-4 players, Rated E for Everyone, 1,000 Wii Points)" You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above.
Added on June 24th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:Happy Birthday Sonic!
Go Nintendo has some Sonic news and here is some of it: "Can you believe that Sonic is already 16 years old? My, how things have changed over the years. Mario and Sonic used to be bitter enemies, and now they are working together on a game." I can't believe Sonic is 16 either but he is.I hope Sonic has better games this time too.You can read the rest from Go Nintendo above.
Added on June 23rd,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: VC News UK:UK VC Friday Round-Up: A Mega Week News:NIMF: Manhunt 2 Delay is Victory News:Phantom Hourglass - inside the box News:Phantom Hourglass Site Update
Go Nintendo also has some Phantom Hourglass website news and here is some of it: "The official Japanese website for Phantom Hourglass has been updated with a few new screens and videos. Click the link below to check it out." You can see the link to the JP site from Go Nintendo above.
Go Nintendo has Screenshots of the inside of the Phantom Hourglass Boxart with the game in it too.You can see them by clicking the link above.
IGN has some Manhunt 2 news and here is some of it: "Media watchdog the National Institute on Media and the Family (NIMF) has issued a statement in response to the news that Take-Two has suspended the release of the ultra-violent Manhunt 2. It's been a stormy week for the sequel to 2003's Manhunt, with the title being banned in the UK and receiving an "AO" rating from the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB). An AO rating basically means a game cannot be sold or manufactured in its current form. NIMF appears to be quite happy with the news." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Virtual Console news and here is some of it: "After the excitement of last week's centennial celebrations, today was always going to be a little bit of a downer for the Virtual Console. Unfortunately, as much as we closed our eyes, crossed our fingers and wished for something worthy enough to continue the buzz, all we've got this week is Mega Man and China Warrior." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 22nd,2007 by EZLO21 at 5:30 P.M.
Added: VC News AU/UK:Wiikly Update AU and Europe News:Super Paper Mario Dated for Europe
IGN has some Super Paper Mario news for Europe and here is some of it: "Nintendo Europe has unveiled its summer release schedule for Wii and DS, which finally confirms that we'll be getting the highly-anticipated Super Paper Mario on September 14 - along with a host of other titles in the coming months." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Go Nintendo has some VC news and here is some of it: "NES:Mega Man" That is all they gave in detail.Any way i am happy for you AU and UK gamers.But i want Mega Man as well.Sure not as much as Super Mario Kart but i want it none the less.You can read the rest from Go Nintendo above.
Added on June 21st,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:Rockstar Responds to Manhunt 2 Ban, AO Rating News:New Crave Game a Bunch of Bull News:Nintendo on AO-rated Software News:Wii Sells 100K in Australia News:Super Paper Mario and RE4 AU Release Dates Announced News:WII ADDS SPICE TO SUMMER ON LAND, ON SEA AND IN THE AIR News:Games seek to bring seniors to their feet
The Boston Globe has some Nintendo Wii news retirement community related and here is some of it: "At age 81, George Mason donated his golf clubs to charity, retiring forever from the links or so he thought.
"I'd had a heart attack, and I didn't envision myself on a golf course ever again," he said.
But the other day, Mason, now 84, stepped to the tee and clobbered a 200-yard drive onto the fairway of a Par 4.
Don't look for him on the Senior PGA tour quite yet. Mason's triumphant return to golfing occurred on a video game." You can read the rest of this from The Boston Globe above.
Nintendo has some Summer news Wii related and here is some of it: "Theme Parks, Cruise Ships and Street Teams Make Wii a Part of Summer Fun
REDMOND, Wash., June 21, 2007 Leaving home this summer doesn't mean leaving behind the fun of your Wii video game system. Nintendo's hot-selling system is making appearances in fun locations around the country to give people of all ages a chance to sample it and experience a whole new way to play video games.
"This summer, Wii will be where gamers and their friends and family are gathering to have fun," says George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications. "The best way to understand the fun of Wii is to try it for yourself, which is why we've made it easy for people to find it in numerous places." You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above.
IGN has some Super Paper Mario news and here is some of it: "There's little doubt that Intelligent Systems' superb Super Paper Mario is one of the most highly anticipated Wii games for Australian gamers. After scoring an 8.9 on this very site and hitting retail in the United States and Japan in April, Aussie gamers have been desperate to hear just when this triple A treat will be coming down under. Well, wait no more. Actually, no, you're going to have to wait quite a bit more because Super Paper Mario isn't coming out here until September. Oh well." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Wii sales news and here is some of it: "Did we really need more proof that Nintendo is making a mint on Wii in Australia? Well, sure - why not. Nintendo Australia has proudly announced their console has just surpassed the 100,000 units sold mark in Australia. This makes it the fastest selling console to reach that mark in the history of the region." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Nintendo news Manhunt 2 related and here is some of it: "Nintendo of America issued an official statement in response to the recent news that Rockstar's Manhunt 2 has received an Adults Only (AO) rating by the ESRB." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Crave news and here is some of it: "Today Crave announced it is working on a bull-riding game for multiple platforms. The title is being developed with the insight of the Professional Bull Riders (PBR), which holds events each year in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Brazil, and Australia. PBR says bull riding is the fastest-growing sport in the U.S." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Rockstar news and here is some of it: "Rockstar Games has responded to the BBFC's rejection of Manhunt 2 for certification in the UK, making sale of the game at retail illegal in this country. Rockstar states that it "emphatically disagrees" with the decision, arguing the Board failed to consider Manhunt 2's intended target adult audience." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 20th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:Leipzig's Opening Keynote Announced News:Manhunt 2 Refused Classification in UK News:Resident Evil 4 Ships for Fourth Time News:Manhunt 2 Rated AO?!
IGN has some more Manhunt 2 news and here is some of it: "We're all expecting the upcoming Manhunt 2 to be pretty gruesome. The original was one of the most violent games ever, but even that avoided the dreaded "Adults Only" rating from the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB). As violent as it was, it was deemed appropriate for "Mature" audiences. In fact, ever since the ESRB established the current rating system there has never been an AO-rated game on consoles until now?" You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some RE 4 Wii news and here is some of it: "Today Capcom announced the Wii-ified version of 2005's horror masterpiece Resident Evil 4 has shipped and is waiting on retail shelves to scare the bejeezus out of you all over again. The RE4 Wii Edition makes full use of the Wiimote's motion controls and comes in at the modest price of $29.99." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Manhunt 2 news UK and here is some of it: "Manhunt 2 on Wii and PlayStation 2 has been banned after the British Board of Film Classification refused to give the game a rating due to its "unremitting bleakness and callousness of tone... which constantly encourages visceral killing with exceptionally little alleviation or distancing"." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Leipzig news and here is some of it: "The GC Developers Conference (GCDC) at Leipzig in Germany is rapidly becoming one of the biggest events of the gaming calendar, and a few more details on this year's conference have just been announced." For those of you who are new Leipzig don't feel bad.Think of it like another version of E3.You can read the rest of this from IGN above.here is the link to the Leipzig website Leipzig Homepage.
Added on June 19th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:SEGA Clarifies "Creative Pool" Comments News:Buy Zack & Wiki Campaign 2007 News:NPD Spree: Mario Party Claims May
IGN has some NPD Group news and here is some of it: "Although it has received lackluster reviews from the gaming press (IGN gave it a 5.2), consumers snatched up enough copies of Mario Party 8 last month to make it the best-selling game of May 2007. According to the most recent data from market research group NPD, Mario Party 8 sold almost 75,000 more copies than its nearest competitor, the also poorly-reviewed PlayStation 2 version of Spider-Man 3 (which IGN gave a 3.5). Why, why, why don't you listen to us?" You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Capcom news and here is some of it: "Not since Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem on GameCube have we demanded that readers purchase a videogame, but the time has come (again) for us to take a stand. Capcom has a fantastic point-and-click puzzle-adventure on its hands. It's clever. It's difficult. It will make you think. It's also beautiful, perfectly capitalizing on Wii's strengths." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Sega news and here is some of it: "Last week SEGA of America's VP of Marketing Scott Steinberg made some surprising comments to Reuters about the Wii's staying power -- or lack thereof. While the console continues to sell like gangbusters and more and more publishers are announcing their support for the platform, Steinberg admitted he was "a little concerned about the creative depth of the Wii pool." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 18th,2007 by EZLO21 at 5:30 P.M.
Nintendo has some virtual Console news and here is some of it: "Father's Day is over, but the Wii Shop Channel has plenty of competitive games to keep pop hopping. Whether dad's a golf fan, an overall sports enthusiast or just a guy who likes to rescue prisoners with his special forces buddies, this is the week for him.
Three new classic games go live at 9 a.m. Pacific time. Nintendo adds new games to the Wii Shop Channel every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:" You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above.
Added on June 17th,2007 by EZLO21 at 11:00 P.M.
I hope that All of you had a great Father's Day.I know i shared a great one with my dad i gave him a shirt that picked out for him.Yes he liked it.
Nintendo has some Nintendo World Store news and here is some of it: "Rick and Michael Singer of Vienna, VA took home the title of "Biggest Brain" during Nintendo's Father's Day Challenge at the Nintendo World store in New York this weekend. The Singers beat out more than 30 contestants in a bracket-style playoff that featured tests of identification, memorization, analysis, computation and visualization.
The Singers were also awarded a trophy and prize pack featuring the hot Wii system and a copy of the new Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree. The game brings Nintendo's successful Nintendo DS brain-training series to Wii for the first time." You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above.
Added on June 16th,2007 by EZLO21 at 4:00 P.M.
Added: News:SEGA Questions Wii's Longevity
IGN has some Sega news and here is some of it: "Since its launch last November, the Wii has performed beyond even the most enthusiastic Nintendo fanboy's expectations. The system outsold the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 combined in May. But some in the industry are still skeptical about the little platform that could. Speaking to Reuters, one SEGA executive has revealed his doubts that Nintendo can keep this momentum going in the long run." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 15th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: Site Birthday:Zelda 101 turns 5 years old!! News:Gamecock Sings E.I.E.I.O. News:Beth Llewelyn speaks on Super Paper Marios success Rumor:Rumor: Project H.A.M.M.E.R. Takes a Pounding VC News AU:VC Friday AU
IGN has some Virtual Console news and here is some of it: "Nintendo 64 Virtual Console releases have been few and far between over the last couple of months, but that drought ended today, with the release of the N64 classic F-Zero X. This anti-gravity racer was yet another Nintendo title that took a classic series boldly into three dimensions." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has a Project H.A.M.M.E.R. Rumor and here is some of it: "Insiders close to development studio NST allege to IGN that the software company's Wii action title, tentatively titled Project H.A.M.M.E.R., has been terminated by publisher Nintendo. Sources further claim that the team formerly working on the title is now underway with one or more efforts that fall into the "expanded audience" lineup of games." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Go Nintendo has some Super Paper Mario news and here is some of it: "Pre-launch buzz had been strong for this title ever since it was first announced and the reaction from fans since it launched for Wii in April has been incredible, as evidenced by the NPD reports. Mario games continue to be a popular choice among Nintendo fans and Marios debut on Wii was definitely well-received by millions of fans who enjoyed the 2-D adventure and RPG elements." You can read the rest of this from Go Nintendo above.
IGN has some Gamecock Media Group news and here is some of it: "Gamecock Media Group today announced the final details of its upcoming event, the Expo for Interactive Entertainment, Independent and Original, or E.I.E.I.O. for short. Competing directly with E3 and to be held smack-dab in the middle of Santa Monica during said conference, E.I.E.I.O. will feature a number of upcoming titles for most every current gaming system." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Yeah you read right Zelda 101 turns 5 years old today.If you have any ideas on what i should add then let me know.
Added on June 14th,2007 by EZLO21 at 1:30 A.M.
Added: News:Soul Calibur Legends Update Reminder:Zelda 101 is turning 5 years old tomorrow!!
Yeah Zelda 101 is turning 5 years old tomorrow so what should i add to make the day Special? If you want something added that is not already on the site let me know.
IGN has some Soul Calibur Legends news and here is some of it: "Following its quiet debut as a blurb hidden away in the back of Famitsu a few weeks back, Bandai Namco has at last unveiled Soul Calibur Legends in full. In addition to a new blowout on this week's Famitsu, Japan's Impress Watch gaming site reports that the game has gone playable for members of the press at the Namco Bandai Editor's Day in San Francisco." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 13th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:UK Charts: Forza Speeds to Pole Position News:Harvest Moon Playtest News:THIS FATHER'S DAY, GIVE DAD A GIFT HE'LL LOVE: A FRIENDLY CHALLENGE
Nintendo has some Father's Day news Brain age related and here is some of it: "Nintendo Has Dad's Day Covered with Cool Gifts and Big Offers
REDMOND, Wash., June 13, 2007 Whether it's an ugly tie, a set of discount golf balls or yet another inspirational desk set, dads always seem to end up with the lousiest gifts. Nintendo's working to change all that this year, with a number of fun ways to keep dad happy for Father's Day:" You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above.
IGN has some Harvest Moon news and here is some of it: "Another year, another Harvest Moon game. Harvest Moon Heroes, the latest entry in Marvelous Interactive's decade-old farming simulation series, hit Japan this past week, ahead of its US release. We spent the weekend getting reacquainted with the slow farm life, now on the Wii." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some UK Sales news and here is some of it: "Meanwhile, Spider-Man's come unstuck, falling one place to four and Mario Strikers: Charged Football drops the ball slightly, shifting to five. At number six, the magical-science FPS Shadowrun remains in stasis and, at the lower end of the top 10, it's the same old faces cropping up again." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 12th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:Reggie on NOA Shake-Ups News:Disney to Triple Game Investment News:Layoffs at Take-Two VC News AU:TurboGrafx Comes to AU News:Ex-Nintendo Head Makes JP Rich List
IGN has some Ex-Nintendo head news and here is some of it: "Hiroshi Yamauchi, the aging warhorse who helmed Nintendo through the golden age of their industry reign, has placed fourth overall in Japan's rich list. " You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Virtual Console news and here is some of it: "Nintendo Australia recently announced that TurboGrafx games will be joining the Australian Virtual Console family from July 6th. This news brings the Australian VC service in line with the United States and Europe, and means that titles such as Bonk's Adventure and Bomberman 93 will soon be available for download. Other than those two titles, Nintendo is staying mum on exactly what games will be on offer, but we can tell you that TurboGrafx games will be priced from 600 Wii points." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Take-Two news and here is some of it: "As part of its second quarter fiscal financial results released today, Take 2 announced the company would be laying off members of its marketing and sales teams. The layoffs are part of an overall plan to return the financially- and legally-troubled company to profitability." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Disney news and here is some of it: "Gamedaily is reporting that Disney Interactive is planning on tripling its spending on the worldwide videogame market over the next five years. Disney's current CFO, Tom Staggs, believes that the company would be missing out on a huge opportunity were it not to pursue this avenue." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has an update to the NOA Market Staff Shakeup and here is some of it: "For several weeks we've known that Nintendo of America recently came to an internal decision to move portions of its marketing and public relations departments from Seattle to San Francisco. (Nintendo Power is going to New York, meanwhile, according to insiders.) Long-time employees with the company were told that they needed to relocate or find a new job, and as it turns out several key Nintendo figures decided to stay in Seattle, including Perrin Kaplan and George Harrison." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 11th,2007 by EZLO21 at 2:00 P.M.
Nintendo updated the VC and here is one of the Games: "Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone, 800 Wii Points)" you can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above.
Added on June 10th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: Rumor:RUMOR: Action Replay getting Pokemon Diamond/Pearl players banned from online? Holiday:Happy Father's Day Everyone!! News:New Super Mario Bros. sales in Japan
Go Nintendo has some New Super Mario Bros. Sales news and here is some of it: "It seems that absolutely nothing will stop the massive sales that New Super Mario Bros. is pulling in. Mario has managed to pull in 4.5 million units sold in Japan alone." All i can say for every Mario fan new or old is Wow NSMB is still going strong since it launch Japan.It seems Mario fans are still eating Mario and friends up.Any way you can read the rest of this from Go Nintendo above.
Happy Father's Day Everyone!! Be sure to tell your Dad that.Also to all of the New Dads out there like King Krazy Link of Zelda Gaming you should feel very happy today.
I know i normally take Sunday off. But i thought i would share a Rumor with every pokemon fan out their that i found from Go Nintendo and here is some of it: "If this rumor is true, than Nintendo is taking their Pokemon very seriously. Word has it that anyone using a specific set of Action Replay codes with Pokemon Diamond/Pearl will be banned from online play." I don't know about you pokemon fans out there.But even tho i don't like the series i don't agree that this should happen.If it does that is.Any way you can read the rest of this from Go Nintendo above.
Added on June 9th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:The Shields of Zelda News:NOA: Sixty Percent Won't Move VC News UK:UK VC Friday Round-up: Balloon Fight Floats In News:Nintendo Dominates Japan
IGN has some Nintendo Sales news and here is some of it: "Enterbrain (publisher of Famitsu) released its monthly sales data for May 2007 today, and the Nintendo fever that has struck Japan shows no signs of abating any time soon. Famitsu reported that the overall gaming market continued its forward momentum for the month, increasing more than 10% over the same period last year." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some VC news and here is some of it: "It's another low-profile week for European Virtual Console afficiandos today, with two new NES and one new Turbografx title winging their way onto the VC roster." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Kotaku has an update to the Rumor about NOA that we have heard for a while now and here is some of it: "Contrary to earlier reports, about 60 percent, not 90 percent, decided to quit the company rather than move.
Virtually all of the employees affected by the relocation plan have now responded with their decisions, and approximately four of every ten have agreed to make the move to either New York or the Bay Area, in keeping with our original expectations." So there you have it 60% not 90% of the company's sales and marketing staff is leaving.But we won't know who is or is not leaving for a while.You can read the rest of this from Kotaku above.
If you are new to Zelda since Twilight Princess then you may not know how much the Shield has changed since The Legend of Zelda for the NES so DS Fanboy can help you.You can see the different Zelda Shield looks from TLOZ to the coming soon Phantom Hourglass this Holiday Season.
Added on June 8th,2007 by EZLO21 at 1:30 A.M.
Added: News:Phantom Hourglass screens, demo info News:Nintendo Speaks out about Execs Exodus News:The Super Nintendo/PlayStation that never was News:Vicarious Visions Closing West Coast Studio News:Disney Gets "First Look" at Stan Lee Projects VC News AU:VC Friday AU
IGN has some VC news and here is some of it: "Another day, another dollar, as the old saying goes. Or perhaps more appropriately in this case, another Friday, another fistful of cash for Nintendo. Yes, a couple more titles have popped up on the Aussie VC service today - Adventures of Lolo (NES) and Balloon Fight (NES)." Any one who likes these games here in USA Go Mad.You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Disney news and here is some of it: "Walt Disney Studios and Stan Lee, famed comics creator of Spider-Man, have entered into a multiyear agreement in which Disney will receive a "first look" at Lee's upcoming projects. According to the Hollywood Reporter, the "first look" rights give Disney the first shot at developing the projects into all types of media, including videogames." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Vicarious Visions news and here is some of it: "Developer Vicarious Visions is closing its west coast studio, based in Mountain View, California, by the end of this month. Largely known for its handheld games, Vicarious most recently handled the Nintendo DS, PSP, Wii, and PlayStation 2 versions of Spider-Man 3." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Go Nintendo has some Super Nintendo/Playstation that never was news and here is some of it: "I still wonder what might have happened if Nintendo actually went ahead with Sony and put this out." Most everyone from the Nes/Snes Era know that Nintendo and Sony had this plainned at the time and that Nintendo backed out.You can read the rest of this from Go Nintendo above.
IGN has an update to what we all read from them or Go Nintendo last night and here is some of it: "Yesterday, sources close to IGN informed us that top-level North American Nintendo executives have refused to relocate to regional offices in either San Francisco or New York, as part of the company's shift of its sales and marketing deparment - but Nintendo UK has said the information is still only speculation." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Go Nintendo has some Phantom Hourglass News and here is some of it: "The lucky Japanese will be getting a demo of Phantom Hourglass very soon. A downloadable demo will be hitting the streets on the 14th. Its going to be a very long wait for us!" You can read the rest of this and see Screenshots from Go Nintendo Above.
Added on June 7th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:Harrison, Kaplan, Llewelyn Leaving Nintendo News:Former Human Head Forms Big Rooster
IGN has some Big Rooster news and here is some of it: "Early this year Timothy Gerritsen, former CEO of Prey developer Human Head, announced he was leaving the studio over differences in the company's direction. At the time it was unknown where Gerritsen would go next, but now we've learned he is starting a new studio in Madison, Wisconsin, called Big Rooster." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some NOA news and here is some of it: "Last month IGN learned Nintendo of America (NOA) is moving its sales and marketing departments to New York and San Francisco. Employees were apparently given an ultimatum to either make the move or accept a severance package. Today sources close to IGN tell us that several key executives within the company have opted for the latter option." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 6th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:Nintendo hosts Wii Father's Day challenge News:The Big E3 List: 2007 Edition
IGN has some E3 news and here is some of it: "The 2007 Electronic Entertainment Expo has been rebuilt from the ground up and IGN will be in Santa Monica July 11-13 to cover the brand new "invitation-only" event. In fact we're so excited that we're kicking that coverage off now. Here's the list of every publisher in attendance at the show and the titles that have been "officially" confirmed to be showing so far. Read it. Digest it. Go crazy, but don't attack us if your favorite game isn't below. See, E3 is the home for videogame surprises and no company is going to let us know everything ahead of time. That means that our list will by no means be complete until the show starts. Even so, in the weeks to come, this page will be updated on demand with additional titles." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Go Nintendo has some Nintendo World Store news and here is some of it: "WHAT: Nintendo celebrates the release of Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree with the Fathers Day Challenge at the Nintendo World store in Rockefeller Plaza. Dads and kids of all ages will team up for a bracket-style playoff to determine who will take home the honors. Teams will use the new multiplayer features and split-screen views as they weigh their brain against their competitors. The top two teams of the 20-team tournament will face off for the title of Biggest Brain." You can read the rest of this from Go Nintendo above.
Added on June 5th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:Radio Allergy Shot Down on 'Cube News:Brash Secures Cash
IGN has some Brash Entertainment news and here is some of it: "Today Brash Entertainment announced it is here to create videogames based on event movies, TV shows, and platinum-selling music artists. Licensed properties is the name of Brash's game, and the company has raised $400 million to extend blockbuster franchises into the videogame world." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some O3 Entertainment news and here is some of it: "Publisher O3 Entertainment has officially announced that the much-delayed GameCube shoot-'em-up Radio Allergy has been cancelled in North America - but could find a new home on Wii as part of a compilation of shooters." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Added on June 4th,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: VC News USA:Wiikly update
Adventure of Link was Added to the Virtual Console today at 9:00 AM PST.We will see what other games are added later today at the same time.Edit: Nintendo also added Milon's Secret Castle® (NES®, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone - Comic Mischief, 500 Wii Points). Also ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone - Comic Mischief, 800 Wii Points) was added.
Added on June 3rd,2007 by EZLO21 at 1:00 A.M.
Added: Rest:I am going to rest today
Yeah i am going to rest today.So more tomorrow until then Zelda Dreams and Tetra wishes to all and to all a good night.
Added on June 2nd,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: Rumor:More talk of Mario Kart Wii VC News UK:UK VC Friday Round-Up: Karma Chameleon News:Third Parties to beat Nintendo on Wii? News:Scarface: The World is Yours Wii Movies
IGN has some Vivendi Universal news and here is some of it: "Nobody can say that Wii doesn't get "mature" titles -- games classified by the amount of violence and profanity they include. EA and Midway have already shipped the M-rated Godfather: Blackhand Edition and Mortal Kombat: Armageddon for the system respectively and later this month Vivendi Universal will debut a much-improved build of Scarface: The World is Yours for Wii. Outside of Manhunt 2, which explodes onto the little white box on July 10, Scarface is one of the most violent and profane titles we've yet experienced on any console. It also happens to be fun." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Activision news and here is some of it: "Activision CEO Robert Kotick has said that third-party publishers can perform well on Wii - particularly compared to GameCube - and that the company is "reinvesting" in Nintendo consoles for the future." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Virtual Console news for you UK gamers out there and here is some of it: "Another week and another batch of retro titles have been splurged onto Virtual Console ready for download. We don't know about you, but our channels are quickly filling up." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
Go Nintendo has a Mario Kart Wii Rumor and here is some of it: "Over the weekend we posted a rumor about Mario Kart Wii among many other first party Wii titles. Now some more talk comes in about Mario Kart, but this time from someone tied to Nintendo. Patrick Nagel, marketing manager for Nintendo of Germany said that hes seen all the internet chatter concerning Mario Kart Wii." You can read the rest of this from Go Nintendo above.
Added on June 1st,2007 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:EU Big Brain Academy Opens in July News:New York Assembly Restricts Game Sales News:Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution News:WII HITS YET ANOTHER MAJOR MILESTONE: 100TH CLASSIC GAME ADDED TO VIRTUAL CONSOLE
Nintendo's Press Room has some Virtual Console News and here is some of it: "Gamers Worldwide Already Have Downloaded More Than 4.7 Million Retro Games, at a Rate of 1,000 an Hour
REDMOND, Wash., June 1, 2007 Nintendo is giving video game fans a way to access their favorite classic games, all without leaving the comfort of their homes. And gamers have responded en masse as the library of downloadable game classics continues to grow. The upcoming addition of Zelda II The Adventure of Link® on June 4 marks the 100th classic game available on the Wii Shop Channel. And since going online Nov. 19, owners of Nintendo's hot Wii video game system have downloaded more than 4.7 million classic games from Wii's Virtual Console, a rate of more than 1,000 games every hour since launch. The top five classic game downloads globally to date, and their original system are:
1) Super Mario Bros.® (NES®) 2) Super Mario 64® (N64®) 3) Mario Kart 64 (N64®) 4) Super Mario World® (SNES®) 5) The Legend of Zelda® (NES®)"
All i can say is Wow Monday Adventure of Link will be the 100th VC game added to the VC.You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above.
IGN has some Naruto news and here is some of it: "Videogame websites and print magazines have for months been publishing details and screenshots for Naruto: Shippuden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX, which many believed would be directly ported to the North American audience as the tentatively titled Naruto: Clash of Ninja MVZ. As it turns out, that's not exactly true. This time around, American audiences will be receiving a tailor-made exclusive take on the Naruto franchise. The game is officially called Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution and we're here to fill fighting fans in on what to expect." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Game Sales news and here is some of it: "In yet another bid to restrict the purchase of M-rated games by minors, New York assemblyman, Joseph Lentol, has gotten a new piece of legislation past the New York Assembly, reported GameDaily BIZ today. The newly-passed bill will make it a felony to sell M-rated videogames to minors. Transgression of this law could result in 1-4 years of jail-time." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.
IGN has some Big Brain Academy news and here is some of it: "Good news for all you thickos out there (if you can read this, of course) - Nintendo has announced that Big Brain Academy is heading to European Wii systems on July 20. Of course, the more intelligent among you will know that it's the follow-up to the IQ-improving title already available on Nintendo DS, but with added Wiimote-specific mini-games designed to test your grey matter to the maximum." You can read the rest of this from IGN above.