Added on June 28th,2005 by EZLO21 at 4:37 A.M.
I added a Donkey Kong King Of Swing section there is not much on this game yet but i will link you to some pictures and a video of it at Nintendo's website so check that out til i get more news on it.Also i cleaned up my topsite list of alot of inactive members so if you were deleted then that is why and it either had the no button or you did not copy it the right way when you got it.Also it will have New buttons on it too.
Added on June 27th,2005 by EZLO21 at 2:20 A.M.
I added the Nes Versions of Mario is missing and Mario's time machine so check them out.I also added Wario's Woods and Yoshi the game and Yoshi's Cookie so check these out too.Also sorry if i have not updated everyday that is because there is not any news on any of the new games or systems that Nintendo are making as we speak other then what we already know.
Added on June 25th,2005 By EZLO21 at 12:20 A.M.
Since there is not much Video game news at the moment let's talk about thing that will soon be here and for those of you who know what i am about to say go ahead and say Yay it is almost time for yet another year of Camp Hyrule so to get you new Campers ready for what you will be seeing go to the section i will soon be adding and that new section is call Camp Hyrule so check it out after i add it.Also for the winners of last year's camp hyrule if you have not got your prizes yet there is still time so go and get them.
Added on June 24th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:40 p.m.
I am sorry that i have not added anything new yet but i have not heard about any thing new that you don't already know about so you know.
Added on June 22nd,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:28 a.m.
I am sorry that i did not update last night but i have a good update for today and it will Yoshi Topsy-Turvy for the GBA so after i add it check it out.
Added on June 20th,2005 by EZLO21 at 5:01 p.m.
I will be adding even more to this site so you all know so have fun and thanks for visiting if other sites don't think you because if it is not for you the fans every site you see would not have any hits.
Added on June 19th,2005 by EZLO21 at 11:30 p.m.
Happy Father's Day to every dad out there in the world even if your dad in places like Japan or any where that has a dad.I added a Mario In Japan section to this site so check it out.I also added a Japan releases section too so check it out.I just also added and updated an OLD Affiliates section too so if you have a site in this list then it is because it either did not update anymore or it was closed when i tried to check up on it.If you want it back on the affiliates list E-mail me or im me at EZLO21 aol/aim or yim at zeldamqgc and tell me and i will put your site back up asap.I updated the About Us section so check it out.I just updated a few sections like the mario kart section the New Super Mario Bros section and added an a logo for the Twilight Princess section.I updated the Revolution section it has the list of all 221 games that you will be able to download it.There maybe more after the Revolution comes out.Also these have not been confirmed as of yet but i hope they are.More later today til then Zelda dreams and tetra wishes to all and to all a good night.
Added on June 18th,2005 by EZLO21 at 7:09 p.m.
I added a Men Of Mario section so check it out.
Added on June 17th,2005 by EZLO21 at 11:28 p.m.
I added the Donkey Kong section for the nes game Donkey Kong so you won't have to ask.Donkey Kong week is almost over just a day left of it i started it on sunday so you know.I Just added a History Of Mario section so check it out.
Added on June 16th,2005 by EZLO21 1:51 a.m.
We have a new affiliate and got rid of one.Please welcome FFOG to the list and say bye to Zelda studios the owner who owned it changed it to FFOG also known as fighting for our games FFOG for short.I just readded the story i had from my old location so you know.
Added on June 15th,2005 by EZLO21 at 11:04 p.m.
I added a Donkey Kong 64 page this is apart of DK Week and Today this site is now 3 years old.SO we are starting our 4th year of helping you the Fans out. So what i want to do for my 4th year is bring you the Fans more content and news from Nintendo on your favorite game series like Donkey Kong Mario Star Fox Yoshi Zelda Super smash bros and much more so be ready for all of this and even more news on new future systems like the Revolution and the Game Boy Micro so be ready for these as well.I just finished the Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Donkey Konga and Donkey Konga 2 sections so check them out and have fun.also thanks for visiting this site when it was on geocities and here on www.zelda101.com when i moved it here last year.So thanks again and keep coming back for more.More tomorrow til then Zelda dreams and tetra wishes to all a good night.
Added on June 13th,2005 by EZLO21 at 10:39 p.m.
I just added the Donkey Kong Country 3 section so check it out.Donkey Kong week is all this week and in 2 days Zelda 101 will be 3 years old so be ready for these things.More tomorrow til then Zelda dreams and tetra wishes to all and to all a good night.
Added on June 12th,2005 by EZLO21 at 3:24 p.m.
I added a Donkey Kong Country section for those DK fans out there all this coming week and today is Donkey Kong week for you DK fans i will have Donkey Kong Country 2 Diddy's Kong Quest Donkey Kong Country 3 Dixie Kong's Double Trouble Donkey Kong 64 and the Donkey konga series for the GCN so stay tuned for all these games.We have a new affiliate please welcome Nintendo Ki the list of affiliates we have.
Added on June 11th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:50 p.m.
We have a new affiliate/hostee please welcome Ds Arena to the list they are new and don't have much yet but they will so be ready.
Added on June 10th,2005 by EZLO21 at 5:47 p.m.
In just 5 days Zelda 101 will be 3 years old and i am going to add some stuff that will make it look great like i have been new content and much more.I just added a yoshi's touch and go section with codes in it so check it out.
Added on June 9th,2005 by EZLO21 at 5:00 p.m.
We have a new affiliate to add to the list and they are Hyrule Castle Town so check them out.I also got rid of the underlines under the links now i think it looks better.
Added on June 7th,2005 by EZLO21 at 4:40 p.m.
I am going to add a new section it will be for mario kart ds section added so check it out.I found a list of games that will be downloadable for the Revolution when the system comes out so check out the list on the Revolution section.
Added on June 6th,2005 by EZLO21 at 10:00 p.m.
I added another tracker it is the one i started using when i was on geocities and i brought it back again it is the eXTReme tracker from eXTReme tracking.I just redid the Lands of hyrule and the Races of hyrule as well so check them out.I redid more game pages and they are the Wario Land 2 3 and 4 pages so check them out.I only have a few pages left to readd and i will try to finish readding them today also.Well i just finished readding everything from my new layout folder and you can now see everything.I just noticed that the majora's mask section had nothing in it so now it is finished.
Added on June 5th,2005 by EZLO21 at 10:00 p.m.
I readded the Wario land section and the music section so you know so check them out.
Added on June 4,2005 by EZLO21 at 5:30 p.m.
I redid the Super Smash bros and Super smash bros. melee pages so check them out.
Added on June 3rd,2005 by EZLO21 at 2:00 a.m.
I am redoing my forums today so come and check them out.
Added on June 1st,2005 by EZLO21 at 11:32 p.m.
I updated Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess section with a link that you may want to check out asap.I will be readding the other old sections for the next few days or so til we get more news on the new games coming for the GBA GCN and the DS.When we get more news on the upcoming home console for Nintendo the Nintendo Revolution we will bring you that as well.I just readded the sonic 3 section so check it out.