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Japanese Words

Here is some words and if you want to speak japanese with Shigeru Miyamoto then here are some starter words for you.P.S. If you don't have a Japanese font on your pc you may not be able to read the Japanese words.If not then they will appear as the English word like on the left.A good place to get a Japanese font is DaFont

A - A
An - An - As - As - Bros. - Bros. - Donkey - Donkey - E3 - E3 - Game - Game - Had - Had - Has - Has - Have - Have - Hey - Hey - Hourglass - Hourglass - I - I - Just - Just - Kart - Kart - Kong - Kong - Legend - Legend - Mario - Mario - Nintendo - Nintendo - Of - Of - Phantom - Phantom - Princess - Princess - Revolution - Revolution - Sega - Sega - Smash - Smash - Sonic - Sonic - Super - Super - The - The - Twilight - Twilight - Zelda - Zelda

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