Added on January 31st,2009 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: Eotm Recommanded VC Games Part 2: Genesis VC and N64 VC Games ESRB News:Sonic Chaos coming to the Wii's Virtual Console News:Nintendo Customer Service is Like Snickers: It Satisfies My to do list for Feb 09:Add more Gaming Sections, remove the Snowfall affect until next winter, and Me and the owner of Nintendo Cosmos may do a Wii Speak Postcast type thing Topsite:Zelda 101 Topsites version 5.2.0
If you are a new Webmaster or Webmistress of a new Nintendo based website or Forum and want to promote it you can join the Zelda 101 Topsites List.It is a Top 20 list.Also you will have to wait before i approve your site to get the Code because it will get E-mailed to you or you can get the Link Code when you login to your Topsite Member Account.place the Button where people can find it.Yes you can add a resize tag if the Button is bigger then your site's section too.The button size is only 100 x 50 for those who want to know.Also for Security reasons you will have to know the answer to my Security Question.If you need the Answer feel free to e-mail me.I am doing this to keep Spammers and Bots away from my Topsite list.
I plan to add more Virtual Console Game sections, a Mario and Luigi RPG 2 and 3 section for those systems as well as remove the Snowfall affect until next year.I will keep you all posted about this next idea but we may do a Wii Speak Post Cast type of thing.I also plan to add other things and try to promote this site some more too.If you like this site and your Friends or family are Nintendo only fans then feel free to tell them about us too.This Revamped layout is more about improving the Content and text errors before we improve upon the Graphics and that stuff.
Kombo Wii has some Nintendo Customer Service news and It's a rare instance when Nintendo fails to satisfy with their customer service. In contrast, since the launch of their Club Nintendo site, many users have had difficulties with logging in, getting surveys to fill out for coins, and other peculiarities. But here is some of what Jay Leininger got to his response from Nintendo's Customer Service: "Hello,
I'm not sure why the surveys associated with your game is not appearing in your To-Do list, but we'll research the problem and resolve it. Please keep an eye out for the surveys in the future. Also, since you've had trouble with your surveys, we'll add some bonus coins to your account when the issue is resolved." He even got some Bonus Coins for his trouble as you will see when you read the rest of this from Kombo Wii above.
According to the ESRB Sonic Chaos is coming to the Virtual Console.I have this game on my Game Gear.But since i can't play it on my Game Gear any more i may have to get it later.
This list is not going to be as big so here it goes:
Next up is the N64 VC Games and here is where i will add a bit more then the Genesis VC Games.
F-Zero X, Mario Golf, Mario Kart 64, Paper Mario, Ocarina of Time, Star Fox 64, Super Mario 64, Super Smash Bros if you have a Japanese Wii, and Wave Race 64.If you like Yoshi games then Yoshi's Story for those who like like Yoshi's games no matter what.
I will start with the Genesis first.
Boogerman, Earthworm Jim,Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and Sonic the Hedgehog 3.I would have more but these are just the games that most people would get that would last them for a while.I maybe missing some but like i said these are games that most would also recommand for any new VC Gamer.
Added on January 30th,2009 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: Eotm Recommanded VC Games part 1:NES VC and SNES VC Games New:Mario Golf VC Section
I have added the Mario Golf VC Section.It has a Codes section too.
I am going to do this every Month but i am going to start by catching up on Games that have come out sooner from 2006 up until now.First up Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Nintendo Entertainment System VC Games: Yes these will be in ABC Order too.
Next up our Super Nintendo Entertainment System VC Games:
A Link to the Past, Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 2, Donkey Kong Country 3, F-Zero, Kirby's Dreamland 3, Super Mario World, Street Fighter 2 Turbo Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter 2 The New Challengers, Super Mario RPG, and Super Metroid.
Adventure of Link, Bubble Bobble, Balloon Fight, Castlevania, Castlevania 2, Castlevania 3, Donkey Kong, Excite Bike, Ice Climber, Kid Icarus, Kirby's Adventure, Legend of Zelda, Mario Bros, Mega Man, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Metriod, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 3, and the original TMNT if you like the series and have never played the first one.This concludes the NES VC Games that most people would like and want.
Added on January 29th,2009 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: Cleanup:Move Past Updates for January 2009 to the Past Updates section Coming:Yoshi's Story Section Update:Yoshi's Story Section Added News:NINTENDO REPORTS THIRD QUARTER FINANCIALS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009 News:Leipzig Games Convention cancelled
Go Nintendo has some bad news about LGC and here it is: "Well, that was over quickly! The very successful Leipzig Games Convention is now just a memory. As we reported a number of months ago, the people behind the LGC were battling it out with GamesConmevent, another trade show that was doing its best to squash the LGC. Now that day has come, and LGC is no more. The team that was behind the LGC are starting a new event called Games Convention Online, but its focus will be mobile and client-based games." You can read more from the IGN link they have up on their Website above.
Nintendo has released more Sales news and here is some of it: "Despite nearly unprecedented strength of the yen against major foreign currencies, Nintendo Co., Ltd. on Thursday (Japan time) reported 9-month (April to December 2008) global sales of 1,536 billion yen, an increase of nearly 17% over the same period in 2007, along with 501 billion yen of operating profits, up 27% from a year ago. This marks the fourth consecutive year that Nintendo Co., Ltd. has exceeded the previous results for the same nine month period. At the same time, recurring and net profits for the same nine month periods each declined about 18% due to 174 billion yen of foreign currency reevaluation losses from assets held in currencies other than Japanese yen (such as bank deposits without forward exchange contracts).
For the full fiscal year ending March 31, 2009, the company revised its unit sales forecast for the portable Nintendo DS system upward by 3% to 31.5 million globally, while the DS software forecast was lowered by 7% to 193 million. For the Wii system, with softness in the Japanese consumer market, full year global unit sales estimates for both hardware and software were revised downward by 3%, to 26.5 million systems and 193 million games, respectively, in spite of the overall robust sales outside Japan." You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above.
I added the Yoshi's Story Section to the N64 VC Section.I have finished it for now by adding a Codes Section for the Game too.
I am going to add some more Virtual Console Game sections and one of those is a Yoshi's Story Section.It will have a Codes Section too.
I have cleaned the Index up of past updates from January 1st to January 26th to the Past Updates for January 2009 section.
Added on January 28th,2009 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: News:Mario and Luigi 3 - new trailer, commercials WiiWare Game News:Cave Story WiiWare blog update - game is closed to finished PSA:Sexual predators flocking to game sites Rumor:RUMOR - A Boy and his Blob coming to Wii? (Majesco upcoming Wii/DS lineup) New Nintendo Site up:Mario and Luigi RPG 3 Japanese Website up
Yeah Nintendo of Japan has the Japanese Mario and Luigi RPG 3 Website up and you can check it out by clicking on the link above.
Go Nintendo has a Boy and his Blob Rumor and here is some of it: "Concluding our visit with Majesco, we learned of a certain rumor regarding a certain boy and a certain gelatin-like creature. It involved a new 2D adventure that could possibly take place on Wii. Its all rumors and speculation, but were hoping to eat a lot of jellybeans in the near future." You can read the rest of this from Go Nintendo above.
I have a bit of a PSA announcement that needs to be shared here and here is some of it: "I am posting this as a bit of a public service announcement. According to the Tokyo police, the amount of sexual predators attacking girls via gaming/social websites doubled in 2008. While thats the case for the other side of the world, you can be sure that the same thing is going on here." So if you feel like you are unsafe around Gaming sites like here or places like Go Nintendo then speak up to us so we can check out the problem.I try to keep this website as Kid/Teen friendly as possible and that also means making sure everyone feels safe visiting any of the Websites we are affiliated with or link to through News Stories related to Nintendo Games.So you can always feel save when you visit Gaming sites that try and keep you safe.Never give out personal information, and dont get into any situations that you even feel slightly uneasy about.You can read the rest of this from Go Nintendo above.
Go Nintendo has some Cave Story news and here is some of it: "If youve read Tyrones post, you probably have figured out that the game is almost completely ported and getting close to done." You can read the rest of this from Go Nintendo above.
Go Nintendo has a new Mario and Luigi RPG 3 Trailer and Commercial and you can see it at Go Nintendo above.
Added on January 27th,2009 by EZLO21 at 4:00 P.M.
Added: GDC 09 Pre News:Nintendo President Iwata To Keynote GDC 2009 News:Tetris Online, Inc. Announces Second Tournament with Tetris® Party for WiiWare Video Game Movie News:The Wizard coming on HBOFE Wednesday
If you are able to get the Movie Channel HBOFE on Channel 503 for Charter Customers or whatever channel it maybe else where The Wizard will be coming on at 4:45 PM until 6:30 PM EST or Sooner or later depending upon your time listings.It has Super Mario Bros. 3 in it.I won't spoil it.But if you have never saw it and wanted to watch it a long time ago now's your chance.I only know that it is coming on in USA as for else where check your TV Listings.
Go Nintendo has some Tetris Company news and here is some of it: "WHAT: Tetris® Party Tournament No. 2 for WiiWareTM. In this exciting 15-day tournament, players in groups of two can compete playing the Co-op mode to win 1200 Wii Points.
HOW: Tournament No. 2 will feature one of Tetris Partys most popular variantsCo-op Tetriswhich requires two players to cooperatively play to achieve a high score.
To register, one player from the team must visit www.tetrisparty.com/tournament. This is also where he or she will input their confirmation code, which will be given by the game at the conclusion of the 15-day tournament period. The teams final rank in Co-op Tetris will determine the amount of tournament points they receive." You can read the rest of this from Go Nintendo above.
The Game Developers Conference Website has some Keynote News and here is some of it: "Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo Co., Ltd. will deliver a keynote address at the 2009 Game Developers Conference, kicking off the main conferences schedule of lectures, panel discussions and roundtables.
The address, Discovering New Development Opportunities, marks Iwatas first return to the GDC keynote stage since 2006. The Game Developers Conference takes place March 23-27 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco." You can read more of this from the Game Developers Conference website above.
Added on January 26th,2009 by EZLO21 at 4:00 P.M.
Added: Wii Shop News:WII-KLY UPDATE: ONE WIIWARE GAME AND ONE VIRTUAL CONSOLE GAME ADDED TO WII SHOP CHANNEL Recommanded VC Games:Recommanded VC Games from late August 2008 to the end of January 2009
I am going to list for you all a list of VC Games I Recommand from late August 2008 to January 2009:
Mega Man 08/18/08 Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars 09/01/08 - 250th VC Game Mega Man 2 09/15/08 Mario Golf 10/06/08 if you liked the game. Secret of Mana 10/13/08 one of the highest recommanded VC Games on this forum alone. Earthworm Jim 10/27/08 another highly recommanded VC Game on here. Mega Man 3 11/10/08 SPACE INVADERS: The Original Game 11/17/08 reccommanded if you are a fan of shooters. Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure 11/24/08 if you like games from Interplay then this is a game for you. Phantasy Star IV 12/22/08 no need to explain this one. Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II 12/29/08 another one of those that most people like. Kirby's Dream Land 3 01/05/09 one of those that is recommanded if you like Kirby games no matter what. Castlevania® III: Dracula's Curse 01/12/09 the last of the NES Castlevania games and the most asked/waited for besides Super Smash Bros. by most Forum members of this VC Board that i could tell. MUSHA 01/19/09 Another one of those that you have to be a big shooter fan to like.
I hope this list helps you to decide what to get while you wait for the likes of Super Smash Bros. or whatever it maybe that we could get this year.
Nintendo has some Wii Shop News and here is some of it: "You'll find plenty of monsters in your midst this week, courtesy of the Wii Shop Channel. A brand new WiiWare game invites you to battle an army of deceptively cute creatures, while a classic Virtual Console release pits players against ferocious foes and fire-breathing dragons. Think you've got what it takes to defeat these outrageous beasts? Grab a Wii Remote controller and get busy.
Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:" You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above or in the Wii Shop.
Added on January 25th,2009 by EZLO21 at 8:30 P.M.
Added: Topsites Update:New Rank Buttons Topsite Update 2:Security Question
I have added a Topsites Security Question and you have to know your Mario History for this one to be able to join the Topsite list too.
I am adding making and helping make new Rank Buttons for my Topsite List.So if you join and don't see your Rank you will after that button has been made and added.
Added on January 23rd,2009 by EZLO21 at 2:30 A.M.
Added: Topsites Update:I am bringing the Topsites back to my server Topsite News:New Topsite Skin coming Soon
I am going to be testing a new Skin on the Topsite until it is ready so if you see the new skin while i test it then you'll see that i will be working on it.Edit: Well all that is left to do now is make new Ranking Buttons and then i'm done with the new theme.It is matching this website as close as i could get it.
If you were a member of my topsites when i had Ardvark Topsites PHP version 5.1.2 please rejoin on 5.2.0 i had to reinstall the list to fix the errors i had.The old theme and the new Topsites Button without a number rank on it will be back until i make new buttons to match the layout of this site.
Added on January 20thth,2009 by EZLO21 at 8:30 P.M.
Added: Topsite:Now back on a hosted Topsite service IGoogle Theme:Twilight Princess IGoogle Theme Ocarina of Time Sweatshirts:OOT Sweatshirts VC News JPニンテンドウオールスター!大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ came out today in Japan
Yeah Nintendo of Japan released ニンテンドウオールスター!大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ to Japanese Gamers today.So if you have a Japanese Wii you can now play SSB on your Wii.
If you want a Ocarina of Time Sweatshirt go to the OOT Sweatshirt link above.
If you are a IGoogle member and also like Twilight Princess you will like that I Google Twilight Princess Theme that i have linked you to by clicking the Twilight Princess IGoogle Theme name above.from a rating from 1 to 5 that theme is a 5.So if you are a IGoogle member and Twilight Princess it's a must use.
I am going have to go back to a hosted topsite list everyone.I am going back to ITopsites because i liked having an Ardvark Topsite list.So if you were a member at my old topsite and want to re join it will now be hosted by I Topsites.I would use a database like before but then in the long run my site may get hacked or something then we'd be back at the beginning again and i don't want that.So i am taking the safe way and getting a hosted list again.Also Ranks won't be on the Button either.I decided to leave ranks off and most of the changes are finished so all that is left is to make a new Banner to finish the Topsites VC Theme.
Added on January 19th,2009 by EZLO21 at 8:30 P.M.
Added: Wii Shop News:WII-KLY UPDATE: TWO WIIWARE GAMES AND ONE VIRTUAL CONSOLE GAME ADDED TO WII SHOP CHANNEL My Recommandation:No Recommandation for Virtual Console and WiiWare Games this week
If i recommand doing anything this week save your Points or get something you have held off on getting for a while.
Nintendo has some Wii Shop News and here is some of it: "Wii owners know all about the power of motion, and this week's additions to the Wii Shop Channel deliver some cool new reasons to keep on moving. Race, jump and skid in a high-powered hot rod. Slide, shoot and score in a glide hockey showdown. Soar, swoop and battle in a futuristic armored fighter. With fun, invigorating games like these, the only thing you won't be able to do is sit still.
Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:" You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above or in your Wii Shop.
Added on January 17th,2009 by EZLO21 at 8:30 P.M.
Added: Virtual Console Section Updates: 4 Super Nintendo VC Games and 1 Sega Ganesis Game
I added Secret of Mana, Street Fighter 2 Turbo Hyper Fighting, Street Fighter 2 World Warrior, and Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers to the Super Nintendo VC section.I added Street Fighter 2: Special Champion Edition to the Sega Genesis part of the VC section.If you want to know about these games then go to their sections to learn about them.
Added on January 16th,2009 by EZLO21 at 3:30 P.M.
Added: VC News JP:ニンテンドウオールスター!大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ coming to a Japanese Wii near you!!! Well Here you go Japanese gamers you are getting a huge VC Game next week.Any way you are getting ニンテンドウオールスター!大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ NEW 2009年1月20日 任天堂 1,200.For you USA people that is Super Smash Bros on January 20th,2009 for 1,200 Wii Points. Added on January 14th,2009 by EZLO21 at 8:30 P.M. Added: New Sections:3 New Neo Geo Game sections I added the Metal Slug 1 section, Metal Slug 2 section, and the Neo Turf Masters section to the Neo Geo Menu of the Virtual Console Page. Added on January 13th,2009 by EZLO21 at 6:00 P.M. Added: Wii Shop News:WII-KLY UPDATE: TWO WIIWARE GAMES AND ONE VIRTUAL CONSOLE GAME ADDED TO WII SHOP CHANNEL Nintendo has some Wii Shop News and here is some of it: "What's your weapon of choice? Is it a laser gun? Or maybe just a simple deck of cards? No matter what type of game gets you fired up, the latest additions to the Wii Shop Channel are sure to add something new and exciting to your arsenal. With fast-flying cards, tumbling pachinko balls and sinister vampires in your midst, you'll need every tool at your disposal. Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:" You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above or in the Wii Shop. Added on January 5th,2009 by EZLO21 at 11:30 A.M. Added: Wii Shop News:WII-KLY UPDATE: ONE WIIWARE GAME AND ONE VIRTUAL CONSOLE GAME ADDED TO WII SHOP CHANNEL Wii Shop Recommendation:My Wii Shop Recommendation Updated:Kirby's Dreamland 3 section I added more info to the Kirby's Dreamland 3 section.you can find it in the Super Nintendo part of the Virtual Console Menu. Out of the games released today i recommendation Kirby's DreamLand 3 for any Kirby Fan.If you want a new VC Game and don't want Sandy Beach i also reccommand Kirby's DreamLand 3 as well. Nintendo has some Wii Shop news and here is some of it: "A new year means even more new games at the Wii Shop Channel, starting with a pair of imaginative titles to kick off 2009 in style. Anyone who loves Kirby can keep the confetti flying to celebrate the release of the classic Kirby's Dream Land 3 for the Virtual Console. And if you're already desperate for a warm mid-winter getaway, check out Sandy Beach, a sand castle game on WiiWare that's loaded with sunny fun. Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:" You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above or in the Wii Shop Channel. Added on January 2nd,2009 by EZLO21 at 5:00 P.M. Added: New:Neo Geo Virtual Console section I added the 2 Art of Fighting Games and the Baseball Stars 2 section to the Neo Geo Menu.I will add 3 to 6 more to that section for a total of 6 to 9 more sections then i will add more Sega Master System Games as well.I will be doing that throughout this month. Added on January 1st,2009 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M. Added: New Year:Happy New Year Everyone!!! Happy New Year Everyone!!! I hope you will enjoy your New Year's Day.I know i will.I also plan to add more stuff to this site as well.Starting when i get up i will add 8 to 9 more Turbografx 16 VC Games to the TG 16 section, add more Sega Master System games to the Sega Master System section, and start a Neo Geo Section with 3 to 6 Neo Geo games as well.If a Game is coming Soon i will add a section for it as well.Like take Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo 64 Japan is getting it this month and i had a section for it already If it has not had an Information Revamp yet it will get that revamp and i will add a bit if Japanese info for it like a release date for it.Now you know my Site plans for the start of 2009.
Well Here you go Japanese gamers you are getting a huge VC Game next week.Any way you are getting ニンテンドウオールスター!大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ NEW 2009年1月20日 任天堂 1,200.For you USA people that is Super Smash Bros on January 20th,2009 for 1,200 Wii Points.
Added on January 14th,2009 by EZLO21 at 8:30 P.M.
Added: New Sections:3 New Neo Geo Game sections
I added the Metal Slug 1 section, Metal Slug 2 section, and the Neo Turf Masters section to the Neo Geo Menu of the Virtual Console Page.
Added on January 13th,2009 by EZLO21 at 6:00 P.M.
Nintendo has some Wii Shop News and here is some of it: "What's your weapon of choice? Is it a laser gun? Or maybe just a simple deck of cards? No matter what type of game gets you fired up, the latest additions to the Wii Shop Channel are sure to add something new and exciting to your arsenal. With fast-flying cards, tumbling pachinko balls and sinister vampires in your midst, you'll need every tool at your disposal.
Added on January 5th,2009 by EZLO21 at 11:30 A.M.
Added: Wii Shop News:WII-KLY UPDATE: ONE WIIWARE GAME AND ONE VIRTUAL CONSOLE GAME ADDED TO WII SHOP CHANNEL Wii Shop Recommendation:My Wii Shop Recommendation Updated:Kirby's Dreamland 3 section
I added more info to the Kirby's Dreamland 3 section.you can find it in the Super Nintendo part of the Virtual Console Menu.
Out of the games released today i recommendation Kirby's DreamLand 3 for any Kirby Fan.If you want a new VC Game and don't want Sandy Beach i also reccommand Kirby's DreamLand 3 as well.
Nintendo has some Wii Shop news and here is some of it: "A new year means even more new games at the Wii Shop Channel, starting with a pair of imaginative titles to kick off 2009 in style. Anyone who loves Kirby can keep the confetti flying to celebrate the release of the classic Kirby's Dream Land 3 for the Virtual Console. And if you're already desperate for a warm mid-winter getaway, check out Sandy Beach, a sand castle game on WiiWare that's loaded with sunny fun.
Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:" You can read the rest of this from Nintendo's Press Room above or in the Wii Shop Channel.
Added on January 2nd,2009 by EZLO21 at 5:00 P.M.
Added: New:Neo Geo Virtual Console section
I added the 2 Art of Fighting Games and the Baseball Stars 2 section to the Neo Geo Menu.I will add 3 to 6 more to that section for a total of 6 to 9 more sections then i will add more Sega Master System Games as well.I will be doing that throughout this month.
Added on January 1st,2009 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
Added: New Year:Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!! I hope you will enjoy your New Year's Day.I know i will.I also plan to add more stuff to this site as well.Starting when i get up i will add 8 to 9 more Turbografx 16 VC Games to the TG 16 section, add more Sega Master System games to the Sega Master System section, and start a Neo Geo Section with 3 to 6 Neo Geo games as well.If a Game is coming Soon i will add a section for it as well.Like take Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo 64 Japan is getting it this month and i had a section for it already If it has not had an Information Revamp yet it will get that revamp and i will add a bit if Japanese info for it like a release date for it.Now you know my Site plans for the start of 2009.