Twilight Princess to Have Revolution Functionality
Twilight Princess will have Revolution Functionality check out more on this from Revolution Report just above.This is earlier then normal cause i am tired and going to go to bed sooner so that on Christmas day my Brother won't come and wake me up.
Added on December 22nd,2005 by EZLO21 at 1:05 A.M.
Rest:I will rest today.
Yeah since there is nothing to report or find for you the fans i will rest today.Unless something big happens if it happens to late i will update around this time tomorrow.
Added on December 21st,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
News:The NES Reincarnated
News:New Revolution Games Announced
New Revolution games have been announced to read more about this click the link above for more from IGN about the new games.
If you liked the Nes and were 5 or older when it was released and those who have yet to see the first Nintendo system. Read this from IGN about The NES Reincarnated."For those of us that were actually alive back in the early '80s, there is no denying that the drab grey box that was the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) changed our lives.Though the Atari 2600 and its predecessors broke some ground, and then broke the industry, if you are a hardcore gamer between 20 and 30, the NES was the taste that got you hooked." To read the rest of this go to the link above.
Added on December 20th,2005 by EZLO21 at 1:06 A.M.
Rest:I will be resting again today.
Yeah i will be resting again today.But if something Big hapens then i will update about it.
Added on December 19th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:29 A.M.
Rest:I will be resting today.
Yeah I will be resting today.I will have another update tomorrow around this time or sooner.
Added on December 18th,2005 by EZLO21 at 1:05 A.M.
News:Mario Kart Revolution in the Works?
In the latest issue of Nintendo Power magazine (February 2006), Mario Kart producer Hideki Konno discussed his thoughts on the Nintendo Revolution and the future of the Mario Kart franchise.This was found at Revolution Report.When i get Nintendo Power Vol 200 i will have the whole interview for you even if it is long.
Added on December 17th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:08 A.M.
News:At The Core: Feature Premiere
Ign has a new thing called At The Core and this week is its Feature Premiere so check out more on this from IGN.It sounds cool so far.
Added on December 16th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:19 A.M.
News:Revolution Demo Tour Continues
Ign had this to say."Anyone keeping up with the news over the last few months is starting to see a trend develop. Nintendo has been taking their demo across the nation and putting it in the hands of VIP's for a first run-through. We here at IGN had a chance to send our VIP and resident Pretty-Boy Fran Maribella to the Tokyo Game Show earlier this year for a first hand look at the mystery behind the Revolution".You can read the rest of this above from IGN.
Added on December 15th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
News:Mega Man X Collection
New Forums Forums is a general discussion, including gaming, forum so check them out.
Release for Mega Man X Collection is set for January 10, 2006.To read more about this click above.
Added on December 14th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:01 A.M.
News:Now playing in Japan
The games on that link were released between 11/27 and 12/3 so check them out.
Added on December 13th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:10 A.M.
Update:Past updates section
New feature:Countdown timmer
Yeah i added a CountDown Timer so if any of us forget when christmas comes we will know.
I moved some of the past updates for December to there own section and added the past updates for December section to the past updates section.So if you missed an update it will be in the past updates section.
Added on December 12th,2005 by EZLO21 at 11:22 P.M.
Rest:i will be resting today like you seen.
Yeah i will be resting sorry that there was nothing new.
Added on December 11th,2005 by EZLO21 at 1:41 A.M.
testing:Version 11
If you saw Version 11 of this site that is cause i was testing it.but it won't stay but it will when i am finished with it.
Added on December 10th,2005 by EZLO21 at 8:15 P.M.
IGN Mailbag:N-Query
News:The Nintendo Minute: Vol. 21
News:Nintendo Holding Back Sony in November
Nintendo held off Sony in both handheld races in November so check out more on this from IGN.
IGN also have Nintendo Minute Vol 21 so check it out.
IGN has released another N-Query so check it out.
Added on December 9th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:00 A.M.
News:EA Wants a Revolution
News:Nintendo's Official Stance
NewsJim Merrick Comes Home
Yeah you read right Jim Merrick has come home read the full story from IGN above.
Online reports are shedding new light on the horsepower for Nintendo's next-generation console, codenamed Revolution, and gamers are reacting. Fans who write Nintendo of America about Revolution's power will receive the following official response: read more on this from IGN it sounds big.
EA Wants a Revolution read the full story from IGN.
Added on December 8th,2005 by EZLO21 at 5:53 P.M.
News:Revolution Controller: Touch It
IGN Mailbag:N-Query
IGN has another N-Query so check it out.
You can play with the Revolution Controller with your mouse click the link above to read more from IGN.Also if you don't want to go to IGN to try it check out the Revolution Controller page of this site to play around with it.
Added on December 7th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:46 A.M.
IGN Mailbag:N-Query
News:More Revolution Specs Uncovered
Yeah more Revolution Specs have been uncovered so check out more on this from the link above for more from IGN.
IGN has released its First Revolution N-Query so check it out by clicking the link above.
Added on December 6th,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:55 A.M.
News:IGN's Revolution Channel Launches
News:Revolution Launch
News:Revolution Tech Details Emerge
News:Atari Founder Lauds Revolution Controller
News:Ubisoft Readies Shooter
News:Letter from the Editor
Monday, December 5, 2005 will always be a very important day for me. Not because it's an afternoon closer to Christmas vacation, although that certainly doesn't hurt, but because it marks the end of the constant e-mail asking -- no, demanding -- that we launch a channel for Nintendo's next-generation console. I've got to tell you, there have frankly been some convincing reasons for us not to do this. After all, we can't very well launch and maintain a site for a platform with no shown games, no in-depth technical specs, and for that matter, no official name. But I guess it's a testament to your persistence because here we are with a live site, a lovely new graphic header, and even some actual news. Who'd of thunk it?
Sources close to Nintendo have revealed to us that publishing giant Ubisoft is hard at work on a Revolution-bound first-person shooter. The title, still unnamed, will make use of the console's unique controller for a level of aiming precision unavailable in traditional console shooters.
Atari founder Nolan Bushnell has praised Nintendo's controller design for its upcoming Revolution next-generation gaming console while claiming that the complexity of current controllers are "scaring away gamers." check out the rest of this from the link above.
Revolution Tech Details Emerge go to the link from IGN for more on this.
Asking a Nintendo executive for Revolution's official launch date will always yield exactly the same response, which is, simply, "2006." In the past, the Big N's president, Satoru Iwata, explained that the company could not afford to launch after Sony, whose PlayStation 3 could hit retail shelves in Japan as early as March 2006 by some reports. But late last year Nintendo seemed to collectively enable the possibility that Revolution could be last to debut, with execs instead saying that the machine was being positioned to a different market.You can read the full story by clicking the link above for more from IGN.
IGN's Revolution Channel Launches so check it out by clicking the link above.
Added on December 5th,2005 by EZLO21 at 8:25 A.M.
sales News:Poor GameCube sales zap Nintendo
Updated:Future Releases
Change:I changed my bed time.
If you have not noticed i changed my bed time from 12:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. so on days when i am not so tired i will update at 12:00 A.M. so you know.I have just been so tired and that is why i changed my bed time so have fun and enjoy your stay.
It has been a while since I updated the future releases so i updated it with the release date for Super Princess Peach and Final Fantasy IV so check them out.
Nintendo said last month that it believed GameCube's life was nearing an end, while margins have been hurt by hefty development costs for Revolution.You can read the full story by clicking the link above for more on this.
Added on December 4th,2005 by EZLO21 at 11:09 A.M.
Updated:Shadow the Hedgehog Section
Yeah we now have the Action Replay Codes for Shadow the Hedgehog so check them out.
Added on December 3rd,2005 by EZLO21 at 10:40 A.M.
News:Revolution's Big Secret
Screenshots:Sonic Riders Screenshots
Updated:Mario Icons
News:Sakurai Elaborates on Smash Bros. Revolution
I saved the best for last so here it is.Following up on early revelations of his involvement with the project, independent developer Masahiro Sakurai has shared more comments with Japan's Weekly Famitsu on the status of Smash Bros. Revolution. As revealed to the magazine in mid November, Sakurai is directing the game, reprising his role from previous Smash Bros. titles.To read more on this go to the link above.
I added 5 new Mario related Icons 1 for Mario tennis power tour and 4 DR.Mario and puzzle league Icons so check them out.
Ign has more Sonic Riders Screenshots so check them out.
Nintendo bigwigs including Shigeru Miyamoto spoke at Japan's Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference today and while no specifics on games or hardware were revealed, some intriguing Revolution gossip was spun all the same, according to the website
Added on December 2nd,2005 by EZLO21 at 1:59 A.M.
Updated:Mario and Luigi Partners In Time section
Updated:Mario Kart DS codes
Updated:Shadow the Hedgehog
Yeah i updated the Shadow the hedgehog section with all the latest codes.
Yeah i updated the Mario Kart DS Codes section so check out the new codes.
Yeah i added a Mario and Luigi Partners In Time codes section but it only has 1 code right now.
Added on December 1st,2005 by EZLO21 at 12:21 A.M.
Gotm:November Game of the month
Updated:Past updates for November 2005
I moved the past updates for November to the Past updates part so if you missed an update go to the past updates section to read them.
IGN has released another N-Query so check it out.
You will be suprised at November's Game of the month. If you only like fps's or Action/Adventure type games.November's Game of the month is King Kong for GCN go to the link above to read more about it from IGN.