= | =========== 4 | WALKTHROUGH = | =========== -- | ---------- 4a | Rice Beach -- | ---------- COURSE No. 01 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Like most first stages, this one will get you accustomed to the fundamentals of the game, first of all dispatching of your enemies and using your charge move to your advantage. Pick up the small walking turd at the beginning and take it over to the next one, throwing yours at him to kill them both. (Subsequent items will allow you to do away with them without finding another one.) There is also a block on the ground that you can coax a heart out of by charging (hold B). Next up are two rows of blocks situated just above the ground; when you walk into them, Wario will automatically duck and creep under them. One of the middle blocks contains what can only be described as a garlic clove. This power-up will give Wario's hardhat a set of horns like a bull's. When you charge into enemies with the bull hat, they'll be shot off into the stratosphere, and they'll leave a coin to boot. Head past the ladder surrounded by barrels to the right - it's faster that way. The level also gives you a chance to exhibit Wario's ability to shatter blocks with his butt. Find the ladder that's situated below a 3x2 array of soft bricks and hold Down when you jump. You'll be in the area below, with a block containing a heart to your left. This detour will set you back a little bit, but will familiarize you with the butt-pound well enough. Also, you can only use this move as Bull Wario. Continue to the end of the stage; if you go down a ladder and see a pit full of piranha plants, note that you can't cross it NOW, but you will be able to LATER. At the end of the level, you'll see a mole in a bandanna standing near what you'll soon come to identify as the level exit. An inscription on the wall reads [up arrow]+B. As you will see, the mole will summon a larger coin and throw it to the torch. One of these large coins equals 10 of the small ones you collected throughout the level. He'll open the exit for you this time, but it's on your shoulders to do it for the rest of the game. Practice if you like by holding Up and pressing B to create a big coin, then throw it with B. (Move over to it to recover the coinage lost in making it.) You can also play one of two bonus games as well: > A game of chance in which you pull the string on one of two buckets to see if a bag of money or an anvil falls on your head. The anvil will cut your earnings in half, the bag of money will double them. All coins earned in stages and bonuses go toward your final treasure count at the end of the game. > A game wherein you throw bombs at enemies for hearts. 100 hearts results in a 1-up. However, this game's net profit isn't worth the time it takes to learn how hard to throw the bombs and when to toss them, so you're better off putting back money in the coin game. COURSE No. 02 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Grab the bull hat power-up and stay along the high road until you come to a door leading to a new area. You'll get a sort of cloud object out of the block inside that turns Wario's hat into a dragon that can breathe a stream of fire if you press B. You'll notice it has limited range in the water, but can still be used well. A power-up at the end of the line will return you to bull hat form, which works well for the rest of the level. If you wish, invest ten coins in the skull post to the right. It's a checkpoint, and as per the usual you'll begin there if you die. Charge your way out of the blocks surrounding the other door and head right. There are a couple more power-ups and hearts on your way to the exit, including the dragon hat. Grab it and toast the pirate duck that can use his sword as a boomerang. You know what to do now with regards to the exit; make a large coin and throw it at the door to get it to open up, then play the bonus game of your choice (if any). COURSE No. 03 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You'll notice that this stage carries a different sort of dot on the map than the other two you've played thus far: it has a circle within its circle, indicating that there is a secret exit you can take which will lead to a hidden level. You can't access it yet, however, because of the ever-present quicksand that's there right now. Head over to the small narrow quicksand pits and fall down the one that dips to the bottom of the screen. A door is hidden below. Inside, don't worry about the bull hat - you can get through the blocks much more effectively with the fire that spews forth from the dragon's head. After exiting the other end, go down the very next quicksand hole you see to go to another underground area. Grab the bull hat in the surprise block and get through this sinking tunnel faster by attaching yourself to the ceiling. (Hold Up on the D-pad to stick to the roof, and Down to come off it.) You'll come out of the quicksand nightmare right smack dab at the end of the stage. You'll have to swim through waterfalls full of it to get to the exit, and you might even notice that there's something more beyond it. Oh, there is .... and it's a mystery indeed .... one that will be solved about halfway through Mt. Teapot. For now however, don't worry yourself about it and head on to Course No. 04. COURSE No. 04 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Your first course of action should be to escape from the relentless spiked Thwompish creature at the beginning of the level. A bull or dragon hat will help you get through this faster than if you just have the standard hardhat. However, your plans to make a quick getaway are soon hampered by the fact that Wario can't cross lava alone. Use the thankfully spikeless top of the Thwomp's head to cross the magma lake. The biggest threat here are pointy- tailed bats that swoop down to hit you, but even they're not that bad, and if you're smallified by any of them, there's a bull hat power-up for you lest you decide to take the high route. After the volcanic ocean, there's a bit more charging before you reach a room that's free of urgent danger. Throw the enemies with spears under the Thwomp, and when he crushes them with the impact of a thousand anvils, you'll get a 10-coin out of the deal instead of a normal one. The exit is already open for you. COURSE No. 05 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Use the same method of planting small foes under Thwomps to get more buck for your bang. You'll then come to a room with some glittering (but lethal) creatures creeping along the walls. Wait for two to pass by, then crawl under the thin ledge when they are behind you. Redeem 10 coins at the checkpoint if you find it necessary. Several half-broken blocks and armored penguins inhabit the next chamber, the latter of which require two good charges from behind to kill. Break blocks with your powerful charge until you find a door behind some of them. Enter to discover a white exclamation block. Hitting it will not only turn it black, but will alter the landscape outside, allowing you to move to the right past the once-encased blocks with hearts in them. The door will lead to the boss of Rice Beach. ============================================================================= B O S S : S P I K E D T U R T L E ============================================================================= The spiked turtle is a mean character indeed, what with having spikes all over himself, but he can be easily taken care of with his obvious weak spot (his underside). He will retreat to his shell and attempt to bowl you over. Jump over him until he floats up, then get him good in the stomach. Repeat this three times and you'll be allowed to move on to majestic Mt. Teapot. -- | ---------- 4b | Mt. Teapot -- | ---------- COURSE No. 07 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ "Wait a minute!" you say. "We skipped a level!" Not so, young garassahoppa. We'll come back to Course No. 06 after the great earthquake of Mt. Teapot, as well as a few other areas in Rice Beach. As for this stage, you should swim through the water avoiding the small bombs that explode when you pass through them and the birds that swoop down from the sky. Keep to the high path as much as possible though, and you'll soon run into a block out of which comes a sort of trophy-looking thing. This is the jet hat, and it's your key to breaking bricks that are located in the water (you'll see that the bull hat won't charge, if in fact you still have it by this point). Once you have it, take a dip. Start by breaking the blocks immediately below you (the ones situated on the small rock ledge). They reveal a door which leads to a checkpoint - use coins on it if you so desire. Don't get the bull hat out of the block at the top, either. You'll want to keep the jet hat so you can go back in the water and find another door among the cracked bricks, which leads to a small chamber with a huge block. Hit it to reveal a giant heart worth three lives. After grabbing this nifty reward, head to the right. This is mostly a watery area, but keep to the low road, as it makes for a good shortcut if you know your way around the seahorses that turn into saw blades when you are near. Use the jet hat to break through the blocks that the bombs guard, but wait for the bombs to explode first in the interest of caution. You'll end up at a door that takes you to the last part of the stage. Avoid the birds and the currents that drag you underwater and you'll pull off the rest of the stage just fine. COURSE No. 08 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Another level with a secret exit, as you can see. And this one leads not necessarily to another level, but to a whole other WORLD... Anyhow, moving right along .... the beginning part of this stage is similar to the end of the previous one. Again, stay away from the pesky birds and don't get caught up in the current, even for the assumed rewards you can reap from it. It is imperative that you keep the jet hat for the secrets in this level, and the game emphasizes this by giving it to you multiple times, an important one being at the checkpoint. Flush some coins down it if you're afraid of dying sometime soon, then move around to the door on the left side of the wall, discarding any beached bombs you pick up. The next few rooms are full of delicious current, but you can tell which way the water will take you by the direction the bubbles move in. Swim against them or with them as the situation dictates to stay away from the rising guys with the thorns on their head. You'll then come to a door that leads to the very reason why you need the jet hat. If you notice, there is a crude representation of an arrow pointing up that is made out of coins. Collect those coins, then use the jet hat against the wall to the right. (In case you're not sure what to do, jump up, press B, and slam into the wall. You'll bounce back a little, but land on a ledge just above your field of vision. Up here, there is an exit that looks just like a normal one, but it will take you instead not to the next level, but to the icy, slippery Sherbet Land. We'll discuss this world in detail after we finish Mt. Teapot and the altered parts of Rice Beach.) The other exit, which is already opened for you, is just to the right of the coin arrow. COURSE No. 09 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Make your way to the checkpoint in a hurry; there's nothing of real note in this level since it's really just a basic exercise in platforming. What you really need to be concerned about is the lone half-cracked block sitting about four rooms in. Crack it and press Up where it was located in order to go through a hidden door. Inside is a gigantic block containing an equally enormous coin (worth 100 tiny ones). Charge through the blocks with the jet hat or the bull hat to find a locked skull door. You'll need a key to open it, and you'll find it just outside in the previous room. Go to the right and hit the block to reveal the key, which also doubles as a mighty and powerful weapon (any enemy who touches it kicks the bucket). Go back in the secret door and throw the key in the lock. Inside the treasure room, charge the chest to open it. A harp will appear, and when Wario grabs it, he'll add it to the chart that you see on the screen where your coins are calculated at the end of each level. Now that you have one of the 15 treasures scattered throughout this food- themed continent, let's keep track of it on a handy little ASCII chart I made out of sheer boredom: o-----------o | _ B _ _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | o-----------o We'll add the appropriate letter to the chart whenever we get a treasure in order to chart our progress. Now that you have the harp, go through the door to the right. Avoid the bat-bomb things and toss a 10-coin in the door to open it up. COURSE No. 10 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Grab the jet hat power-ups along the way; they're the most convenient for this level. Climb the ladder to the right once you're over there, but don't get any of the power-ups (the bull or the dragon hat). The dragon hat is okay or purposes ahead of time, but the bull hat won't do much good other than netting you roughly 10 coins. Speed over it all with the jet hat until you're on the other side of the mountain that stretches up into the starry night. There's nothing special hidden in the blocks that are in the water, so just speed to the right and enter the last room in the level. Move across the rope ladders and plant 10 of your coins in the skeletal tollboth. COURSE No. 11 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The first part of this requires you to charge through the blocks, searching for a door behind one of the groups of six. It ought to be easy to find, and you'll even have a bull hat ready to help you through it faster. Once you find the door, enter and swim through the lake to the other side. In this room, you'll have to watch out for the guys in narrow spaces wielding pointy objects. They hurt! Climb down and get the jet hat from the block next to the group of flat ledges. Using it, jet yourself from one side of the room to the other, using the bounce off the wall to get to ledges just out of jumping range. Jet to the left when you get to the large treasure door to locate the block with the key in it. Jump off to the right and throw the key, hopefully getting it to the same ledge as the door. (If you don't, fret not; it's easy to get it up there.) Once the door is open, ram the chest and get the crown that pops out. Now let's log the crown, which fits into slot C, on our handy-dandy progress chart: o-----------o | _ B C _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | o-----------o Once you have the crown, drop all the way to the bottom and go in the open door and drop some coins in the checkpoint. Head to the next room, which involves some devices that change direction each time you jump on them. If you don't have the jet hat, you'll actually have to employ their services. Jump on them once to make them move right, which is the main direction you want to them to go. Only make them go any other way if you're greedy for coins. Grab the star in the next room and barrel through the spear minions, then cross the shaky bridges until you get to the pre-opened door. COURSE No. 12 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Only four rooms make up this level. The first is simple enough, and allows you to pick up either a dragon hat or a bull hat, wherever your preference lies. If you can, keep the jet hat, because it will allow to pick up more coins in the conveyor belt room, where you'll have to deal with a Boo Diddlyish character who stays put while you're facing him, but pursues you once your back is turned. In the third room, hit the pirate ducks from below to catch them by surprise. The fourth and final room is the most important of all, for it contains a giant exclamation block. This will cause the teapot lid that's been gently hovering over the mountain on the world map to come crashing down upon it. This will alter a few landscapes, allowing you to backtrack and get some important things done in previous stages, particularly Rice Beach. Let's finish off Mt. Teapot while we're here though. COURSE No. 13 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You'll notice slight landscape and enemy changes from Course No. 10 here, but nothing that will set you back too badly. The bat-bombs are easily the most annoying of the group since they'll latch onto you until they explode (brush them off on a nearby surface to free yourself of their death grip). Go up the ladder two screens to the door that leads you to the checkpoint. Climb down the rope ladders to find an area that's very profitable if you have the jet hat, then climb back up and exit the way you came in. Go over to the right and get the hat equipped with bull horns. Backtrack a bit and fall down the pit lined with coins. You'll see a door that you need to go in. There's nothing exceedingly special about the room in question except that you have to run away from a giant moving Thwomp, and the bull hat will aid you greatly in charging through the bricks in your way. Keep moving right until you get to a door that leads to the boss - the king of the bulls. =========================================================================== B O S S : B I G B U L L =========================================================================== One of the easiest boss battles ever. It requires that you possess some kind of hat that allows you to charge though, so have either the bull or jet hat in your possession (I recommend the bull hat, as it's best to fight fire with fire). Simply charge into him, pick him up, and toss him into the lava before he regains consciousness and leaps out of your hand. It's not even a three-hit affair; simply chunk the bull in the lava. The road now opens up to Stove Canyon, but it's going to be a while before we tackle that world, as we have others to attend to first. Now return to Rice Beach to get some stuff you couldn't get before. -- | -------------------- 4c | Return to Rice Beach -- | -------------------- COURSES No. 01 & 03 REVISITED The very first course in the game has been affected, as you can see, to the degree that it's now filled with water. The only reason to go back to the first level, however, is to swim past the pit of piranhas that you couldn't get past before. This leads to a very profitable room containing a giant heart worth three lives. If you're interested in such a thing, you need to visit this level. If not, head to Course No. 03, whose secret level we can now access. The most visible change is a treasure door located in the water that used to be quicksand. Above it and to the right is a dragon hat, which you'll need to use to grab the key to the skull door. Go in the next lake and duck while using the limited stream of fire that comes out while you're in water. The key will pop out; backtrack and go get the treasure. You can open it by shooting it with fire, just as you would charge it if you had the bull or jet hat. This weird hybrid of a bugle and a cup handle is actually treasure letter A on our chart, so let's write it down to show that we got it: o-----------o | A B C _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | o-----------o From here now, continue to what was the exit you went through last time. It was previously impossible to get up to the tantalizing ledge above it, but now you can simply jump out of the water and onto it. Head down into the bottom corner and feed the exit 10 coins to access the secret course on Rice Beach. COURSE No. 06 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is a level of rewards, with no enemies that can really hurt you. Grab the bull power-up at the beginning and go through the door, then pound the sand at frequent intervals to make crabs with coins worth 10 normal ones pop out. Charge them as soon as they come out for 11 coins (the 10-coin plus the one you get for ramming them). Invisible blocks containing hearts are also scattered between the floating rows of coins. Just pay the toll to exit the level and gamble some of your easy money away. A freebie level, yes, but you need to beat all 40 to get 100% credit for the whole game. With all of Rice Beach and Mt. Teapot conquered, let's head out to Sherbet Land. To get there, enter Mt. Teapot, then head left from the circle-in-a- circle on the world map. -- | ------------ 4d | Sherbet Land -- | ------------ COURSE No. 14 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This level is all about being able to cross the bridges without getting hit. Watch out particularly for the sections of bridge that tremble and fall when you stand on them. A lot of single floating bridges are like this, so you won't be able to stand on them very long. Having the bull power-up is good for the first part, but when you're offered a dragon hat at the checkpoint, take it. (Since this is a sort of tough level, you might also want to spend money on the checkpoint.) At the end of the line, grab the bull hat and go in the door, then jump on the Oriental snowman's head before going in the exit door that has so nicely been opened prior to your arrival. COURSE No. 15 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ With the powers of butt-pouncing at your disposal, plant your caboose on each enemy in this stage until you have to climb down the rope ladder in a fashion similar to the situation in Course No. 11 (avoid the spear dudes). Go in the door and make your way around your foes both frozen and warm-blooded. The jet hat will speed your progress up a lot, and the dragon hat will help you get rid of your enemies with a convenient stream of flames. After the checkpoint, grab the bull hat and head all the way to the right of the room. You'll notice that many objects and enemies are blockaded in pyramids of ice, including the exit. There's an exclamation block to the far right in the secluded room that will remedy this situation. Hit it and return to the left, but before you open the exit, continue even farther left. You'll notice that from where you got the bull hat, ice cubes continue the stair pattern. Go up them. Follow the set of doors until you get to the room with the floating exit. This exit will lead to Course No. 17 instead of Course No. 16, so we'll follow the path of the normal exit first, but you can still take this one if you feel so inclined. Just head over to the far right and undo the effect that the other exclamation block had by hitting it so it turns white. Walk along the newly formed ice cubes and open up the tightly shut exit to access the secret level. COURSE No. 16 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ What's this? A key right at the beginning of the level? There's treasure somewhere in here! It's relatively easy to find - the door leading to it is in the second group of half-broken bricks. Use the almighty key to knock out the armored penguins along the way, then unlock the skull door once you get to it. This particular treasure room contains a shield with a cross on it, which we'll record now. o-----------o | A B C D _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | o-----------o Backtrack to the initial room and go to the right to the door. When you enter the room, you will see a coin sitting by itself to the right. Jump up to get it and you'll reveal a block that will allow you to leap outside the normal boundary of the room. Only if you have the jet hat can you access this secret. Shoot across to the right and you'll find a room all by itself that you can drop down into. The door will lead you to another chamber with an exit leading to Course No. 18, which is covered in the utmost of detail below. If you don't have the jet hat, however, you can't get to this secret, so don't worry about it. Continue as normal. If you're taking the original route, grab the bull hat to the left and descend along the long ladder until you get to the checkpoint, which you should take time to put a little change into. The next room is very straight- forward; just head all the way to the right, enter the next room, hit the block with the exclamation point on it, backtrack, go up the ladder, and follow the new path to the exit. Course No. 16's regular exit leads to Course No. 19 though, so let's tackle Sherbet Land's two secret levels now. COURSE No. 17 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You can avoid the wrath of the cloud that's on your tail by standing under any surface, because the cloud's lightning can't pass through anything. Use a bull hat to charge the porcupines before they're able to unsheathe their quills in your presence. The cloud can only follow you up to a certain point, at which time you'll be at a door. Go inside. Climb all the way up the rope ladder without dealing with your stab-happy oppressors. The door at the top is what's important. Go in to receive many rewards, including some hearts, some coins, a bull hat, and a key to a treasure room. Ooh la la! Take it along with you until you come to a series of blocks that you have to charge through. Throw the key away for a moment until you come to a door. Get the jet hat above it and speed back to the key, then bring it to this room. Hitch a ride on the spinning mobile dealie and jump on it to make it change directions. Follow the coin path to ensure that you get where you need to go. At the top is the skull door which leads to a treasure chest containing a bell. The bell goes in slot E, which we'll now fill in on our progress chart: o-----------o | A B C D E | | _ _ _ _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | o-----------o Fall back to the bottom and continue to the end of the level, which is free of any friction that is worth mentioning. COURSE No. 18 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Grab the bull hat to the right of the treasure door and go in the open door to the right. Hit the exclamation block to form some ice bridges to the right that Wario can traverse over the spikes. At the end of the line is a jet hat. Get it and backtrack to the door you came out of, then jump and rocket yourself to the left. Where the other open door is, you'll now see a ladder. Climb it. Rocket-charge at the single file porcupines until you reach a door. Move deftly under the thorny Thwomp and hit the middle block in the group of three to reveal the key. Keep moving forward since you can't get it, and fall straight down through the barrage of Oriental snowman enemies. Inside the door at the bottom is another block of exclamatory excitement. Hit it and return to the snowman brigade. You can now get the key in the last room, but don't worry about the garlic clove that bestows the bull's horns upon you. The jet hat is undoubtedly way more stylin'. Duck and crawl under the column of ice on your way back to the ladder, then return to the treasure door. Inside is a chest containing Treasure F, a genie lamp. Let's put it down on the chart. o-----------o | A B C D E | | F _ _ _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | o-----------o Now you can travel to the end of the level. There's nothing difficult about this stage, so just travel to the end and beat it. COURSE No. 19 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Get the jet hat provided for you in the lake and use the charging ability to crush the blocks in the water. One set hides a door leading to a bounty of 100 coins combined as one - excellent fodder for frittering away in the bonus game at the end. Continue ahead to a room filled with moving spikes; there's a checkpoint in here next to a box containing a jet hat. The spiked logs are relatively easy to avoid due to their slowness, so either find a way around them or an opening to sneak through. After this room and a couple more easy ones, you'll face a mean penguin who you also have the option of running away from (!). ============================================================================= B O S S : B O X I N G P E N G U I N ============================================================================= Don't run away through the door unless you feel that you're in danger of dying (i.e. you're small or something). The penguin comes out swinging but unprotected, so for the first hit, pounce on his head. He will retreat to his watery safehaven, then return with a spiked helmet on his head. Charge him to knock it off of him, then give him another good cranial whack. He will return with another of these helmets; repeat the process to defeat him and receive a plethora of 1-ups. With this relatively tough world conquered, move on to Stove Canyon (right of Mt. Teapot). -- | ------------ 4e | Stove Canyon -- | ------------ COURSE No. 20 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are two main things to worry about here: 1) the wall of lava on your tail, obviously, but also 2) getting the key to the treasure door before it's too late Get the bull hat to increase the speed at which you can break through brick barricades, then get to the part where you walk right and then left along bridges like the ones in the first level of Sherbet Land. The key is in the block at the end of the second bridge. Grab it and keep running. With the key in hand, you won't be able to take the low road full of coins, so move along the relatively obstacle-free high path. Grab the star at the end and weave among the ladder setup without stopping. At the end, you'll need to throw the key away and charge into the bricks really fast in order to get through the pile, unless you're small and can jump through them (which is very convenient for once). If you can pull it off fast enough, you'll never have to go back to this part of the level! Hallelujah! Once you're done praising the deity of your choice, ascend along the rope ladder to find a treasure door, with a chest containing a lustrous black pearl (Treasure G on our chart). Once again, here's the progress on our scavenger hunt thus far. o-----------o | A B C D E | | F G _ _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | o-----------o Go all the way down the ladder and pound the ground will your bull butt to stun the mole pirate. Charge him and exit the level. COURSE No. 21 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This level is relatively easy through both halves, allowing you to get a dragon hat which will help you plow through bricks and swooping imps with ease. The second part is more a matter of timing your jumps along a series of platforms that dip into dangerous lava, but they're slow and easy to detect patterns in. Not a difficult level, just a rehash of old platforming standbys, really. COURSE No. 22 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Get the bull hat a little bit of the way in so you can butt-bounce the duck pirates with boomerang cutlasses. This makes your job a whole lot easier, and before you know it you'll come to a part of the stage that you can ram your horns through as a short of tiny shortcut. Get to the door with the checkpoint, check in, and trudge onward. When you get to the ladders that you must move left and right across, get the jet hat along the way so you can pick up coins and make the trip a little bit faster. The stage's final room contains two swooping birds, and of course, the exit. Another easy one under your belt. COURSE No. 23 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This level introduces the always-fun twist of allowing our favorite antihero to ride on mining carts. The bull hat power-up will help you get rid of the bats with your all-powerful gluteus maximus, and if a mining cart falls in the lava before you can make it to the next ledge, you can use the charge to make the bigger jumps that normal hardhat Wario can't. The checkpoint, which you can find by hopping on a happy springboard block, is definitely a good investment in this stage. Take the high road for the rest of the way until you see another happy-face springboard below (it might take you a couple of tries to get to it, you'll have to linger on a cart headed right into instant-death lava). That springboard will take you up to another springboard which takes you to the exit leading to the secret stage in Stove Canyon. The regular exit is just to the right of that springboard, in case you miss it. COURSE No. 24 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Seeing the treasure door right away is a comfort; it lets you know there's major business to be attended to here. The key isn't anywhere in this room though, so get the bull hat above the door to the next area and head right up the ladder that's next to you there. It may take a while to figure out where to go and what to do, but the fastest route involves taking you almost in a full circle. When you're up that ladder you need to go all the way to the right and down the one you see - don't mess with any of the doors along the way. Move down the ladder and hit the exclamation block to the right, then go in the door to the left. Swim around and get the key out of the block on the right. Backtrack to the beginning of the level and open the intimidating skull door, which houses a run-of-the-mill trophy, which is slot H on his treasure chart and ours. o-----------o | A B C D E | | F G H _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | o-----------o Grab it, and then go back through the door to the right. Don't go up the ladder, but go to the right. Go in the door and toss 10 coins into the exit. COURSE No. 25 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There's nothing too spectacular about this level that needs mentioning. Let's just skip straight to why you're really here: the boss battle. ============================================================================= B O S S : B I G G I A N T H E A D T H A T L I C K S R O C K S ============================================================================= That about sums this guy up in a nutshell. He floats around in a wavy pattern and his tongue is so pointy that just by resting it on a rock, he can crack it. Twice, and it's gone. He can't be beaten with conventional weaponry, but he seems to have an undocumented sinus problem that makes him shoot boogers made of stone. Anytime he flares his nostrils and does a farmer blow, grab it before it bounces away, then toss it at his face. Do this three times and he'll retreat to the lava like the cowardly big giant head that licks rocks that he is. Try to do it quickly so that you aren't restricted to too small an area of the arena. You'll head to the SS Tea Cup after conquering Stove Canyon. -- | ---------- 4f | SS Tea Cup -- | ---------- COURSE No. 26 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Get the bull hat at the end of the first area and head into the door. It may not be obvious at first, but there's a secret in here worth getting, and it's yet another of the 15 treasures scattered throughout the land. The already- hit block might tip you off, and it's a good thing, because that's where the beginning of the secret lies. Hit the wooden X above and to the left of that used block to reveal a hidden one. Hop up and jump to the right, then go in the door there. A giant apple will fall from the trees and roll at you, just jump over it and move on. You'll come to a room with several piles of half-broken bricks and a treasure door, which you will need to bring the key back to. The next door is hidden in the very upper right-hand corner of the room, and you'll need a hat that allows you to charge in order to get to it. Go inside and work your way around to the door. Inside, hit the exclamation block. Upon returning to the last room, you'll see it's been flooded, allowing you to make your way up that long tunnel there. Go in the door, grab the key, and return the other room to its dry status by hitting the block in that room. Return to the treasure room and grab Treasure I, a nifty little dagger, which we'll stop and take time to record on our progress chart: o-----------o | A B C D E | | F G H I _ | | _ _ _ _ _ | o-----------o Return to where you revealed that first hidden block that led to the last two-and-a-half paragraphs, then go through the door to the right to return to your regularly scheduled level, of which there is only one very easy room left to travel through. COURSE No. 27 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The jet hat and the dragon hat will both help you reap several rewards in the first part of this overtly wet stage, but only with the jet hat or the bull hat can you speed across to the left at the end of the second room to a 100- coin reward. There's more than enough to spend on the checkpoint, so if you feel you might need it, go ahead and plunk a few coins into it. On the way out of the 100-coin prize chamber, grab the dragon hat to get even more nice things out of the level. Using it will allow you to reach for some hearts that can go toward extra lives that the other hats won't let you get. Don't worry about the owls, they run away at the first sign of your approach. They're pretty much your only dangerous foe to the end of the level. COURSE No. 28 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Again, the dragon hat is the best hat for getting rewards from the first part of this stage as you draw ever closer to the SS Tea Cup itself. Use the hat of the dragon to break the cracked blocks between the two logs. Inside is an exclamation block that will create a ladder outside. Climb it; it will provide an excellent shortcut over some treacherous ground and plant you right near a checkpoint. The rest of the level is a breeze whether you choose the bull hat or the dragon hat; just avoid the currents in the final room. COURSE No. 29 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Snag the bull hat and charge the chomping gators that hop out of the water before heading in the door to the right. If you climb all the way up the ladder to the right, you'll notice a treasure door. Let's find the key that goes with it by heading right and up the next ladder and in the door to the right, which leads to a rather jungly area. Descend along the rope ladder and grab the jet hat along the way, then skip as many doors as possible until you get to the end of the line. Go in that door and you'll see the level's checkpoint. From there, count doors until you get to two, and you'll enter a room with a slowly moving Thwomp. Hit the block above you to the left, which contains the key. Crawl under and jump on the Thwomp to get to the ledge. After this, backtrack through the ship part of the level to the jungle cave and go through the first door as you head right. You'll go through it, but you won't be able to go back through it (as you can see, it's closed). Go up the ladder to the treasure room, which holds Treasure J, which contains a somewhat depreciated battle axe. Let's record it now. o-----------o | A B C D E | | F G H I J | | _ _ _ _ _ | o-----------o Now make your way all around the level to the end, which isn't far from where the key was. COURSE No. 30 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Progression through this level is quite linear up to the checkpoint, at which point you need to wake up and focus once you get outside the ship. Go to the right and grab the dragon hat so you can break the bricks with ease. You'll see a treasure door in your long walk, but don't worry, this is about the easiest treasure in the game to get. Go to the far right of the ship and work your way up, hitting the block opposite the one with the bull hat in it. Return to the treasure door and grab what is either a huge seed or a nifty little football: o-----------o | A B C D E | | F G H I J | | K _ _ _ _ | o-----------o From the room where you got the football/seed, head left and go up the first ladder you find. Go as far up as possible, then to the right (get the bull power-up and charge/jump to clear the chasm). At the top of this platform is a door leading to the inside of one of the masts. Climb to the top to do battle with an angry baby bird. ============================================================================= B O S S : A N G R Y B A B Y B I R D ============================================================================= Stay low to the ground and have the bull hat equipped for the battle with the angry baby bird. When he regurgitates a couple of smaller swooping birds, stay squatting, but jump and knock one out cold. Creep over to it, grab it, and then hop up and hit him in the noggin. Best of all, staying low prevents the baby bird's powerful gusts of wind from affecting you, so you have the freedom to move around without worrying about the small (but deadly) pit to the left. With this system in place, three hits shouldn't be a problem. Now you'll get blasted off cannon-style into Parsley Woods. If you have forgotten any treasures, you won't be able to backtrack for them until after you beat the second stage of that area. -- | ------------- 4g | Parsley Woods -- | ------------- COURSE No. 31 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The ghost that keeps on your hind end will bother you more than the spiked boulders that fall from a mysterious source in the clouds. Fortunately, there are garlic cloves aplenty to keep you in bull form throughout the level. The stage only contains these things, and about halfway after the checkpoint you will find a jet hat, which you should grab. Fire your way under the walls that dip way down, then hop to land and exit stage right. COURSE No. 32 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Another mining cart stage like the one in Stove Canyon, this one can be extremely fun and move a lot faster with the jet hat. If you don't have that handy tool, settle for the bull hat provided by the garlic at the beginning. There's no checkpoint, as this level is extremely short. When you get through with the easy riding bit, swim through a line of touch-sensitive bombs and bonk the titanic exclamation block. Slowly but surely, Parsley Woods' lake will drain, allowing you once again to move back to all the previous worlds. COURSE No. 33 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Once you get to the inside of the train, you'll notice while you're in there that it's bumping up and down at different intervals. Is the train .... MOVING? You bet your sweet bippy it is. To keep yourself ahead of the scrolling game, get the jet hat provided near the beginning of the ride. Be warned that if you touch the tracks at any time, you'll die, so keep either on the blocks or the handy railroad vehicle provided. At the checkpoint you'll be given a dragon hat. Take it, because there are some bricks ahead that you don't want to get caught in. Once you get past the second ride, the train stops moving, and the rest of the level is a cakewalk. COURSE No. 34 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Pretty standard platforming here, but late into the level there's another treasure that bears worth getting. Let's get started, shall we? The cloud that rains lightning down on you is back with a vengeance - there are more of them! Luckily, you don't have to deal with them all at once. Outwalk the cloud to the ladder, since the only way to go from here is up. Go in the door and swim past the seahorses and bombs to the next one. Head to the highest door when you get back to the outside of the tree and grab the jet hat along the way. Inside the tree once again, you'll notice that the path forks at the top. Go to the left first and up through the door. The exit is there, but you'll notice that just to the right of it is the key! Aaugh, and you were about to beat the level! Fortunately, the treasure door is not too far from here, and if you have the jet hat, you actually don't have to mess with going back through the water to getthere. Simply stand on the block where you got the key, jump and hold right,and don't hold back. You'll land on another set of blocks above a pirateduck. Leap with the same confidence to the right once more, then hop up tothe door at the top and go in for Treasure M, which could be anything from a normal hand to a baseball glove to the Wallmasters from the Legend of Zelda. o-----------o | A B C D E | | F G H I J | | K _ M _ _ | o-----------o That means we skipped Treasure L though! And you are correct, sir, but now that Parsley Woods has been drained, we can do something about that. With the jet hat, speed over to the exit and play a bonus game if you feel like it, then return to Course No. 31 before moving on to the next stage. COURSE No. 31 REVISITED With the water gone, there's now a ladder down in the dry hole. Go down it. The key is situated right next to a jet hat, both of which are convenient and will put a smile on your face to receive. Climb back up to the top half of the level and find a set of stairs that descends down and to the right (there is a ladder at the bottom of them). Get the bull hat that is down here in order to cut your charging in half. When you come to blocks impeding your progress, cast the key aside and charge through the four walls of bricks. When you have them cleared out, go back for the key and head right. Barrel through the mole pirates with the star you get, then climb up and fall in the narrow hole near the stage's exit. You'll land right at the treasure door. NOW you're up to date on treasures, although you might almost wish you weren't when you see the goofy clown face that comes out of the chest here. Hide it away on your chart and ours..... o-----------o | A B C D E | | F G H I J | | K L M _ _ | o-----------o .....and go to the exit and over to Course No. 35. COURSE No. 35 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Here's another moving train level, although it's significantly easier than the last one. Use the bull hat and pounce on the pirate ducks with your gargantuan buttocks, staying to the right to make sure you don't get caught in anything. If you have the money, put change in the checkpoint if you're bad at train levels and grab the jet hat to prepare for Part 2. After Part 2, the train stops moving and the level takes a drastic dip in difficulty. COURSE No. 36 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ A bull hat will help in getting away from the cloud here, as will a jet hat. Either way, having the charge is beneficial to finding some hidden doors among the rubble, not the least of which is one leading to a massive 3-up. Once the cloud is unable to keep following you due to the giant block of land in its path, you'll come to a door containing the checkpoint. Plunk some coins in it (if you are accustomed to such routines by now) and move on. After you discover the bounty of extra lives hidden there, another cloud will begin to assail you. Combine this with some small guys with spears and a bunch of those spiked boulders that fall from out of nowhere and you have the basic gist of the rest of the level. A dragon hat is offered to you early on at this point, but it won't be of any help at all. Instead, opt for the bull hat bestowed upon you by the garlic clove at the end of the line. It will be helpful for fighting the Parsley Woods final boss. ============================================================================= B O S S : B I G G H O S T ============================================================================= This is a tough boss because of the way it can swoop so fast, in contrast to Wario, who moves about as fast as a snail with a double hernia. If it touches you, you'll be temporarily paralyzed/frozen/possessed, at which time you're susceptible to the likes of being assaulted by a tiny ghost. Either jump over or run away from the big ghost, then hit one of its small minions from below with the bull horns. It will fall primly into your hands so that you can toss it at the ghost. If it releases a ghost when it's very low to the ground, jump instead of letting it hit your horns - otherwise you'll go small. Three hits will do him in for good, and you'll receive the usual treasureful booty. Now it's on to the very last world in the game ..... MWAHAHAHA! -- | ------------ 4h | Syrup Castle -- | ------------ COURSE No. 37 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Though it's now advertised as Syrup Castle, you'll begin your quest here in a level similar to Parsley Woods. The first half of the stage is a seemingly endless barrage of spiked balls rolling at you. Jump over them, blah blah, you know the drill. Following the checkpoint, you'll be disappointed to find it's more of the same, with the exception of a easy but deceptive treasure to pick up. You'll find the key near the exit, but there's been no evidence of a treasure door throughout the level, has there? It's so easy you'll smack your forehead when you hear it. Have you braced yourself? Okay .... just walk through the wall below the block that contains the key. It's that simple. The door hides in plain sight despite pitch-blackness all around, and you're well on your way to picking up Treasure N, a neat little whale ornament. o-----------o | A B C D E | | F G H I J | | K L M N _ | o-----------o You'll notice that the last room of the level has a decidedly more "castley" decor, which is the perfect segue into the next stage. Kill the mole pirate and pay the 10-coin toll to open the door. COURSE No. 38 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hop over the blocks and walk all the way to the right to find a room with an exclamation block in it. This will reverse the position of the block grid in the previous room, putting them all on the ceiling so you can go down the ladder near the level entrance. Hit the exclamation block again if you want the bull hat and the heart (you do), and then again to get everything so you can move on. The next part is tricky, but manageable so long as you have the bull hat and can get through the bricks in one crunch. A dragon hat appears at the end of this room, alas perhaps a bit too late, as it would have been mega-useful here. It doesn't have much use elsewhere, so it doesn't matter to not grab it. After a short bout with some long-fanged pirate bears, it's time to test your ladder abilities. Anytime you see a bird about to swoop down, stop immediately in your tracks, or climb down a little bit at least to avoid its wrath. Near the top is a jet hat which I strongly recommend grabbing. Zoom to the left at the top to find the checkpoint, and to the right to keep moving through the level. Feed the floating chicken in the next room one of the spiky creatures (once it's fallen to the ground, of course) to get a healthy bounty of 30 coins from a questionable part of its anatomy. The next room is a breeze thanks to the inclusion of a star, and there's a bull hat at the end. Don't grab it. The jet hat will prove more helpful for the area ahead where you must cross several ladders over pools of lethal white-hot liquid. With the jet hat, you can simply fly over the white stuff and past the ladders - easy as pie. Hit the giant exclamation block in the final room after crawling under the moving axes. The walls of the castle will explode in a lengthy cutscene to reveal its inner core, which serves as the setting for the game's next-to- last stage. COURSE No. 39 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Grab the bull hat at the beginning and not only can you crash through the bricks with greater ease, but the butt-stomp trick will lead you to a fair amount of coins that this author considers worth getting. It's also handy in the next room when you have to crawl under patterns of axes. Whenever you see someone coming under them, find a safe spot and do the butt-stomp, then crawl over, pick them up, and carry them directly into the path of the axes. A surefire kill! After the checkpoint, you'll find that you have to use the springboard blocks from Stove Canyon to cross a series of wide chasms. Hold A when jumping on them to get enough boost to get to the next ledge. You'll see how else the bull hat can be a boon when you see some springboard blocks trapped under some bricks. Crush the bricks with your behind and hold Right when you bounce off the blocks. You'll come to a new area which will eventually culminate in your receiving the game's final treasure. Make your way through the duck pirates to the next room, in which you can move in a number of directions. In the bottom left-hand corner of the room is a bull hat; in the bottom right, a dragon hat. You will need the dragon hat to get the treasure here. Go grab it and then go the upper-left corner in order to clear the way before you get the key. The key is in the opposite corner, so once you've cleared a path, you can get Treasure O, a nice-looking diamond ring. The chart is now complete! o-----------o | A B C D E | | F G H I J | | K L M N O | o-----------o Your treasure hunting hasn't been in vain. We'll discuss what all this foraging business was about after the last boss, where the worth of all these trinkets becomes apparent. Don't fret too much about it now; just focus on beating the game. Start by leaving this treasure room and getting the bull hat in the lower left corner before moving on. The room with the moving lifts is a simple affair so long as you don't eat lava, and nothing after is worthy of mention here. Hit the giant exclamation block at the end to cause another bombastic explosion (no pun intended) to reduce the castle once more. COURSE No. 40 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Two garlic cloves are offered at the beginning of this level, so that even the Wario player of short stature might be able to evolve into a bull. A number of hidden heart blocks lie here, some of which can trip you up and make you fall in a pit when you're trying to navigate the springboard blocks, so be careful. The checkpoint might look kind of appealing after all the precarious jumping you have to engage in. After the bouncing episode, you'll have to deal with a mini-boss of sorts: a knight in shining armor. Or rather, an EVIL knight in shining armor! MWAHAHA ... HA ... ha ... er... right. So, equip yourself with a bull hat, as even small Wario can do so here. Charge into the knight from behind. He'll realize that an intruder is afoot and will start charging at you in kind. Retreat to a block until the madness ends, then repeat until the knight croaks. When he's gone, the steel door to the right will open, leading you ever closer to the final encounter. Once again, you're called upon to put your ladder climbing ability to the test as you make your way through a series of alternating fire-shooting ornaments. Not a difficult task in any case, and neither is getting through the surprisingly trouble-free final room, at the end of which is yet another opportunity to get a bull hat. If you suffer any kind of infirmity related to being small at this point, grab it and prepare for the last battle of the game.