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Format: Nintendo GameCube™ and Nintendo Wii™ and Wii U™
Launch Date: 11/19/06 and 12/11/06 and 03/04/16
ESRB: T (Teen) - Animated Blood, Fantasy Violence
Game Type: Adventure
Accessories: Memory Card
Players: 1
Developer: Nintendo

Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess help menu
Twilight Princess Controls - Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess action replay codes - Twilight Princess Creepy Critter Collection - Twilight Princess Codes - Twilight Princess Heart Pieces - Twilight Princess items Twilight Princess Video Walkthrough

Twilight Princess Review
Gameplay 9 out of 10 - Graphics 9 out of 10 - Music is 9 out of 10 - Overall 9 out of 10

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