GREEN HILL ZONE Here's where you learn how to control Sonic and can have fun, as the badniks are easy to beat and there aren't many ways to get in trouble. In this zone, you'll shoot down tunnels, run through loops, bounce on springs, run over platforms that collapse, and have fun. The badniks include bees that fly overhead and shoot energy balls at you, and piranhas that jump from under bridges to attack. While crossing a bridge use a spin attack to hit any piranhas that try to hit you. Your biggest danger here is spikes. As said before, they can kill you, so watch out. Other than that, this zone is pure fun. Acts 2 and 3 will be a trifle tougher. In those acts take the high road, as the low road has plenty of opportunities to fall and die. If you can't get through a loop, backtrack a little for a running start and run through. A few walls can be broken through with a spin attack and a running start. A few of the tough spots include where you must ride a swinging platform across a pit of spikes in act 3. Another tight spot is where you must jump from pillars that move up and down to cross three gaps. In between the pillars are spikes and under them are pits, so be careful. Worse are the poles with rotating spikes. You must stay on the spot between the spikes as it moves to the right. Always go right in this zone. Also look for power-ups in the trees; hit them from below to knock them down. Here's a hint: at the beginning of act 3, jump and hit one of the tress to knock down the invincibility power-up, which helps as you start with zero rings. Try not to lose any lives in this zone, as they'll come in handy later. Also, go for 100 rings in each act for a bonus life. There are also some 1-Up power-ups above loops. To get one, you must take the low road (dangerous, I suggest you don't go for it) and use a spring to bounce on top of the loop. To get another one, you must use a spring to bounce toward it and jump at the top of a hill to have a high jump while flying left to get it. At the end of act 3, instead of a flag, you'll face Robotnik and one of his crazy machines. This is rather tough, so hang on. First, jump on the platform on the right and leap up and hit Robotnik. Then quickly get under the platform on the right to avoid the giant ball Robotnik swings back and forth. After it starts swinging to the left, jump onto the platform, hit Robotnik, and quickly get under the platform before the ball gets back. If you get hit, grab as many flying rings as you can. Always have at least one ring. If you die, there's a lamppost near the boss, so go back into the level to get some rings, and fight him again. But you should try not to die, because as said before, lives in this game are precious. After you hit Robotnik 8 times his machine explodes but Robotnik will see you again at the end of the next zone. Run right and jump on the prison egg to blow it up and free the animals inside. Congratulations! You just won Green Hill Zone! The next zone is Marble Zone, and it's significantly tougher then what we just did. I hope you have at least 5 lives now. Good luck, you'll need it. MARBLE ZONE I'm not going to give you a complete walkthrough for this zone, but I'll tell you how to get started in act 1. First go right, and you'll meet a new badnik, one that looks like a caterpillar. To beat him you must hit him in the head with a super spin attack. A jump is useless because of the spikes on his back. Also hit the bees overhead. Jump over the small pits of lava and also avoid the flames shooting out of them. Lava hurts you, but can't kill you like spikes can. When you get past this part, you'll go down a hill. Stop and ride the moving pillar down. Then go left to find three super ring monitors. Great! Grab them and go back on top of the moving pillar. Now things get really tough. You must cross the wide pool of lava to the right by using the platforms. When you touch a platform, fire starts covering it. Keep moving to avoid getting hurt and when you reach another hill, slide down, grab a shield to the right, and go left underground. Soon you'll see several moving pillars going up and down. You must run under one pillar while it's up, then stay between the pillars until the next one rises. Their purpose is to crush you, so be careful. After the pillars you'll meet some bats. Jump up and hit them, and continue left. Now you have a new skill to learn. You must push a block. Jump over it and run into it to push it right, onto the button. This will make the spiked chandelier rise and allow you to go down. I'll end my walkthrough here, but I'll tell you how to beat some of the tough spots in this zone. You'll spend most of your time underground. I've already told you about the dangers of pillars. In one part, I think in act 1, you'll go down into a corridor with a wall of lava behind you. The lava will chase you. Run right through three narrow passages, the third having spikes in them. You must run by the spikes when they're down and jump up to safer ground. Spiked chandeliers aren't to be taken lightly. All of them except the first will move up and down by themselves. The spikes on the bottom can hurt you if the chandelier moves all the way to the ground. You can jump on top of them and sometimes you must. At the very end of act 2, for instance, you must jump on top of one chandelier and then to the top of another one, and from there you can jump to the exit. Lava and fire are a big threat, too. In the later acts there are flame throwers in the walls that shoot flames at you. Worse are the torrents of lava that pour down from the ceiling. In other cases you must ride a block across lava. When you do this, there are blocks ahead that you can't fit under. You must jump on top of the platforms and then back down to the moving block. Also, plumes of lava will rise that shoot your block up. In one case, you must jump up and left while at your highest place to reach a small ledge. Then you must wait for another ledge to appear out of the wall, jump on it, and then up to a higher platform. If you fall you'll be stranded in the lava and definitely killed. There are badniks here too. They are bats and caterpillars. They don't pose as much of a threat as lava, pillars and chandeliers do. This zone will test your skill. Note that the start and exit are always above ground level. But there are good things too. After the first torrent of lava that you see falls down, jump up and into an area up/right of it to find two super rings and a shield. Also, to skip part of act 3, go down/right in a way similar to what you did in act 1 to find three super rings. You'll see a passageway that lets you skip some hard parts. Also, there are green blocks that sometimes block your path. Each time you bust one you gain more points, so bust them in succession. There is only one 1-Up in this zone; if you find more go ahead and e-mail me. At one place you find a block which you must push onto lava. Up/right of the block is a shield. Ride the block left, staying on the block when plumes of lava shoot it up. When you're on the third plume, don't jump to the platform on the left (which leads the rest of the way through the level) but stay on the block until you see another block to your right. Now jump over the block and to the wall. You'll go through the wall and into a room with two super rings and a 1-Up. Now ride the block you jumped over back. The block you rode initially will be back! Ride it left and this time jump to the platform while on the third plume. The battle with Robotnik at the end of the zone isn't too hard. The battle arena consists of two platforms on each side with a lava pit in between. Jump to the platform on the right and jump and hit Robotnik before he moves over to the other platform. He'll drop a flame that covers that platform with fire. Then he'll move over to the platform on the right (which you should be on). Hit him as he moves toward you and then jump to the platform on the left because Robotnik will now fire the one on the right. If this confuses you don't worry, when you play it shouldn't be too hard. Keep this up, hitting Robotnik and then jumping to the other platform quickly, until Robotnik's machine explodes after eight hits. Run right and bust open the prison egg to free some animals. Great job - you completed Marble zone! If you have at least four lives now, you're doing okay. The next zone is Spring Yard zone, and you'll be pleased to know that it isn't that tough, except just before the boss. Concentrate on getting extra lives now - trust me, they're important later. SPRING YARD ZONE This zone isn't too hard. I'll give you a walkthrough of the first level to get you started. First go right, and jump on the little object on the ground, and from there jump up to grab two rings. Then go right, taking out crabs and bees. Use the spring to go up the hill at the right. Then continue right to find another spring. Use it to bounce into an area with a lot of bumpers. Bounce around for a while if you want, then go to the bottom, hit the spring on the right, and hold right to get to the next area. Continue right, being sure to take out the bees above If you don't they'll come back. You must now go down through a maze of blocks. When one block goes down go onto another block. Repeat this to get to the ground below. Now go right and a robot who looks a little like you will follow. Jump over the spring to avoid getting knocked into him and he'll jump over you. Now hit him when he stops rolling. You may see more of these badniks in spring yard zone. If you do, use the same strategy. Now go right, slipping under the spiked balls when they're up. You'll next have to avoid a spiked chain that swings in a circle. When it's on its way down jump over it. Slip past two more spiked balls and another spiked chain to find another block maze, this time going up. The right wall is fake; go through it to find a bunch of rings. Proceed up the block maze and at the top go right. Jump onto the platform with rings above it, and from there to the ledge at the right. Now you must jump to the platform in the center of the arc of the spinning spiked ball. Jump to the tiny ledge between the two balls, and from there to the second platform. After you get out of here proceed right, using a spin attack to beat the badniks with spikes on their backs. There are two wide gaps with rings above them. If you jump in you'll find springs to bounce you back up. After the second gap (which has a super ring in it) proceed right to the exit. Acts 2 and 3 are pretty much the same as act 1, except with some new stuff, like the chains of blocks that swing back and forth. Also there are more spinning spiked balls. Never go for the rings while you're near them as it's too dangerous. Also I have a tip for the block mazes: sometimes the game treats you as if you've been squished (and kills you) if you jump through a narrow space. So remember: only jump when the space is as big as it will get. Also I have a tip for act 2: early in the act you'll go down a big hill and shoot up high in the sky. Well, get back down to the bottom of this hill, and walk back and forth until you get to the ledge on the right. Go right along this lower path, passing several spiked balls, until you see two red springs, the second one having an arrow of rings above it. From the ground jump up above the first spring and into the wall. Proceed right through this long corridor, slipping past five blocks that try to crush you, to find a 1-Up and a spring that sends you back to the main level, near a shield. The rest of the zone is easy, until you reach the part with several swinging chains of blocks. Under them is, well, NOTHING! This is by far the hardest place in this zone, and the only place where you can fall off the screen. To cross this chasm, you must jump on the top block of the first chain of blocks that swings back and forth. Then you must jump to the top block of the next chain. This is very tough, as one false move is your last. And if you do get to the other side, don't rest, as you have a tough battle with Robotnik coming up. This is a tough battle. First, Robotnik will hover above you. Stay on the block on the far left and wait for Robotnik to hover above you. When he does, he'll drop down with a spike at the bottom of his ship. Quickly move away and hit Robotnik from the side. Quickly hit him again before he goes back up, taking the block with him and smashing it. Now there's a hole in the floor, and if you fall in, you'll die. Now stay on the block next to the hole on the left. He'll hover above you and do this again. You have to hit him at least twice each time he comes down as each time he destroys a block, another hole appears. You have to hit him eight times to beat him, and if you hit him twice for each block he destroys, you'll kill him when he destroys the fourth block. What you need to do is stay on the far left block the first time, then the next block from the left, then the next one, etc. The reason to do this is that he'll be destroying the blocks on the left, and in effect making one big hole instead of four small ones. The reason that this is good is because if you have one big hole and six blocks you'll have more room to maneuver then if you had four small holes. So, make sure he destroys the blocks on the left, in succession. After he's down for the count run right and bust open the prison egg. Amazing! You won Spring Yard zone and are now halfway through the game! But don't get cocky, as the next zone is Labyrinth zone and it's the second toughest zone in the game. A lot of it's underwater, so you'll need to breathe, plus be prepared to take on spears, conveyor belts, spikes, swinging spiked balls and a very tough boss. If you can beat this zone you probably can beat the game. If you can't you can use the cheat codes to warp ahead. But only do that if you're really stuck - with a lot of lives and hard work (and of course these tips) you can beat this zone. Be prepared for a hassle and be sure to have at least four lives now. LABYRINTH ZONE Okay, lets get on with it. In this zone I'll give you a walkthrough of each act, rather then simply tell you all the major obstacles. Before we start, I have to tell you about drowning. Basically you die if you stay underwater for more then twenty seconds. In this zone there will be little patches of bubbles on the floor. To get air from them, stand on top of them and wait for a big bubble to appear, then jump into it to start the countdown over. Keep doing this to stay underwater for a long time. The water also hampers Sonic's movement. Also, the start and exit will always be out of the water. Act 1 Start off by heading right, and you'll meet badniks that jump out of the floor. When they're in the floor only their top is visible, so be careful. These guys appear throughout the zone. Next you'll have to deal with a spinning spiked ball. Slip past it and grab the shield to the right, then head down into the water. Grab a super ring to the left, and hit the button to open the door and go right, grabbing an air bubble or two. Go up, press the button to open the barrier, and head up out of the water. Grab a super ring to the left, and go right taking out badniks. When you get back in the water there's a new badnik, a shark that moves slowly through the water. Now things get tougher. Go down into an area with two switches. In this area beware of platforms hidden or partially hidden in the ground, that rise up when you land on them. They may not seem like a threat - until they kill you by smashing you against the spikes above. Get them out of the way, and then hit the left switch to open the left wall, which leads to a super ring. The other switch, which you must make a tough jump to hit, opens a door and starts a current that pushes you into the next area. You'll land on another platform that rises, so quickly get off. Trigger the other rising platform, then grab an air bubble and go down. Go right through a passageway tangling with three spiked balls. The second one is tough to avoid; jump on the first step and duck as it swings by, jump to the next step, wait, jump to the next and in this way get through. After the spiked balls comes a really tough part. There's a conveyor belt with platforms rotating clock wise. You need to get to a switch in the upper right corner of this area to open a barrier and proceed down. WARNING: DO NOT DO THE OBVIOUS THING AND RIDE THE CONVEYOR BELT UP, AS IT WILL SMASH YOU AGAINST SPIKES AND KILL YOU! Instead, get to the right side with the platforms going down, and jump up from platform to platform to get up. It's like trying to run up a down escalator. When you reach the top jump up and hit the switch, but be careful of the spikes above it! Now go down into the water and below this area. Soon you'll find a lamppost. You'll now have to jump past some spears that move up and down. You must jump past them when they're down, but it's quite tough. Hit a button to open another door. Now you must jump past four more spears, some of which are on the ceiling. Now, after passing these spears don't touch the spring. The water level will lower all the way to the bottom. Take a gulp of air and then hit the spring. When you do that it causes the water to rise. Jump up the steps trying to beat the water. When you see the block that looks like a cork, stop, and jump on it. When the water touches it, it rises. You can then head left, but if you fail to get on it first, you'll have to jump up to it. Go left, back into the water, and to a conveyor belt. You must do the next part fast before you drown, as there are no air bubbles around here. Go left, and in the bottom left corner is a badnik surrounded by spiked balls. He'll launch them one by one at you, so stay under the step and they'll fly over you. After he's shot the balls kill him and get onto the conveyor belt, which takes you out of the water. You'll have to avoid the bullets the two red crow heads shoot at you and go right through a narrow corridor. Quickly jump past the first cork-like block, and when you see the second stop and wait for the water to engulf you. It makes the cork block rise to the ceiling, and will smash you if you are on them. Hurry right, as you have no air, to a button which opens a door. Grab an air bubble, and grab the super ring but watch out for the spear! Get past another spear and press the button to open the barrier to get back on dry land. Run right to the exit. Act 2 Go right until you see a water slide. Ride down into the water and go right to bag an invincibility. Then head left, bashing the spike badnik while you're invincible, and go left to find two super rings. Now go right in a passage under the one you were just in, running past two spiked balls. Go up the steps grabbing an air bubble and a current will take you to the next area. The next area is huge. Kill both underwater badniks and then use the spring to bounce up. There are four super rings in this place. One is in the lower right corner, two in the upper left corner (the second may be tricky to get) and one in the center. After you bust open the one in the center hit the button under it. Then go to the upper right corner where a crow head is, and proceed right to a lamppost. Now jump over the spears, slip past the spiked ball and grab the invincibility. You must do the next part fast, while the invincibility lasts. Go down through the shaft, ignoring the spears and hit the button to open the barrier. Continue down, open another barrier, and go left and kill the spike badnik (don't stop for an air bubble) now go right and touch one of the blocks and it falls next to an air pocket. Grab a bubble and go right, past a crow head and two spears to another spiked badnik. Jump over the spikes as he shoots them at you, kill him, and get another air bubble. Now you must pass a spiked ball and another badnik. For him, duck, and wait ten seconds, or until a low air countdown starts. Then the spikes should be gone and you can kill him and get an air bubble (hurry up or you might drown). Then comes the toughest area in the level. There's a conveyor belt which you must ride up. If you stay on it it'll smash you against spikes. Instead you must jump to another conveyor belt. It's above and to the right of the one you're on. Be very careful as you jump to the other platform. From the top of this conveyor belt run right to the exit. Act 3 This act is long and tough, but there's a shortcut too. Go right from the start to a water slide. The problem is, this slide is infinite. To get out is very hard. On the second slide which goes down and left you can jump off, but not far enough to reach the platform you must reach. When you're on the slide first there's a small platform with a shield to the left. When you see this platform press and hold "down" on the d-pad and you'll hear the sound Sonic makes when he does the super spin attack. Now jump off and Sonic jumps far enough to reach the second platform to the left. On this one there's a super ring and a button. Hit the button and go back to the slide, which now has a slight deviation in it now. You must jump through the opening created. If you miss, you must get to this platform again and try again. After you get through hit the button to open the barrier and finally you'll see water. Slip past the spiked ball but don't hit the switch yet. Go left and jump the wall to find a bunch of rings. Now hit the switch and proceed downward. Soon you see four spears in a row. Between the second and third is a block that goes down. If you ride it down you might hit one of the badnik's below. Instead, jump straight up and then go down, and since you're spinning you'll kill any badnik you hit. Thus is the shortcut, but it's not a cakewalk. Snag an air bubble and go right. For a long time you won't get an air bubble, so hurry. Soon a current catches you and you'll grab a pole. Press down while you're grabbing the pole to move down. Then press the jump button to release the pole. You must be on the bottom of the pole to avoid getting slammed into spikes (it doesn't kill you, though). There are five poles, and after you go past the spikes after the third one, hold up or you'll crash into a wall and land on spikes. It isn't too tough once you get the hang of it, but remember you won't get any air until it's done so make it snappy. Once the current stops get an air bubble and prepare for your next challenge. You must use the spring on one of the platforms to hit the button above. The problem is there isn't much space above it to fit into. Jump from the right onto the spring and hold left to bounce up at an angle and be more likely to hit it. After every two bounces get an air bubble. When you hit the switch head right, and you'll meet a spike badnik. Jump to the step above and two of the floor badniks attack. Jump straight up to kill both, while the spikes fly under you. After they're gone kill the badnik, snag an air bubble, and head up. You're above the water now, and there's a lamppost to the left. VERY IMPORTANT WARNING: DO NOT TOUCH THIS LAMPPOST! That's because the boss is coming up and there are no rings from now on, so if you die you'll have to fight the boss with zero rings. If you touch this lamppost you can't go back to get rings no matter how many times you die, unless you have a game over, which might happen. Yes, there's a shield before the boss, but you can't re- grab a shield like you can rings. So don't touch that lamppost. Understand? To the right are three cork blocks. Now comes another nightmare: if you don't get on them the water level will rise and you will drown because there are no air bubbles around here, and if you do drown you'll go back to the beginning of the level because you didn't touch the lamppost - at least you better not have. I warned you that Labyrinth zone would be tough. So get on the first cork block and it rises. Now the nightmares never stop, do they? You must jump over to the cork block on the right, and then another one because the first two will smash you against spikes! If you fall, I just told you what happens. Also, when you're on the second block jump, because a floor badnik will jump up and try to knock you off. Jump straight up and you should be okay. If you can't get through this part you can use the cheat code to warp ahead. If you have to do that, it's okay. If you can get on the third cork block you'll have to high-tail it up some stairs with the water close behind you. At the very top, go left to a shield, and go right to the boss, who's well, very tough to put it mildly. Robotnik's ship will rise through a shaft with a lot of spears and crow heads. You don't have to hit him to beat him. Also the water is rising just behind you, and there are no air bubbles here, so hurry up. First you must jump past two crow heads. Then jump over a spear and wait for the second spear to retract before jumping onto the block it's on. Now go to the right side and jump on the platform in the center when the spear above you retracts. Jump past a few more spears and wait for the water to submerge you. Now you must go really fast. The second part is much like the first, only a little tougher. If you get hit just grab a few flying rings and keep going. At the top Robotnik will fly away, and you can bust open another prison egg. Unbelievable. You won Labyrinth zone - the second toughest zone in the game - and will be happy to know that the next zone, Star Light zone, isn't that tough compared to what you just did. If you can beat this zone you are a very good player. Excellent work. STAR LIGHT ZONE This zone is... weird. It's as if you're out in space somewhere. Most of the walls and floors are green-colored. It won't be that tough, and it has nice quiet music. This is my favorite zone in the game. Unfortunately it's not a total cakewalk. Your main goal in this zone is to stay on the upper path because you'll have a strong possibility of falling off the screen. To help you I'll give a walkthrough for act 1, and you should be able to get through. Remember, stay on the high path! There are almost no spikes here, but all kinds of platforms. Start act 1 by going right. Soon you'll meet a new badnik. When you go near it, it explodes into four pieces which fly at you. They can't be beaten and your best strategy is to run past them and get away. Bounce on the spring and you'll face another one. For him, set him off and then move back left, avoiding the particles. Now touch the platform and it moves down, making it seemingly impossible to get the 1-Up under it. This one is easy to get. Go right and spin down the hill. You need to be going fast to skip over the gap. Also hold "up" to skip over more easily. If you fall down, you'll be on the very bottom of the level - not the best place to be. I really doubt that anyone can go down that gap and survive. There are rings down there, but they're bait. Now don't touch the spring on the left but go back down, over the gap, up the hills and back to the 1-Up, which you can now get because the platform is gone. If you die later in the act you can get the 1-Up again. Go back down the hill and over the gap, this time hitting the red spring on the left. You'll fly by a fan which means that you can't go back. Now you meet a new badnik identical to the one in Labyrinth zone except it doesn't shoot its spikes at you and can't be defeated. Lure it to the left and then jump over it and go right, finding a fan that prevents you from passing. To proceed, use the platform that extends down. Use another one to continue down and head left, to find a flame thrower like the one in Marble zone. Jump the flame and wait for the platform to go down. You must go down four platforms watching out for flame throwers. Now we're at the very bottom of the level. Go right to find two flame throwers pointing at each other. Jump over the flames and continue. Now stop. The next part is crucial to getting through the act. You'll see a platform above that looks like one you previously saw. Jump up and hit it from below and it shakes and extends down. You must be on the ledge on the left so it doesn't cut you off, so get back there fast and use it to climb higher. Now there's another spike badnik. Stay on the steps and it slowly moves above you. After it's out of your way go right to find two red springs. Bouncing between them accomplishes nothing, so jump over them. You'll have to be going pretty fast to get up the next hill. Then there's another red spring. Use it to bounce up to a platform at the left. Don't get the invincibility yet, instead jump and hit the platform above so it shakes and extends down. You must curve your jump around so you get back to the platform. If you miss you can just try again. Then get the invincibility and go up the new stairs. Head right, killing the spiked badnik with the invincibility, and spin down the two hills because you'll need to skip over a gap ahead. If you get over the gap and hit the red spring on the left, go right to pass a few fans to the exit. However, if you fall in the gap, you can still get to the goal but it's more difficult. Acts 2 and 3 have a few more things. They include platforms that collapse, platforms that move in circles, and catapults. To use them, jump on the side without the spiked ball, and then run to the other side as the ball lands on the other side that it started on. If you need more height, bounce again and again. Oh, and there's another 1-Up in this zone. In act 3, after the big hill try to avoid the collapsing platform, but if you fall you can get a 1-Up. Go right, but watch out for exploding badniks. At the catapult you'll want to go right, but you'll see a small platform to the left. Bounce several times to reach this platform in the upper left corner. On it is a super ring, 1-Up, and invincibility. That's basically it, except for the battle with Robotnik at the end. Just like in Labyrinth zone there's a lamppost before the boss that you shouldn't touch. Remember that as you play act 3. Anyway, on with the battle. Robotnik flies above, dropping spiked balls onto the three catapults on the floor. If a ball sits for too long it explodes into four particles. If you jump on the other side of the catapult that the spiked ball is on, it flies up, and if it touches Robotnik's ship it hurts it. When it lands it explodes. What you must do is use the balls to bounce yourself up to hit Robotnik. Pretty simple, but it can get frantic. Robotnik's ship is beaten after eight hits, and you get to smash another prison egg. Excellent work! You've completed Star Light zone! Now only one zone remains, and it's called Scrap Brain zone. This zone is packed with flamespouts, grinder wheels, crusher blocks and elite badniks. It's the toughest zone in the entire game. Are you ready? As for how many lives you'll need, well, you'll need every one you've got! Also important are continues, which you can get in the secret zone. SCRAP BRAIN ZONE Oh... this zone is evil. All the stuff here is about 50% tougher then Labyrinth zone. This zone is the ultimate test of you agility skills and survivability. Act 1 Start off this hellish zone by going right. You'll see a platform that opens and closes by folding into the wall. If you fall below it you die. Jump over it, but don't go too quickly because there's another one. Now there's some pipes in the ground that shoot a flamespout up through the floor at you. These spouts are meant to hit you if you go too fast. Next, jump over the caterpillar from Marble zone and proceed right to a spinning wheel with a spot for you in it. WARNING: DON'T JUMP INTO THIS WHEEL YET! It will deposit you to a low route that is super hard. Instead, hit the button to reverse the direction the wheel is rotating, then jump in and you'll shoot right. Go through a door (which prevents you from going back) and you'll find your next challenge, a series of moving blocks that move in and out of a wall. To negotiate them get inside the small space between the block and the left wall when they move down, and then under the block when it moves left but before it moves down. Got it? At the bottom of this nasty corridor are two caterpillars. Beat them and go right, but don't jump because of the energy conductors on the ceiling. Clobber another caterpillar with a spin attack and go through another door. Now, you must climb to the top of another corridor by jumping up the platforms on either side that appear and disappear. They appear and disappear in a synchronized manner. At the top get the shield to the left and then go to the ledge on the right but stay on the edge to avoid the energy conductor. Run by after it fires a blast of energy to a lamppost. Stand directly in front of the lamppost and run by another energy conductor. Now go down the steps collecting rings. Avoid two flamespouts and you'll reach a conveyor belt. When the platforms are spinning you'll fall through them. If you fall you must hit the button to make a platform appear, then jump back to the conveyor belt. If you fall below this platform, well, you don't want to know, believe me. From the conveyor belt make a leap of faith onto the place with zero rings. If you're lucky a platform will appear. Jump to another platform to the right when it appears, and from there jump to a third and you will be on solid ground again. Drop down below the folding platform to find two super rings and springs that'll propel you up to fifteen rings. Head right, kill the caterpillar and spin down the chute and over two folding platforms. You're done for if you fall below them, so hurry up. Now comes a tough part. Make a low jump so as not to get on top of the red platform above, and hit the button. Now jump to the platform, which disappears into the wall upon touch, so instantly jump to another platform above, and from there jump to the next level. If you didn't touch the button, there will be a barrier that blocks you. If you fall you must wait for the platforms to return and hit the button again. From the top of this place go right to the toughest part of the act. You must run across a platform that flips over regularly. You'll fall if you're on it when it flips over, and if you fall you'll probably die. Also you must run through when the flamespout is out of the way. Run across it and when you're about halfway across, jump the rest of the way. Oh, and there's another one. Isn't this fun? Now you'll find a door you can't go through. Instead, take the upper path and you'll meet a badnik that looks like a purple teddy bear. He'll release an energy ball that bounces toward you. Kill him fast and go left on a higher passageway. Then don't jump to the higher platform yet, as two energy balls are coming your way. Wait for them to explode, and go along the upper platform fast, killing the two badniks before they release their balls. Go right past a flamespout to the exit. Excellent work! And now you've got to do more of the same. Act 2 Go right but watch out for the flamespout. Jump right and onto the big wheel. You'll run around and around on it. Press and hold right to go faster, but don't spin or you'll go too fast and go out of control. You must jump off at the perfect time to reach the wheel to the right. If you fall, a bunch of energy shooters will zap you good. From the second wheel jump to the yellow and black platform above. Don't jump to a third wheel but jump to the next platform with a button. This causes another platform to appear to the right. Jump on it and continue right. Kill two caterpillars but avoid the flamespout and go into the transport pipe to be jetted down. Go left to find three platforms composed of those tiles that flip over. There are energy shooters below, so avoid falling by jumping when the flip is coming at you. Continue left through a door but watch out for the flamespout. As for the exploding badnik, the best way to avoid the particles is to stand directly under him. Now you'll find a conveyor belt that moves you right, with a giant grinding wheel that moves up and down. Fight the conveyor belt and run under it when it's up. Go past a flamespout to a transport pipe. You must go by another flamespout to another conveyor belt with a grinding wheel. This time the conveyor belt will carry you right under the wheel if you time it right. Once past this, jump up and down to hold your place and wait for the next wheel to rise and duck to avoid the flamespout. Now you must cross platforms that fold in and out. You must run by when they are not folded and the flamespout is off. Under them is a nasty energy conductor. The platform could trap you in with it if you're not very careful. You don't have time to run all the way across, so run about halfway and jump the rest. After you go through another one of these you'll go through a transport pipe. Now run under the flamespout and you'll see another flip tile platform. You must run part of the way and jump the rest. If you go down you can get two super rings but it's very hard to get back up again. After this you go through a door. Kill the caterpillar and go right to find a small conveyor belt. Slip by the grinder wheel and then drop off the second conveyor belt to the left. You'll land next to a red spring. Shoot right, you might hit a spiked ball, in which case you must try again. You'll fly off a ramp and hit a conveyor belt. Hold right to land on the platform. Now there's an energy conductor that shoots rapidly. You must spin attack underneath it, but that's almost impossible. The best strategy is to let yourself be hit and then run by while you're flashing. The next obstacle is a big block that moves rapidly from the ceiling to the floor. It will try to crush you, and that's why I call it a crusher block. After the energy conductor stop quickly to avoid it, and then push against it when it's on the floor, and when it moves up run by like a madman. This is one of the few things in this level that kills instantly, and is one of the toughest obstacles in the level. Now run by the two exploding badniks on the ceiling and the flamespout on the floor, and jump to get past the two exploding badniks on the floor. Hit the button and quickly jump to the platform to avoid the particles. Now you must jump past the flamespout above and go right, but watch out for the swinging spiked ball. Go right to a purple teddy bear badnik. Kill it and go left, kill another badnik, and go right to a third one. Kill it and go left to a fourth one, which has a spiked ball above it. Kill it and go right, watch out for the spiked ball, and go through the door and hit the fifth badnik from behind. Continue left, then go right and get out of this area. Kill two caterpillars and go right past a few swinging spiked balls to the exit. It looks like it's time for the final battle, but Robotnik hits a switch and you fall to act 3, which is actually Labyrinth zone. Not that it's much of an improvement, though. Act 3 This act is weird but very tough. There is a shortcut but it is a little tough to use. Still, the act is so tough I feel it's justified in telling you only the shortcut. It's more like Labyrinth zone then Scrap Brain zone, with white background and purple water. Not only is there a slew of crow heads, spiked balls and spears, but there are only as many air pockets. When you start, go left and hit the button and the platform will move down and left. The moment you can, run left and off the platform and drop between the platform and the stationar yplatform to the left. When you finish you must be under the ledge with the moving platform on the platform to the right. You only have one chance to do this, so do it right. If you fail, kill yourself. There are spikes above this shortcut that kill you instantly because you have zero rings. Go left from here and hit the button to open the barrier and proceed down into the water, but watch out for the spears. This is the only place where you can use the shortcut, so do it right. You should have 8 rings now. Grab an air bubble but watch out for the swinging spiked balls. There are two in the same place and you'll probably get hit. If you do, _you must get at least one ring!_ The next obstacle is two crow heads facing each other. If you fall into the holes you lose the shortcut. Make a low jump onto the platform in the center to avoid the bullets and then make another low jump and run through. If you get hit, you might be knocked into a hole. If you fall, it's best to kill yourself and try again, for if you do try to go through the normal way, you'll find a lamppost. Yes, that's another booby-trapped lamppost because if you touch it you'll be unable to go back and take the shortcut. The normal route is very hard, so you must kill yourself. If you get through you must jump up some steps with crow heads. The first one you can't jump past, so jump to his step just after he fires and then quickly jump to the next step. It gets harder if you have zero rings. The second one you can jump past, and it's pretty smooth sailing from here. Stop quickly to avoid a single spiked ball and jump over the gap with rings in it and kill a few floor badniks. If you fall you're in trouble. Even though you'll still have skipped most of the level you must get an air bubble, open a door, get the super ring and go back for another air bubble, and quickly jump up the perilous shaft and open the barrier before oxygen runs out. If you make it, or if you get past the gap you'll be in the same place. You must jump up the steps to the right, but watch out for the three spiked balls that intermesh. It won't be easy but if you make it jump on the red spring and you'll go to the final battle. You won't get a time or ring bonus, but you'll have hardly any rings, so who cares? FINAL ZONE Well, this is it. You've worked hard and beaten many traps and obstacles, but none of that matters if you can't beat Robotnik himself. The music is really cool, and... What's that you say? Just shut up and tell me how to beat him? Okay, I'll tell you. You'll start at the place where Robotnik was at the end of act 2, but the button is gone. Run right to the battle arena. WARNING: YOU'LL ALWAYS HAVE NO RINGS IN THIS ZONE, SO ONE MISTAKE KILLS YOU! First, two pistons will move. There are two on the floor and two on the ceiling, and they never hit each other. Always one of the two on the left will move, and one of the two on the right. Stay on the far right of the screen to avoid being squashed. Robotnik himself will be in one of the pistons. If you can, hit the one he's in from the side and he'll suffer damage. Next four energy balls appear overhead and fall to the floor. As they fall they move slightly toward you. They kill you (duh!) You must find the biggest break between them and stay in the center. That means that if there's a big break between the second and third ones, stand in the center between them and they don't hit you. If they're all pretty evenly spaced, you must stand in the biggest break and when they come within an inch of your head jump straight up and you'll be in the air when they touch the floor. If you jump too soon they may land on you so be careful. Then the pistons move again and it repeats itself. If possible, hit Robotnik. That's the safe but time-consuming method. However, if you have plenty of lives and want to get done fast, there's another way. Notice that before the pistons move they move a little bit before they go all the way. This is rather dangerous, but it wipes out the frustration of being unable to hit Robotnik because his piston is out of reach. For this I've numbered the pistons from left to right: 1, 2, 3, and 4. If pistons 1 and 3, 2 and 4 or 1 and 4 are the ones, you can quickly get between them and hit Robotnik no matter which one he's in. If you aren't careful you could get squished, though. If pistons 2 and 3 move, you can't get between them and must quickly get out of the way. You may want to try this if you're having trouble avoiding the energy balls. It is a bit dangerous but lets you get done quick. After 8 hits a door opens and you can run right. Robotnik will take off and for show you can hit him from below and he explodes. Run right but don't jump or you might fall off and die, and Sonic stops by himself. Now you can watch the ending, which first shows Sonic with all his animal friends, then skits from each zone along with the credits, and finally Robotnik holding all the emeralds you didn't get. You'll also get a little bonus if you got all the emeralds. Congratulations - you've beaten Sonic 1!