**--** THE 16 LEVEL WAY **--** LEVEL ONE: Yoshi's Island 1 If you've ever played this before, it's way easy. Just beat it. Not that hard. Go to the right and jump and you'll be alright. LEVEL TWO: Yellow Switch Palace This level is up the mountain on the left of your current map. Pretty easy just don't die. Go through the pipe on the right and jump on the big yellow button thing. LEVEL THREE: Yoshi's Island 2 Again, straightforward. For an extra life, hold Y and run into the red shell. Jump and let go of Y at the beginning of the ledge and run under the ledge. Watch all the dudes die. If you see all of 'em croak then you get a 1-UP. Go right. Watch out for the football player guys because they hurt ya. Three jumps on their head kills em. Make sure you get the Yoshi. LEVEL FOUR: Yoshi's Island 3 This is a way easy level, even though it looks hard. Go up the ledges and right. Watch out for the guys and keep right. The brown ledge things connected to the balls rotate around the stone axis. Use this to your advantage to get all the coins, just make sure you time your jumps right. Eventually you get to some yellow blocks that expand out and up. Time your jumps and know the pattern. Because you got the yellow switch (see LEVEL 2), a row of blocks is there to help you if you fall. Watch out for the football guy at the end. LEVEL FIVE: Yoshi's Island 4 Ooh, a water level. Watch out for the jumping and the big fish in the water. The little platforms floating in the water sink if you stand on them for too long. Fireballs help a lot in killin the little fish. Yoshi's a plus too, he can suck them up. Towards the middle of the level a blue pipe sticks out of the ground next to a sturdy ledge. If you take it, you'll end up in a place with no water. Go right. The little cat guys only die if you lure them into holes or lick them up. At the end, there's another blue pipe. Go down it and you're back to the water place. If you pick up the red shell to your left (be off Yoshi) and stand right under the yellow block above you, hold up and let go of Y, the blue pump falls down. If you hit it, the brown blocks the red koopas are on turn into coins and the coins to your right turn into brown blocks onto which the koopas fall. Go right and eventually finish. LEVEL SIX: Castle 1 (The only one of these you have to do until Bowser) Way easy. Jump and push up to get on the netting. If koopas are on the other side (you'll see their bellies) push Y to puch them off. Watch out for the guys on your side, though. If you push the punch button on the square things in the middle of the netting, you'll filp over to the other side. At the end, go through the red door. This boss is way easy. With fireballs, even easier. Jump on him or shoot him till he falls off the side. Watch out for the balls he throws. LEVEL SEVEN: Donut Plains 1 This level introduces you to the art of flying. Jump on to the dudes that fly into you. If their cape flashes red, then you'll get a feather if you kill them. The Y button makes you spin: this can kill normal bad guys. Holding the Y button and running one way or the other enables you to fly. Run to one side and after a second or two, you run a little different. Push B and hold it with up and you'll fly for a while. Just make sure you don't get hit. Watch for the baseball throwing guys. They can be tricky. The little flowers that glow then spit out fireballs are predictable and can be killed by fireballs or your cape spin. Keep right, the Yoshi is a big help (you get one in the middle of the level). When you get to the part with a mess of blue pipes, go in them all. In one of them, You get a feather and the speaker tells you how to fly and stuff. Run up the side of the pipes and fly for lotsa coins. At the end, do down the green pipe then finish the level. LEVEL EIGHT: Donut Plains 2 This level moves automatically so make sure you don't get squished. The blue-black shell guys work like green shell koopas. In the middle of the level, when the yellow floor moves you up to pipes, go up the green one (jump & push up). Make your way to the key. Pick it up like a shell and run into the keyhole to beat the level. LEVEL NINE: Green Switch Palace Just as easy as the yellow one. Hit the blue pump to turn the background into coins. Collect as much as possible. Go through the pipe and hit the switch. LEVEL TEN: Donut Plains 1 (Again) Do exactly the same thing as before, but because you got the green switch, you can't beat the level like you did last time. Instead, run up the blocks, grab the key, hit the hole. LEVEL ELEVEN: Donut Secret 1 A totally underwater level. The sleeping blue fish wake up and chase you if you get too close to them. Fireballs work wonders in this level. About halfway through the level, under one of the ? blocks is a blue pump. Carry it with Y until you see a bunch of brown blocks blocking a ? block. Set down the pump, hit it, get coins (at least 1 so you can get out), hit the ? block. Oh! A key! Take it right and down to the hole. LEVEL TWELVE: Donut Secret Ghost House (the only one of THESE you gotta do) First of all, get a cape. In the first room is where you need to be. Go to the right a ways (run). Run back to the left and fly up. When you see a ledge, hop on and take it right. Go in the door. Watch out for the ghosts (if you look toward them, they dont move). Mr Boo shows himself. You have to hit this guy 3 times with the blue blocks under you. To pick them up hit Y then throw them at him. Remember how to throw blocks up? (see LEVEL FIVE) It helps. 3 hits brings him down for a win. LEVEL THIRTEEN: Star Road 1 After taking the star by the ghost house and warping to a new map, go to the first red dot you see and play the level. If you're small, Pick up the mushroom. If you're not, don't get it. Go down and all the way to the right. Spin jump (A button) to the next level. Keep going down again on the right side, 3 blocks from the wall. There is a key and a hole. You know what to do. LEVEL FOURTEEN: Star Road 2 (The next red dot, not the star) An underwater level again. Go right and next to the blue egg. While dodging the fish, touch the baby Yoshi and let him eat the star that is falling. He'll grow into Blue Yoshi. Go right and dodge the fish. Upon reaching the pipe, go under it (not thru it) and do the usual key thing. LEVEL FIFTEEN: Star Road 3 Being small without a Yoshi is not a good idea. Cape and Yoshi is a good mix, but you get a Yellow Yoshi in this level if the baby eats 5 bad guys. Anyways, hit the silver pump to turn the spikes Lakitu drops into silver coins. Jump on the blue blocks to the right and jump on him UNLESS YOU HAVE A YOSHI. If you have a Yoshi, lick him. Jump on the cloud and go up and then to the left. Get the ? block. Dont get back on the cloud, it'll disappear on you. Jump onto the right side with a running jump (holding Y) and do the key thing. LEVEL SIXTEEN: Star Road 4 This is some tough stuff. Before you enter, make sure you have a cape and the Blue Yoshi from Star Road 2 (You can just push Start+Select to exit after you're sitting on him). Let me tell you what a Blue Yoshi does. If you eat a shell, you can fly like a Caped Mario as long as the shell's in his mouth and before he swallows it. Now: go right a long time until you get to that place where you're standing on rocks. A red shell's in front of you and the little baby koopa kicks a green shell down into the little valley thing. Go a head and blow the red shell at the koopa, because you need a green shell. Go right a little more to a green pipe. Jump on & kill ONE green koopa. Jump onto a pipe and use A to hop off Yoshi. Hop on the green koopa till he's a green shell THAT DOESN'T MOVE (that's 3 hits). Hop onto Yoshi and suck up the shell and quickly move left to the end of the stones. There are green blocks below. Hop on them. Go right and as soon as you're off the blocks, tap B like there's no tomarrow and get on the OTHER SIDE of the ? block. Hurry and hit Y towards the ? to let the green shell hit the block. Do the key thing. Dont bother with Star Road 5. Instead, go to the Star between 4 & 5. BAM! There you are, right at the Front Door. My reccomendation is to go into it with 2 capes (cape on and a cape in storage). For part 1 of the Castle, the easist door is #4. Go right, avoiding the revolving suns and the big giant hole below you. Go through the door. I always do door #6, but any door works, they're all pretty much at the same difficulty level. For door #6, the rug things you can see through have a hole in the bottom of them. The totally filled in ones are solid. Use this to your advantage to get the mini-bowsers (jump on their heads. you can then pick them up and ram into other badguys, but they do come alive in your arms after about 10 seconds). In the top right corner right before the big open space is a 1-UP mushroom. Go into the door. At this point, no matter which doors you chose, you'll end up in a room with a disco ball above you and everything's all dark. Just turn up the contrast on your TV and it should be better. Dodge the lava, lavaballs, and anything else harmful and go through the big red door to BOWSER. To beat bowser Seeya everyone from EZLO21.