Link's House ------------ The game starts with Link asleep in his house, when Princess Zelda telepathically calls you in your sleep. After Link wakes up, his uncle will take the sword and shield and tell you to stay in the house, then leaves. After that, get out of bed and open the chest to get the Lamp. Now, leave the house with nothing but your Lamp. Overworld --------- Outside, it is dark and rainy, and guards are everywhere. Lift up the bushes around your house and you might find a few rupees here and there. Then, head north from your house and follow the path up and left, then up again to the castle gate. Since the gates are closed and a guard is standing in front of it, head right along the small path and lift up more bushes to find a couple more rupees if you're lucky. Then, continue right and up the stone path and you'll find a bush surrounded by a couple of light-colored bricks. Lift up the bush to reveal a hole, then drop down into a secret passageway. (If you didn't get to this point quickly enough, Princess Zelda will tell you about the hidden passageway. Head left when you land and you'll find Link's uncle on the ground. Talk to him and he'll give you the Sword and Shield (both Level 1). Now, continue right into the next room. Here, go right and defeat the guards you see, then open the chest at the right side of the room to receive 5 rupees. Also, lift up the pots to get a small amount of magic in your meter. Now, go back left and up the steps, then up and back outside. You're now within the castle walls since you went through the passageway underneath the wall. Cut through the bushes and make your way left to the main path to the castle. Defeat the guards you see, then go up and enter Hyrule Castle. Hyrule Castle ------------- Now that you're inside Hyrule Castle, it's time to rescue Princess Zelda! From the entrance, go up to the main area of the room and head left into the next room. Here, just go left and follow the red carpet up into the following room. In this room, go up and defeat the guards along the way. If you get hit along the way, just lift up a pot at the end of the hallway and you'll find a heart. Then, go right into the next room. There, go right until you reach a couple of statues and steps between them. Go down the stairs to the next floor, then in the room you appear in, defeat the blue soldier with 3 hits from your Sword, then take the Key that it drops. Also, open the chest to obtain a Map of the castle. Now, use the Key to unlock the door, then go into the next room. Here, go down the ladder to the lower area, then knock the guard into the pit by hitting it with your Sword as it walks towards the pit. Then, continue down through the area, defeating the guards along the way. At the bottom wall, go left through the next couple scenes until you can move up again. Go up and left, then defeat the two green guards there, then maneuver around the walls, then go up to the next room. Here, defeat the single soldier, then when the doors open again, go right into that room. Here, defeat the blue soldier and take the Key he drops. Open the chest and take the Boomerang, then leave the room. Switch your items so you use the Boomerang instead of the Lamp, then go up the ladder and use the Key to open the door. Then, go through the door into the next room. Here, simply climb down the ladder and go down the stairs to the floor below. In the room you go down to, just go left and down the next set of stairs to the bottom floor. Here, defeat a green soldier, then go right to meet the Ball-and-Chain Trooper. In the open cell next to Zelda's cell, take a pot and throw it at the enemy. Do it again to kill the trooper. If you don't wish to throw pots at this enemy and kill it quicker, then just attack with your Sword. After you defeat it, take the Big Key and unlock Zelda's cell, then go talk to her. After she's done talking, say yes when she asks if you understand what she said (always answer 'Yes' whenever someone talks to you and they ask if you understood what they said, that way you won't have to hear the person explain everything twice in a row). Then she'll follow you around out of the castle. Open the chest in the cell to get some rupees, then leave the cell and go left and up, then go up the steps. At the room you come to, just go right and go up to the following floor. Next, go straight up the ladder and continue into the following room. There, go down the ladder in front of you and go down into the next room. Here, go down all the way to the ladder and climb up it to reach the higher ledge. Now, head all the way right and up, then right again along the path to the next room. Continue up the path to the end, then jump down to the lower ledge again, and then knock the guard into the pit with your Sword. Then, climb up the ladder and go through the door into the next room. Here, just defeat the blue guard and continue straight up the stairs to the first floor. In the hallway, go right to the next room. Here, go down on the red carpet and defeat the guards along the way. Go all the way down to the next room, and when you get there, go down a little more and defeat another guard. Then, go left through the door into the main room of the castle. When you enter the room, Zelda will tell you that there's a secret passageway in the throne room that leads to the Sanctuary. Now, go up the ladder and go up the stairs in the wall to reach the second floor throne room. Go straight ahead before the guards get to you and go up the ladder, then continue to the wall. When you get there, Zelda will tell you there's a passage behind the wall ornament and that you need to push it away to get through. So, get to the left side of the wall piece and start pushing it with Zelda's help towards the right, revealing the secret passageway. Now that it's revealed, go up into the beginning of the dark passageway to Sanctuary. Escape Passageway ----------------- When you enter this area, the only source of light is the flashlight-like illumination coming from your Lamp. You're going to have to get through this passageway and the many enemies with limited light. From where you enter this area, go around the room and defeat all the rats you hear in the room. Be sure to lift up the two pots you find in the left side of the room to fill your magic meter a little more. After that, find the path going right, and then walk right and up to the stairs, and go up them to the first floor. As soon as you enter this room, go down to the lantern in the right corner and select the Lamp from your inventory, then light the lantern. That way you'll be able to see all the snakes that are in this room attacking you. Defeat the snakes, then get to the left side of the room and go down the stairs to the basement floor. Here, go straight and defeat the snakes that are coming towards you. At the intersection, go right and defeat the bat, then open the chest to get a Key. Go left and up to the locked door. Use the Key to open it, then go through to the next room. Now you've reached the sewer areas of the passage. In this room, defeat the rats you find, then go left into the next room. Here, go left through this room and defeat any enemies you come across. Be sure to defeat the rats in this room since they seem to be a good source of rupees. After you beat the enemies here, go through the door in the upper wall to the next room. Here, defeat all the enemies, especially the rats. One of them will drop a Key for you to use, so take it and get to the right side of the room. Unlock the door and go up into the next room, which is fully lit. Here, go up and defeat any rats and the two bats along the way. When you get to the blocks, push the middle one forward, and then go around it and head up the stairs to the next floor. In this room, defeat all the rats running around to gain a few more rupees if you're lucky. Then, go through the door at the bottom of the screen to enter the next room. Here, defeat a couple of rats, then go to the right side of the room by the switch. Walk up to the switch and press and hold A, then push Down on the Control Pad to pull the switch (the game tells you how to pull the switch as well) to open the last door. Go through the door and you'll enter the Sanctuary. Sanctuary --------- When you arrive in the Sanctuary, you and Zelda will automatically move the shelf out of the way and come out of the passageway. Zelda and the sage there will talk about what happened and tell you about how you must stop the wizard, Agahnim, from breaking the seal to the Dark World. The sage marks a house in Kakariko Village on your map and says to visit the wise man's wife that lives there. You don't really have to go there since it's actually optional, despite what the game makes it seem like you must do. After the conversation ends, come out of the passageway and open the chest next to the sage to get a Heart Container, giving you 4 hearts total. Please note right now that I am NOT covering getting the Heart Pieces in this walkthrough, so if you really want to get 20 hearts or more than just the ones you get in each dungeon, read the Heart Pieces section of the guide instead while playing the game. Now, go all the way down and exit the Sanctuary. Overworld --------- Now that you've gotten out of Hyrule Castle and rescued Zelda, it has become day and it's light outside again. From where you exit Sanctuary, go straight down to the path heading left and right and take it to the left. Go left a few screens and defeat any guards you see until you reach the screen with the fortune-teller's building. From there, go down with the path under the arch and into Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- When you enter this village, don't worry about having to visit the house that the Sanctuary sage asked you to visit since it's absolutely optional. Anyway, go down and left past the very first house you pass (the one the sage marked on the map). Don't go inside it, instead continue left and enter the house with the green roof. Go down the stairs in the upper wall of the room, then in the basement, move around the blocks and open the chest to get a total of 70 rupees. You can also get a Heart Piece and 30 more rupees if you bomb the upper wall. Now, go back upstairs and leave the house, then go left and get up to the ledge above the well. Drop into the well into a cave below and open the chests and lift the pots there to get Bombs and rupees. Also, if you want, you can bomb the wall here and go inside to find a Heart Piece. After that, exit the cave and go right and down, then talk to the man sitting on the floor next to a few pots. Buy a Bottle from him for 100 rupees (you should have that amount by now). After that, go down to the path and go right until you see the white path go down again. Follow it down for a moment and go inside the house to the right (it's the one to the right of the house with the small addition to it). Talk to the boy in the bed and he'll give you the Bug-Catching Net. Then, leave the house and walk straight down into the hidden back door of the next house. Lift up the pots and open the chest to get a second Bottle. Now, leave through the back door and head to the small wooden house to the left of the house you just left (it's the one with the water holders in the yard and a boy standing next to them). Talk to the little boy there and he'll tell you about how the wise man Sahasrahla is hiding near the Eastern Palace, and he'll mark that location on your map. Now you have everything you need here, so now it's time to head towards the eastern half of Hyrule. Go right and down past the tree, and under the arch to the next screen. Here, drop down a couple of ledges and go past the building there. Continue down and right to the next area. Go down through this small section, then you'll be out of Kakariko Village completely. Overworld --------- Back in the open area of Hyrule, head all the way right along the path, defeating any guards along the way. Continue right until the dirt path moves upward, then head north and east past your own house. Keep on going right all the way to the water, then walk up across the bridge to the north side of the river. Now, take the path to the right and when you reach the row of trees, go up. Here, continue moving straight ahead under the arches and defeat the rock-spitting enemies along the way, and then go up the steps into the next area. Continue right and up into the following area, then go right and activate the Armos Knight to make it move from the path. Paralyze it with the Boomerang and go right and down. Jump off the right side of the platform before the Armos Knight comes to life, then go up the steps to another platform. Here, go right and up the steps quickly before another statue comes to life and chases you. At the top of the steps here, defeat the soldier and go up the final sets of steps into the Eastern Palace. Eastern Palace -------------- From where you enter this palace, go straight ahead and lift up the pot to reveal a switch. Step on it to open the door in front of you, then go through the door into the next area. Here, defeat the three enemies to gain some extra rupees if you're lucky, then step on the switch to open the door. Go into the next room and jump off the ledge or climb down the ladder to the lower area. Then, go up the hall while moving to the left or right trying to avid the small cannonballs coming your way. Move quickly or you'll see larger cannonballs being shot around, and you'll have to stand in an alcove on the side of the hall to avoid it. When you get to the end of the hall, go left and down, then up the ladder. Then, go right along the higher ledge to the chest and pots surrounding it. Open the chest and lift up the pots to find a lot of rupees. Now, go back left and go down the ladder, then go up and right and climb up the ladder next to the hole where the cannonballs are being shot. Then go through the door into the next room. In this room, go up to the boundary and head left to the wall with the two pots surrounding a switch. Lift up the pots to find a single heart, then step on the switch to open the door, then go into the next room. Here, get to the left side of the room and defeat the Stalfos here, then go down and left through the door into the following room. Here, wait for the four Stalfos to appear, then use the pots to quickly defeat them. After you beat them all, go through the upper door that opens to get into the next room. Go up and open the chest to get the Compass, then go down the ladder and head right through the door into the next room. Since you can't open the big chest in this room yet, just run all the way across the room and go through the right door into the following room. Here, go down through the room and up the ladder, then go through the door into the next room. In this darkened room, there are two skulls surrounded by fireballs that move around the narrow halls in this square room. Quickly go right and down and defeat the enemy, then hit the switch on the floor. Go through the door to the right that opens, then defeat the Stalfos and lift up the pots to find some goodies, as well as a Key. Now, leave the room and continue going down and left around this room until you get to the left wall. Then, go up and unlock the door with a Key, and go into the next room. Here, just go left along the ledge across the room and go through the door at the other side to the next room. In this room, first defeat the two enemies with the tentacle- like things on them, then lift up a pot and walk near the sleeping cyclops enemy. Throw the pot at it when it wakes up to defeat it. Then, use the other pot to defeat one of the Stalfos, and use your sword to beat the other one. After you beat all the enemies, the flying skull creatures will move away from the middle pot. Avoid getting hit by them and lift up that pot to reveal a switch. Step on it to make a chest appear, then go up the steps and open the chest to get the Big Key. Now, go around the little area where you got the Big Key and open the door in the upper wall with the large keyhole, then go through it to the next room. Here, go down the ladder and push the right block forward, then go up the hall to the wall and go right into the next room. Here, go right and down, then go and open the large chest with the Big Key to get the Bow. Now, hurry down, left, and up again because Stalfos will appear and their heads will detach and follow you. Go up and climb the ladder north of the chest, then open the door at the top of the ladder with the Big Key and go into the following room. This room is dark and there are a few enemies here, so be careful. Defeat the tentacle enemies and the two cyclops enemies to get a Key. Now, go to the upper-right corner of the room and lift up the pot in your way, then go through the door. Drop down to the lower area and take the 90 rupees there while avoiding the floating skull enemies, also known as Bubbles. After that, climb up a ladder and exit the room. Now, go to the left side of the room and lift up the pot, then unlock the door with your Key and go up the stairs to the next floor. Here, avoid the two Bubbles floating around and lift up the bottom-left pot to reveal a switch. Step on it to open the door, then go left to the next room. Here, awaken the middle and bottom cyclops enemies, then finish them off quickly with your Bow and Arrows. Then, step on the bottom switch to open the left door, then go left and into the following room. Here, there are four holes on each wall and they all shoot out cannonballs into the room. Try not to get hit and step on the upper-left switch to open the door, then go through the left door into the next room. Defeat the two Stalfos and take out your Bow again, then awaken the red cyclops enemy. Shoot two arrows into its eye to defeat it, then go through the now-open door into the next room. In this room, defeat the tentacle enemies and the two red cyclops enemies with your arrows. Then, lift up the pots in the room to refill your arrow supply, as well as recover 2 hearts. Then, go through the upper door into the boss room, where you'll fight the 6 Armos Knights. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating these knights. After you defeat them, take the Heart Container that appears, then take the Pendant of Courage. You'll then be warped outside with the first pendant, as well as another heart! Overworld --------- Now that you're back outside again, go south and down the ladder to the area by the blue knight. Go all the way left to the end and drop off the ledge to the lower section. Continue left down to the next area and you should be in front of a building. Go inside and talk to the old man, who is Sahasrahla. He'll tell you a little story about Hylian history, then he'll give you the Pegasus Boots. Now you'll be able to dash into hollow walls and all sorts of other things. After Sahasrahla is done talking, lift up the 3 pots behind him and dash into the wall with the crack to reveal a secret room. Go in there to get some Bombs, as well as a total of 100 rupees. Then, leave the room and exit the building completely. Go around the building and head up the ladder again, then go right and defeat the Armos. Then, go up the next ladder and go left and down as far as you can go. At the end, drop down to the lower ledge and continue down the steps and into the following area. Here, go left and then down across the bridge, and then continue all the way left along the dirt path. Keep going left until the path moves south, then follow it south and west some more. Then, go up and left into the south part of Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- Back in the southern part of Kakariko Village, go left and up the path to the right of the house with the Quarreling Brothers. Continue up to the ladder, then climb it and enter the Library. Use your new running ability to ram the bookcase with the green book on top of it to knock it to the ground where you can reach it. Go behind the bookcase and pick up the Book of Mudora, which you'll need for the next part of the game. Now that you have the book, leave the library and go down and right out of the village. Overworld --------- Go down and right along the dirt path and defeat all the soldiers along the way. Continue right and up, then right a little more until you reach a section where you can head south. At that point, go south into the swampy area known as the Great Swamp. Great Swamp ----------- When you enter this area, head straight down through a couple of screens all the way to the large dirt area. From there, go right into the Lake Hylia area. Lake Hylia ---------- In this area surrounding Lake Hylia, head east to the next screen. There, go up to the wall and you should see that it's a bombable wall. Bomb it and enter the cave that you reveal. Inside the cave, defeat the 4 Mini-Moldorms in the room with your Sword. To do that, stay as close as possible to the south wall and hold Down as you move along the outer part of the pit to avoid falling in. After you beat the enemies, get to the middle ledge and go through the door into the next room. Here, open the chests to get 40 rupees, some Bombs, and 10 Arrows. Then, talk to the bandit and he'll give you 300 rupees! Now, leave the cave and head south, then east all the way along the south part of the lake while defeating the enemies along the way. Keep going right until the path moves north, then head north and finally west to a cave. You don't really need to enter the already open cave unless you want to obtain the Good Bee. Instead, bomb the wall to the left of the cave and enter that cave instead. Go up into the next room and open the chest to get the Ice Rod. After you get it, leave the cave. Make your way east, then south, then west as far as you can go. Then, go up and left into the Great Swamp again. Great Swamp ----------- As soon as you enter the grassy area again, head west and you'll see a building called the Swamp Ruins, which is surrounded by a small pond. Go inside and push the left and right blocks upward, then move the middle block and open the chest to get some Bombs. Exit and reenter the ruins and push the middle block upward and a side block to the side, then go up into the next room. Here, avoid the Bubble and pull the right switch to open the water gate. Now, get out of the building and you'll see that the pond around the ruins has drained. You can take the Heart Piece if you want it, otherwise head west into the canyon area. Here, go up and left around the stones and through the canyon area. When you reach the wall, go down and left into the Desert of Mystery. Desert of Mystery ----------------- When you enter this large desert, head west until you come across a grassy ledge with two dark stones on it. At that point, head straight upward and you'll reach the entrance area to the Desert Palace. Avoid the enemies that come out of the sand as you make your way up to the palace entrance. When you get there, go up the steps and walk up to the stone in the middle of the area. Use the Book of Mudora there and it'll tell Link to make a wish in order to gain entrance to the palace. After you start to wish, press A again and you'll see the three green objects move around the perimeter of the area. They'll then stop and the path up into the palace will be open for you. Now, go straight ahead and up the steps into the Desert Palace. Desert Palace ------------- From the start of this palace, go straight up and defeat any enemies that appear until you reach the statue that shoots a laser at you if its rotating eyeball spots you. When you reach it, go left and lift up the pots, then quickly go left and up before the laser finds and hits you. Then, go right and up and you'll see a circular mound appear with an enemy in the middle of it shooting fireballs you can't reflect with your current shield. Defeat this creature with your Sword, then go up and left to the next screen. Here, go up and into the following room, where you must quickly dash into the front of the upper-left torch to knock the Key to the ground before the laser eye shoots you. Take the Key and leave the room, then go all the way right through the next couple of screens to the very end. Then, head down and you'll see a locked door. Unlock it with the Key and enter the room. Here, defeat the tentacle enemies and hide behind the stone statues to avoid being seen by the laser eye. Open the chest to get the Compass, then go through the door in the back wall that opened and enter the next room. Here, run up and you'll see two cannons on both sides of the room shooting cannonballs back and forth. Run past the barrage of cannonballs, then open the chest at the end to get the Big Key. Now, get back out of this room, then go left and out of the next room into the main area. Go up to the next area, then go all the way left to the end. At that point, go through the left door into the next room. Here, you'll see a statue with the laser eye rotating around it, and a bunch of pots surrounding it. Lift up all the pots while avoiding the laser to get a bunch of items and rupees, as well as reveal a switch. Push the switch to open the doors, then go up into the next room. Here, open the large chest to get the Power Glove. Now you're able to lift up the light-colored stones, both big and small, that you've seen in the overworld areas. Now, leave the room and push the switch in the next room to open the doors again, then go through the right door. In this room, go right to the wall and go down all the way to the bottom wall while defeating any enemies in your way. When you get to the wall, go left through the door into the next room. Here, avoid getting hit by the laser and push the third stone from the left in the left row of blocks to open the north door. Go through it and you'll find two small fairies floating around. Use one to recover your health there, and catch the other one with the Bug-Catching Net and put it in a Bottle to use later for health recovery needs. Now, leave the room and continue down and back outside again. Go down the steps to the ground, then go around the high platform you just came from, then go right along the north wall. Lift up the small stones and enter the cave to reach the second half of the Desert Palace. When you enter this second half, try not to get hit by the laser- shooting statue and push the middle block on the right side of the room to open the door, then go into the next room. In this room, the tiles will uproot from the floor and start flying towards you. Before many of them start coming, lift up the bottom-left pot and take the Key, then unlock the door and go up the stairs to the next floor. In the room you arrive in, simply walk down into the following room. Here, defeat the tentacle enemies and avoid getting hit by the laser, then go through the right door when it opens after you beat the enemies. In the new room, go right and up until you reach a row of pots blocking your path. Avoid the laser statues throughout this room and defeat the tentacle enemies, then lift up the third pot from the left in the row to reveal a Key. Take it, then go up and unlock the door and enter the next room. This is another room where the tiles uproot and fly towards you. So, quickly get to the upper-right corner of the room, lift up the pot and take the Key, then unlock the door and go to the next room. Here, go up and left and lift up the pots to get a couple of hearts, a small magic decanter, and some arrows. Then, go near the red cyclops enemy to awaken it, then move back and shoot it twice in the eye with arrows to defeat it. Now, you'll also notice there are four unlit lanterns in the room. It's time to make use of your Lamp, so light each of the lanterns with your Lamp and the room will shake. After it stops shaking, you'll see that the room expanded and a door to the boss's lair was revealed. Now, open the door with the Big Key and enter the lair where you'll fight the Lanmola bosses of this palace. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating these creatures. After you beat them, take the Heart Container that appears, then take the Pendant of Power when it falls from the ceiling and you'll be warped out of the Desert Palace. Desert of Mystery ----------------- When you get outside again, lift up the stones in your way and go right, then drop down to the desert area. Head south and east out of the desert to the canyon areas. Go up and right in between the canyons and you'll see two large stones south of the middle path. Lift up the bottom stone to reveal a hidden stairway. Go down the steps and lift up all the pots to get some rupees, then either talk to the bandit or just leave the cave. Back outside, continue east out of the canyons to the Great Swamp area. Great Swamp ----------- When you enter the Great Swamp area, hug the left wall all the way up and you'll come across a large stone that blocked your path earlier in the game. Lift up the stone and then continue up along the right wall out of the swamp. Overworld --------- When the path heads to the right, go right with it past your house all the way to the bridge, then go up and cross the bridge. Once you're at the other side, continue heading all the way north around the large boulders while defeating the enemies along the way. Follow the path north to an area where there are 2 small stones and a bunch of bushes around them. Lift up the stones and continue up and right along the path. Go past the Magic Shop that the witch is sitting outside of, and you'll reach a large light-colored stone. Lift it up and go up and right, then head south. Ram into one of the piles of stones to make it crumble, then go through the path you created and go right and up. Continue north all the way to the watery area, then drop down to the grassy area and walk up into the shallow water. Go up and right along the path of shallow water into Zora's Falls. Zora's Falls ------------ When you enter Zora's Falls, follow the shallow water path up and right to the patch of land in the water. From that patch, head northwest along the path, then go north and finally east for a tiny bit. When you have the option to go down again, go all the way down and take the bottom path to the right, then up. You should reach a large water and Zora will appear. Ask him for the Flippers, then pay 500 rupees and he'll give you the Flippers! Now you'll be able to swim in the deeper water throughout the game. Now, head south and down the waterfall, then go left and down the second waterfall. Head left and down from the bottom of that waterfall all the way out of Zora's Falls. When you're outside again, follow the shallow path down and left, then go left and up and swim into the waterfall to enter the hidden Waterfall of Wishing. Walk up to the pond and you'll be asked if you want to throw an item into the pond. First, throw the Boomerang in and the fairy will appear and ask if you dropped the Boomerang in the water. Be honest and say yes and she'll upgrade your Boomerang into the red Magic Boomerang, then give it back! Wait a couple seconds and you'll be asked to throw something again. Throw in your shield and the fairy will appear again. Answer truthfully and she'll upgrade your shield into the Red Shield and give it back to you! Now that you have two upgraded items, you can leave the Waterfall of Wishing. Exit and go south into the deep water, then swim into the whirlpool warp to be brought to a whirlpool in the middle of Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- When you appear in the middle of Lake Hylia, swim right and up around the large island in the lake. Swim north and go up the more narrow river. Continue swimming north, then west and swim under the bridge. Climb up the ladder under the bridge and talk to the sleeping man and he'll give you a Bottle. After you get the Bottle, get back into the water and swim right out of the area. Go right and down all the way into the lake area again, then swim along the upper wall and go left. When you reach the ladder, climb up it to get back on dry land in front of a Shop and a nearby Fortune Teller. Overworld --------- Go north to the bridge, then go across it and continue north through the dirt area with the huge boulder-like obstacles. When you reach the water, jump off the ledge into the water and climb up the nearby ladder to reach the other side of the river. Now, go north and west along the path past the graveyard and the Sanctuary. Go west a little more until you reach a pond with a ladder leading into it. At that point, head north a couple screens and defeat the enemies along the way. When you reach the signpost, go right and lift up the giant stone, then enter the cave that leads into Death Mountain. Death Mountain -------------- When you enter the cave, there will be no light other than the light automatically coming from your Lamp. Go up and drop down to the lower area, then hug the right wall and head right, down, and right again until you reach the wall. Then, go up and right and you'll come across a lost old man. He'll ask you to take him and proceed to follow you around. Now, go right into the next room of the dark cave. Here, go right until the old man stops and says something to you. After he's done, go around the pit and continue going up and right. When you reach the far right, the man will talk to you again. After he stops talking, go down and avoid the bats and exit the cave. When you get outside, try to avoid the enemies and giant rocks falling from above and go down and right to the next cave. The old man will give you the Magic Mirror, then go inside the cave. If you need a health refill, go in the cave and talk to the old man. Otherwise, go right and up the ladder to the higher ledge. Go right and up, then left and up to the much longer ladder. Climb up it all the way to the top, then go down and right past the cave. You should see 3 rock structures and a blue warp tile in the middle of the circle. Step into the warp tile to enter the Dark World from that spot. You will turn into a rabbit and won't be able to use any items or weapons other than the Magic Mirror. Go left and talk to the strange creatures if you want. Now, you remember that there was a cave with a Piece of Heart on the platform above it in the Light World? Go left and stand against the back wall in the area where that cave was (on the ground, the two circles will look like spectacles), then use the Magic Mirror to warp to the Light World again. Take the Piece of Heart if you want it, then jump off the back ledge to the area you couldn't reach before. Then, go up and right to the Tower of Hera. Go up the steps in front of the tower and enter the tower. Tower of Hera ------------- From where you enter this tower, you'll notice that there are round crystal switches and different colored barriers preventing you from getting anywhere. Hit the crystal switch when it's blue to make the blue barriers rise and the orange-like colored ones go back into the floor. The crystal switch will then turn orange to reflect the change. Now that you know this little fact, start off the level by hitting the crystal switch in front of you to lower the blue gates. Now, go left and down the steps to the floor below. Here, simply throw your Boomerang through the orange barrier when the Mini-Moldorm isn't in the way and take the Key with the Boomerang. With the Key, go back upstairs to the second floor. Stand just north of the lowered blue barriers by the first crystal switch and hit it with your Boomerang to lower the orange barrier that's in a row across the room. Go up and left through the room and open the chest if you want to get a Map, then unlock the door with your Key and go down the stairs to the first floor again. In this room, the tiles will come out and fling themselves toward you to attack. Go to the lower-left corner of the room and lift up the pots, then hit the crystal switch to lower the blue barriers. Now, keep your back to a wall and destroy each tile as they come with your Sword. After the tiles stop flying and the door opens, go right into the next room. Here, hit the crystal switch to lower the orange barriers, then defeat the 3 Mini-Moldorms if you want, then go down into the next room. In this room, defeat the pink-tinted Stalfos and lift the pots to recover your magic meter if it isn't full yet. Then, light the four unlit lanterns with the Lamp to make a chest appear. Open it to get the Big Key. Now, use the Magic Mirror to warp to the entrance of the tower with the Big Key. Back at the entrance, hit the first crystal switch to lower the blue barriers, then go right. Hit the next switch to lower the orange barriers, then go up the stairs to the third floor. In this new room, defeat the 3 Hardhat Beetles with your Sword while trying not to bounce back into a pit (you'll fall to the floor below, so don't worry). After you beat them and the door opens, hit the crystal switch so it turns blue, making the blue barriers lower to the ground. Now go left into the next room. Here, avoid the Hardhat Beetles and don't step on the star tile on the floor (if you step on it accidentally, just step on the other one that appears). Instead, quickly run up over the lowered blue barrier, then unlock the door with the Big Key and go into the next room. Here, go up and right around the wall while defeating the Hardhat Beetles and trying not to step on the star tiles. Go right over the lowered barrier, then go up and right over another one. Get to the right side of the room, then hit the crystal switch to raise the blue barriers again. Then, go up the steps to the fourth floor. When you enter this room, go down and lift up the pots and throw them at the 2 Mini-Moldorms. Then, go down and left and lift up the next row of pots so they're not in your way anymore. Go left into the middle of the room and open the chest to get the Compass. Now, continue left and lift up the pots, then go left and up, then take the second left while trying not to get burned by the enemy's fireballs. Then, go up the stairs to the fifth floor. As soon as you enter this room, go down and step on the star tile to rearrange the pits in the room. Knock the Hardhat Beetles into the pits with your Sword, then get to the middle part of the room. You'll see a bouncer in the middle of the room and a square pit just above it. Get to the north side of that pit and drop down into it. You should land on the last regular ledge on the floor below in front of the big chest. Open it to get the Moon Pearl, which allows you to keep your form in the Dark World. Now, go down and walk across the star tiles to move the pits so you won't fall in. When you get to the large middle area of the room again, go left and up to the stairs and get to the fifth floor. At this point, if you need any health, lift up the pots in the right side of the room since each of them has a single heart in them. If you want to catch a small fairy instead, check out the Secrets section of this guide and look for the information on the secret room in this tower. If you're ready, get to the upper-right side of the room and go up the stairs to the sixth floor. Go down and left, then go up and drop down to the lower platform where you'll fight the Moldorm boss. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating it. After you win, take the Heart Container and the Pendant of Wisdom and you'll be warped back outside. Death Mountain -------------- Now that you have all three pendants, it's time to head to the Lost Woods and claim the Master Sword. From the outside of the tower, go down and drop down to the lower area by the warp tile, then head all the way left to the long ladder. Climb down it or jump off the ledge to reach the bottom, then enter the cave at the bottom of the ladder. When you enter the dark cave, go up and left into the next room while avoiding falling into a pit or getting hit by the bats along the way. In the next room, simply hug the left wall and walk down and left until you reach the end, then exit the cave. Overworld --------- When you're outside again, go left and drop down from the high ledge to the ground, then go up and left until you reach the two lumberjacks cutting down a strange tree. From there, follow the path left and up, then left again into the Lost Woods. Lost Woods ---------- When you enter the Lost Woods, go left and down, then go down through the right log to the next area of the forest. When you exit the log, go left and walk in the gap between the large trees to the left, then go up. Cut down a couple of bushes, then take the Mushroom that you find there. Next, go up through the log to the other side, then go left and cut through a couple more bushes. Continue left and go down through the log, then when you reach the other end, go left and up into the log to reach a new area. Here, go up to the pedestal and go up the steps, then go behind the sword and press A. The three pendants will disappear and you will wield the Master Sword. After you get the sword, Sahasrahla will telepathically contact you. After he finishes talking, go down and leave the area. Take a couple steps and the sage of Sanctuary will frantically contact you and say that the soldiers came and kidnapped Zelda again! Now, go right and up through the log, then go right and cut through a couple of bushes. Then, go right and down through another log, and once at the other side, go down and cut through the bushes, then go up and right and go down through the left log. At the other side, go up through the right log, then follow the path up and right out of the Lost Woods. Overworld --------- Back in the overworld again with the Master Sword, you have to go up to the peak of Death Mountain again to claim another new item. Go down and right to the entrance cave where you first enter Death Mountain and get through that cave like you did earlier. Death Mountain -------------- When you exit the cave and end up on Death Mountain, make your way right and up, then up and left to the long ladder. Climb up it to the top, then go right to the warp tile and go to the Dark World again. Go left to the position from earlier and warp back to the Light World with the Magic Mirror. Then, jump off the north side of the ledge and continue up to the bridge to the left of the Tower of Hera. Cross the bridge and you'll find a large, green monolith. Stand in front of it and use the Book of Mudora. You will then gain the magic medallion of Ether. Also, the monolith will crumble because of the blast. Now that you have Ether, get back down Death Mountain like you did a little while ago. Overworld --------- When you reach the very bottom when you exit the cave out of the mountain, drop down to the lower ledge and go down and drop down another ledge. Then, continue south a few screens to the main dirt path that goes from left to right. Follow the path all the way to the right past Sanctuary and the graveyard while defeating the soldiers along the way. When you reach the river, drop off a ledge into the water and climb up the ladder on the other side. From there, go right and down, then right to the Magic Shop. Select the Mushroom and give it to the witch (go up to her and press the Y button). After you give it to her, go left to the next screen, then go back right to the screen with the Magic Shop. Go inside the shop and take the bag sitting next to the shopkeeper to get the Magic Powder. Also, since you're here, buy a red potion (red recovers all your health, green recovers your magic, and blue recovers both magic and health) since you might need it for the first part of the Dark World. Now, leave the shop and head west to the river again. Climb down the ladder into the water, then swim to the left and climb up the ladder at the other side of the river. Follow the path west past the graveyard and the Sanctuary until you reach the pond with a whirlpool in it. From there, go south through the wooded area, then go right to the castle gates. Go down and right around the gates, then go up through the open part of the gate to enter the castle grounds. Now, go up and enter Hyrule Castle. Hyrule Castle ------------- When you enter Hyrule Castle, go up the hall into the main part of the room, then go left and through the door into the next room. Here, go down and climb up the ladder, then go down and through the door to get outside of the castle. Now that you're on top of the castle gates, go right and you'll see a electrical barrier blocking entrance to the middle door. Hit it once with the Master Sword to destroy it, then go through the door into the castle tower. Hyrule Castle Tower ------------------- Now that you're inside the castle tower, go up through the entrance room into the following room. In that room, defeat the two Ball and Chain Troopers just like you defeated the one in the castle dungeon early in the game. Then, go through the right door that opens into the next room. When you enter this room, watch out because the two guards will charge at you as soon as you enter the room. Defeat them quickly, then open the chest that appears to get the Key. Use it to open the locked door, then go up the stairs to the third floor. In the room you arrive in, defeat the guard that charges at you, as well as the small bat, then go through the left door into the next room. In this darkened maze of a room, go down, then go all the way left to the boundary. At that point, go up and left, then down until you're able to go left. Then, go left and up to the chest. Open it to get the Key. Now, go back down and right, then up to the boundary. Go right a couple steps, then go down and right until you can go down. Go down and left, then go all the way down to the boundary, then head right to the next boundary. When you get to the boundary, go down again, then right to the wall. Go up to the locked door and use the Key to unlock it, then go right into the next room. In this room, defeat the two charging guards, then go up the stairs to the fourth floor. In the room you reach, defeat the regular blue soldier, and the arrow-shooting soldier. Then, go left into the next darkened room. Here, go up to the boundary, then left on the narrow path. Next, go up and left, then continue up to the pit. Then, just go right into the next room. In this room, defeat the regular soldier and the two arrow-shooting soldiers. One of them will drop a Key; take it, then unlock the door and go up the stairs to the fifth floor. In the new room, defeat the two bats and the two red spear-throwing soldiers, then go left into the next room. Defeat the two red soldiers, then go down through the door into the following room. In this room, lift up the pots and defeat the soldiers and the bats. Pick up the Key one of the soldiers drops, then unlock the door to the right and enter the next room. In this room, defeat the soldier that charges at you, the red spear-throwing soldier, and the Ball and Chain Trooper. After that, go up the stairs to the sixth floor. When you enter the next room, push the statue to the left, then defeat the soldiers walking around. Then, go left into the next room, which is darkened and full of pits. In that room, simply follow the path up through the room and defeat the blue soldiers along the way. At the end, climb up the ladder, then go up the stairs to the seventh and final floor. When you get to the seventh floor, go up into the following room, where you'll encounter Agahnim. Princess Zelda is laying on the platform in the middle of the room and Agahnim is about to send her to the Dark World. After he makes her disappear, he'll warp behind the curtains into a different room. Now, walk around the outer part of the room, then cut down the middle curtain with your Sword to reveal a hidden door. Go through it into the next room where you'll fight Agahnim. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating him. After you defeat Agahnim, he'll warp you to the Dark World atop the Pyramid of Power. Pyramid of Power ---------------- When you appear on top of the large pyramid in the Dark World, Sahasrahla will telepathically contact you. He'll explain that you have to rescue 7 maidens in 7 dungeons, and then mark the first dungeon on your map. After he's done talking, you'll automatically recover your health and be ready to go. Go straight down and drop off the ledges of the pyramid, then go down the steps in front to get to the ground level. Then, avoid or defeat the enemies and go right to the next area. Overworld --------- As soon as you enter this area, head north to the water, then follow the path right, then up and right. Continue moving north and defeat the enemies along the way, and lift up the large stone that blocks your path. Keep going north, then east when the path turns. Go past the Item Shop and go right and up, then lift up the large rock in your way. Next, go up and right, then south again to some more rocks. Ram into one of the clusters of rocks to destroy them, then go through the path and go down and right. Follow the path all the way north past the rock-spitting enemies all the way to the waterfall area. Here, lift up a stone, a bush, or the signpost, then go down the ladder to the circle of stones in the water. Throw whatever you're holding into the water and the ground will shake and a giant fish will come out. In exchange for peace, it'll give you the Quake medallion. Take the medallion, then go back up the ladder and head south. Follow the path north and west, then south and west past the Item Shop again. Continue west to the river, then go south all the way to the area with the large rock-like obstacles. Go south through that area until you reach the end, then go right to the row of trees. When you reach the trees, go north one screen, then follow the dirt path right to an area where you see an arrow on the ground. Walk through the hedges to the next arrow on the ground, then follow the path up and all the way left behind the building. Continue left through the hedges to the wall, then head north until you reach the path in the hedges going right. Go through the hedges, then go right to the north end of the large square area of hedges. There is a maze inside that square of hedges, and if you look closely while playing, you can distinguish where the paths are in the maze. Enter that maze from the north opening and go down, left, then all the down. Go right, then down, then right until you're able to go north. Follow the path up, then right out of the maze. A monkey will follow you out of the maze, and when you walk away from the maze, it'll introduce itself and ask for 10 rupees. Since you'll need its help, pay the 10 rupees and it'll follow you around. Go up and right, then down and right through the hedges. Then, go up again, then right and down, then right and up through the hedges to the front of the Dark Palace. Try not to get hit by any enemies along the way or else Kiki the monkey will run away. If it does run away, you have no choice but to go back through that large hedge maze and get it to follow you again. When you get to the Dark Palace, go up the steps to the entrance and Kiki will offer to open the door for you if you pay it 100 rupees. Pay it and it'll jump on the roof and hit a switch to open the palace. After the door opens, just walk right into the Dark Palace by yourself. Dark Palace ----------- From the start of this palace, take the left path and step on the switch on the ground to open the door, then go up through the door into the left part of the next room. Here, simply avoid the Helmasaur and go down the stairs to the basement floor. Here, dodge the fireballs that are being shot at you and lift up the pot in the lower-left corner of the room. Stand on the switch to make a chest appear, then open the chest to get a Key. Now, use your Magic Mirror to warp to the entrance of the dungeon. When you get there, take the right path and step on the switch to open the door. Go up into the far right side of the next room that's divided into three sections. Here, avoid the enemy and go down the steps to the basement. In this room, avoid the Bubble and step on the warp tile to reach another room. In that room, avoid the two Bubbles and dash into the weak wall to the south to reveal a doorway, then go down to the next room. Here, go left through the room and defeat the three floating jellyfish-like enemies. Don't hit them when they're electrically charging or you'll hurt yourself. When you get to the other side of the room, dash into the weak wall to create a doorway. Go up into the next room. In this room, defeat the two green Goriyas with your Sword. Now, to defeat the red Goriya, you can only use Arrows. Since these creatures move when you move, shoot the arrow towards them, then move in such a way that the Goriya walks right in the arrow's path and gets hit. Do that twice to defeat the red Goriya, then go the upper door to the next room. Here, make your way up the conveyor belt while avoiding the spiked traps moving left and right, as well as those jellyfish creatures. When you finally get to the north side of the room, go up the stairs to the first floor. Here, open the chest to get a Map, then bomb the left wall. Go through the doorway to reach a ledge in the next room. Open the chest to get a Key. Now, use the Magic Mirror again to warp to the dungeon's entrance. When you get there, go straight up through the middle door into the next room. In this room, simply go up and unlock the door with a Key, then go into the following room. Here, go up and avoid the hard-shelled enemies, and the jellyfish enemies, then take the left path up. When you reach the cracked section of the floor, bomb it to make a hole. Drop in the hole and you'll fall on a ledge in the room below. Walk up and right along the ledge to the door, then use your Key to unlock it, then go up the stairs back to the first floor. Open the chest you see to get the Big Key, then jump off the side of the platform back to the room below. Here, lift up the lone pot next to the divider made of blocks to reveal a switch. Step on it to make a chest appear, then open the chest to get a Key. Now, use the Magic Mirror one more time to get to the level entrance. When you get there, go up into the next room and just continue ahead into the following room. In the large room, go up and take the right path up. When you reach the two blocks in your way, push the right one into the pit, then continue up into the next room. There, open the chest in front of you to get a Key. Now, walk up onto the arrow tile and you'll hop over the pit. Whenever you see those arrow tiles, walk onto the tile and walk in the direction it's facing to jump over a pit. At the other side, climb up the ladder and walk up over the lowered orange barrier, then follow the path left and defeat the blue Hardhat Beetle. Go left and up and unlock the door with a Key, then go into the next room. As soon as you enter this room, quickly lift up the pots in your way and throw one at the Helmasaur up ahead. Then, quickly dash up the path as it collapses behind you and ram the second Helmasaur. When you reach the end, lift up the pots and go left, then unlock the door with your Key and go inside the room. In this darkened maze, go left and up, then left again. Be sure to defeat the fire-shooting enemies in this room to make things much easier. Go down until you can go left, then go left and up to the wall. Go left around the boundary, then go back down and left, then go up and open the chest to get some Bombs. Then, go down to the boundary and go right, then go down and left. Go down again, then left, then down until you can go right. Go right and up, then right and down again, then go left. When you reach the boundary, go down and right and open the chest to get a Key. Now, go left, up, and right all the way, then go up and right and up. Bomb the cracked wall you see, then go through it to the next room. Here, open the big chest to get the Magic Hammer. Now, go back into the previous room. Make your way back through the maze and go through the upper-right door that you originally entered the room through. Once there, go right and into the next room. Open the chest to get the Compass, then go down the left stairs to the floor below. There, go down through the dark room and collect all the rupees along the way, then open the first chest to get an arrow. Then, go down and right and open the other chest to get a Key. Now, go up on the right path and collect more rupees, then go back up the stairs to the previous room. Go down and unlock the door with a Key, then go into the next room. There, lift up the left pot and open the chest to get 5 rupees. Then, move the statue to the right to block the spiked trap from hitting you. Push the statue out far enough so you can get through, then go down into the next room. There, go left along the path to lure all the Hardhat Beetles on the middle platform to move to the left corner. Then, quickly go right and use the arrow tile to jump down onto the platform, then hit all the Hardhat Beetles into the pit with your Sword. Now, use the Boomerang to hit the crystal switch across the south pit, then go right and over the lowered blue barriers into the next room. In this room, hit the crystal switch to turn it orange, then get to the upper-right corner of the room. Remove all the pots to reveal a switch, then move the upper-right statue right to the wall, then up onto the switch. That way, you can go through the door without it closing. Now, climb up the ladder and go into the next room. Here, defeat the green Goriyas with your Sword, then defeat the red one like you did in the other room using arrows. After you beat them, go through the north door into the next room. There, avoid the spiked trap and wait for it to go to the left of you. Then, go into the room and go to the right, then up to the cyclops statue. Shoot a single arrow into its eye and the room will shake and extend to the right. After the room stops shaking, climb down the ladder that you see and go into the darkened rooms of the basement. Use the Magic Hammer to make the mole-like pegs go into the floor again, then defeat the two hard-shelled enemies with the hammer. Next, go to the left side of the lowered orange barrier and go up to the north wall. Use the Boomerang to hit the crystal switch to the right to raise the orange barriers and lower the blue ones. Since you stood to the left of the orange barriers, you'll be able to proceed. Go left and unlock the door with the Key, then go into the next room. There, defeat the hard-shelled enemy with the Magic Hammer, then go down into the next dark room. In this room, quickly avoid the enemies and light the lanterns with the Lamp so you can see, then defeat all the enemies using the hammer. When the right door opens, go into the next room. Here, push a block on the right side of the room downward so you can access the warp tile. Enter the warp tile to reach another room. Here, go up and flip over the first two enemies with the hammer. Defeat them by hitting them again with the hammer. Do the same for the next couple of hard-shelled enemies, then continue up and unlock the door with the Big Key and enter the boss room, where you'll fight King Helmasaur. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating it. After you win, take the Heart Container and the first of seven crystals with a maiden inside will be yours. You will then be warped back outside of the Dark Palace. Overworld --------- Now that you're outside, head down through the hedges, then go left and up. Go left again and down through some more hedges, then go left through the hedges again. Go left and down, then left into the square hedge maze. Go all the way left to the left side of the maze, then go up and left out of the maze completely. Now, go up and left through some hedges, then go down until you see the path through the hedges going right. Take that path and go all the way right behind the building, then down at the other side. Go down through the hedges, then go down and left, then down again out of the area. Go down by the row of trees and go left. When you reach the path going down, follow it and use the Magic Hammer to knock down the pegs in your way. Then, continue south to the dirt path, then head west. Follow the path all the way west until it turns south. Go down and left with the dirt path until you reach a section with a bushes in the form of an arrow. Cut through that group of bushes and go up into the Haunted Grove Haunted Grove ------------- When you enter the Dark World version of the Haunted Grove, go up and talk to the guy sitting on the tree stump. He'll ask you to find his Flute, then give you a Shovel since he buried it in the Light World. Now, get to the upper- left corner of the grove and warp to the Light World with the Magic Mirror. Dig around in the upper-left area of the Haunted Grove and you'll find the Flute. Take the Flute from the ground, which will replace the Shovel on the Inventory menu, and the mysterious Flute Boy will finally disappear. Now, take the Flute and go down and out of the Haunted Grove. Overworld --------- Cut through the group of bushes and go left and up, then left when the path turns again to enter Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- When you enter the village, go left and up the path to the ladder in front of the Library, then go right and up into the main area of the village. Get to the weathervane in the north section of town and play the Flute in front of it. After the music stops, the weathervane will break and a white bird will fly away. You can play the Flute again to have the bird appear and you'll be given the option to fly to one of eight different spots in the Light World. Now, go southeast under the arches to the next part of the village. Then, continue south and east out of the village completely. Overworld --------- Go down and right along the dirt path to that group of bushes again. Cut through them and go into the Haunted Grove. There, go up to the sparkling circle that symbolizes the place where you warped to the Light World and walk into that circle to return to the Dark World. Then, go down and out of the Haunted Grove. Now, go right and when the dirt path goes north, go south and you'll find a large stone in the way. Lift it up, then go down into the area known as the Plains of Ruin. Plains of Ruin -------------- In the Plains of Ruin, walk along the left wall until you can go left, then take the path left through the canyon area. Get as far left as you can and you'll reach an area surrounded by pegs. Go against the left wall and warp to the Light World. When you get there, go left and you'll reach another green monolith. Go up to it and use the Book of Mudora and you will obtain the Bombos medallion. After you get it, go right and warp back into the Dark World. Go back right a couple screens into the Plains of Ruin again. There, go right until you reach the Swamp Palace (it's the same building where you drained the pond surrounding it in the Light World). Don't go inside the palace yet; instead, warp back to the Light World and enter the building there. Push the middle block forward and one of the other blocks to the side, then go into the next room. In that room, go up and pull on the right switch to drain the water. Now, leave the building and go back to the Dark World, then enter the Swamp Palace. Swamp Palace ------------ When you enter this palace, jump into the water and swim to the left. Then, get onto the platform with the spike trap, then defeat the three enemies to make a chest appear. Open it to get a Key, then unlock the locked door and go down the stairs to the basement. There, defeat the spider-like creatures while avoiding the water bubbles and fireballs. In the middle strip of dry ground in the middle of the watery room, lift up the pot at the bottom end of the ledge to get a Key. Now, go down and left and unlock the door with the Key and go into the next room. Here, defeat the pink-tinted Stalfos and the red and blue jellyfish creatures. Try not to use your Sword to the left, right, north, or south of the fireball-shooting trap to avoid getting hit. Also, avoid the fire chain moving around the room. Go down and left and down the ladder, then go up through the door. In this room, lift up the pot and take the Key, then leave the room. Go left and climb up the other ladder, then unlock the door with your Key and enter the next room. Here, defeat the Stalfos, then use the Magic Hammer to flatten the mole-like pegs. Then, go to the right side of the switch and push it to the left to make the water flood the lower part of the previous room. Now, leave this room and go into the water, then go left and up the other ladder you couldn't reach before and continue left into the next room. In this large room, either jump off the ledge you're on or climb down the ladder and go left straight across the room. Climb up the ladder at the other side and go right through the door into the next room. There, defeat the two Stalfos and the electrical jellyfish creature by throwing pots at them. That way you don't have to worry about getting shot at with fireballs if you use your Sword. Avoid the fire chain moving around the room and go down the ladder, then up into the next room. Lift up the pot to get a Key, then go back down out of the room. Go back up the ladder and go right out of this room as well. Back in this large room, drop off the ledge into the watery section, then go up to the upper- left part of the room. Climb the ladder there and unlock the door with the Key, then go into the next room. Here, hit the crystal switch with your Sword to lower the blue barriers, then push the lever to the left to make the water flow in the lower sections of the room. Now, get back to the other side of the gray wall and hit the crystal switch again to turn it orange, then go right out of the room. Go down the ladder, then go down until you can go left again, then go left up the ladder and into the next room. Here, just go left and go down the ladder into the water. Then, swim left over the underwater blocks, then swim up onto the ladder leading to the next ledge. Go left and up, then left through the door into the following room. In this room, defeat the blue jellyfish enemy and the Stalfos while avoiding the fire chain moving around the platform, then go left and climb down the ladder. Defeat the spider-like creature and try to avoid the water bubbles. Go left to the blocks and push the bottom one to the left, then the one you are just below upward, then go left through the path and up the ladder. Go around the ledge to the door and go up the stairs to the first floor. In this room, push the block to the right, then go up and avoid the fireball-shooter, the water bubbles, and the fire chain, but defeat the spider-like enemies on the water. Get to the upper-right part of the room, then push the block upward and drop into the pit. Don't worry because you'll safely land on the floor below. When you land, go right into the next room. Here, lift up the pots to get some rupees, then open the chest to get the Big Key. Now, go back left to the previous room and jump off the ledge to the watery section below. Go down and climb up the ladder, then go right into the following room. Go down and right, then into the water, then swim to the right. Go up the ladder back onto dry land, then go right to the next room. Here, go right and drop off the ledge, then climb the ladder leading up to the middle platform, then open the big chest to get the Hookshot. Now, use the newly acquired Hookshot to pull yourself over to the skull pot on a ledge to the right of the middle platform with the big chest. Destroy the right pot to get a Key, then drop off the ledge and get back up the ladder onto the middle platform again. Now, go behind the big chest and use the Hookshot to pull yourself up to the next platform, then unlock the door and enter the next room. In this room, take the path to the left side of the room and defeat the red jellyfish creature with the Hookshot (you can hit it with the Hookshot while it's electrically charging and you won't get hurt), then destroy the pot in the upper-left corner of the room. Now, push the statue left against the wall, then up onto the switch. Get to the right half of the room and go through the left door into the next room. Defeat the red jellyfish enemy, then go down the stairs to the basement again. In the room you appear in, go left and push the lever to the left to drain the water in the room. Then, go down the ladder and head left into the next room. Here, simply go left and defeat the enemy, then go up into the following room. In this room, defeat the spider-like enemies on the water, then go to the right side of the room. Walk through the second waterfall from the right to enter a hidden room. There, go up the ladder and defeat the two jellyfish enemies, and then go up to the floor above. When you get there, go down through the room and defeat the blue jellyfish enemy, then continue into the next room. Here, jump off the ladder into the rapidly flowing current of water. Swim against the current to the right, and climb up onto the ledge to the right of where you entered the room. Lift up the skull pot to get a Key, then get back into the water and swim to the other side of the room. Stay close to the wall and climb up the last ladder and unlock the door with the Key, then enter the next room. Here, just go up the hallway and enter the boss's lair. For help on defeating the boss, Arrghus, read the Bosses section of this guide. After you beat the boss, take the Heart Container and the second crystal. You will then recover all your health and magic, then be warped outside again. Overworld --------- When you get back outside, use the Magic Mirror to warp back to the Light World. Then, use the Flute to call the bird, then fly to point #2, which is the Witch's Magic Shop. Go there and buy a Blue Potion since you'll need it for the next dungeon, particularly for help when fighting the boss. Then, go back outside and call the bird, then fly to point #3, which is Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- When you fly into Kakariko Village in front of the weathervane, go south and east all the way to the south-east section of town. Then, take the path right to the area by the Blacksmiths. Climb up the steps in front of their house, then go right and pound the stake with your Magic Hammer, then jump into the well. Here, go up into the next room and sprinkle Magic Powder on the red object to make the Mad Batter appear. It'll make you capable of carrying twice as much magic in your magic meter at once. It'll put a 1/2 symbol on your meter to symbolize that. After it disappears, leave the room and go left and out of the cave. Now, go left to the next area of town and get to the weathervane again. From there, go north until you pass the lone tree, then go left along the path until you reach the end. Then, go north through the area until you enter the Lost Woods. Lost Woods ---------- When you enter the Lost Woods, go up a tiny bit, then go right through the narrow path. Cut down the bush in your way, then continue right and down out of the Lost Woods. Overworld --------- Now, go down past the tree and you'll reach an area blocked off by a fence and some stakes. Pound in the stakes with the Magic Hammer, then lift up the small stone to uncover a warp tile. Step on it to return to the Dark World. Once there, go north and into the Skull Woods. Skull Woods ----------- When you enter the Dark World's version of the Lost Woods, go right and lift up the bushes and stones in your way, then continue right. Don't go up at the first intersection, instead continue right until you can't go any further, then go north on the second path. Then, go left and drop through the hole to enter the first part of the Skull Dungeon. Skull Dungeon ------------- This dungeon is divided into many parts, which you access by exiting and reentering the dungeon through different pits and caves in the Skull Woods. From where you land after you fell into the hole, go down and around the barricaded section with skull pots in the middle of it. Get to the south end of it, then lift up all the pots and open the chest to get a Key. Now, get to the upper-right part of the room while defeating the Gibdos (mummies) with the Bombos magic and the Wallmaster (giant hand that'll come down from the ceiling and pull you back to the entrance you came through when entering the dungeon) with the Sword. Then, unlock the door with the Key and enter the next room. In this room, hit the red Hardhat Beetle with your Sword into a pit, then go through the left door into the following room. There, just go through the south door out of this part of the dungeon. Back outside, get to the 3x3 square of bushes just north of where you came out. Cut through them to reveal a hole in the middle, then drop into another part of the dungeon. There, lift up a pot and throw it at the Helmasaur. Then, go down and step on the first pair of star tiles, then bomb the left wall to reveal a hidden door. Go through into the next room, then pull the switch on the wall to destroy the south wall. Now, go back right to the previous room and go down and over all the star tiles until you reach the other side. Then, go left into the next room. There, just go down through the door to get outside again. From where you exit the dungeon, go right and up around the bushes, then go left. Go up under the bone arches, then defeat the enemy and go down the other side. Now, enter the cave to reach another part of the dungeon. Inside, defeat the two blue jellyfish enemies and the two Gibdos with Bombos. Now, lift up the skull pot in the middle of the room blocking access to the door. Now, push the right statue down just a small bit, then push it all the way left until the block stops it. Then, get above it and pull it upward. Try to avoid getting caught by the Wallmaster, then pull the statue onto the switch and enter the next room. In this room, quickly use Bombos to kill all the enemies, then go up and avoid the spike trap and open the chest to get the Big Key. Now, use the Magic Mirror to warp back to the previous room, then exit through the south door. Back outside, go up and around, then go down underneath the second set of bone arches, then go right and cut through the bushes, then fall through the pit into the palace again. Lift up a skull pot and then step on a star tile. Then, go left into the next room and go down through the area you bombed before. Defeat the Mini-Moldorms and open the large chest to get the Fire Rod. Now, go back up and right into the previous room. There, go right and down over all the star tiles to the bottom half of the room, then go right into the following room. There, just go out the door to exit the palace again. Go around the bushes, then left and up under the arches, then go left and down under more arches. Then, enter the cave and go into the palace again. In the first room you enter, just go left while avoiding the enemies, then enter the following room. Here, just run across the room and you won't get hit by the fire chain and the Hardhat Beetle. In the next room, go left and down through the door out of the palace again. Back outside, defeat the two enemies, then follow the path left and up to a large skull. Use the Fire Rod and shoot it straight up at the bottom part of the skull at the stingers to burn up the skull and reveal a cave. Enter the cave to reach the final section of the Skull Dungeon. When you enter this room, go left and down the ladder. Here, there are hidden paths under the higher path, so follow my directions to get through to the other side. First, go right and up to the wall, then go right, up, and left. Then, go up to the wall and go right and up to the corner quickly before the fireball moving around the wall nearby hits you. Now, go left until you can't go left any further, then go up and left. Then, go up and right, then into the next room. There, climb up the ladder and go right and dash straight down on the high ledge. When you reach the end, go left and use Bombos to defeat the Gibdos below and the one you ran through. Then, drop down to the lower section and go left into the next room. There, open the chest to get the Key. Now, use the Magic Mirror to warp to the entrance of this section of the dungeon. When you get there, go up the path and defeat the Mini-Moldorms and avoid the fire chain. Continue up to the locked door, then use the Key to unlock the door and enter the next room. There, step on the star tiles in front of you, then lift up the skull pots in front of you. Then, walk up and step on the star tiles in the center of the room. When the pits move, go left and down and step on the star tile next to the skull pot. Lift it up to get a heart, then go up and lift those pots up and out of your way. Now, go right and down and step on the square of four star tiles, then go up and right onto another one in the corner. Lift up the skull pot to get another heart, then go down and right to the next room. Here, go right and up the center of the room. Get all four of the Gibdos on the screen, then use Bombos to kill them all with one hit. Now, destroy the two skull pots to the right blocking the lantern. Now, go back down to the bottom wall and use the Fire Rod to light the unlit lantern to the right. Then, go up and use it again to quickly light the two unlit lanterns to the left and right of you. Now, go up and shoot over the pit with the Fire Rod to light the final lantern and open the door. Then, go through the door before it closes and enter the next room. In this room, as soon as the yellowish swirl starts moving toward you, hide behind a block and it'll hopefully crash into the block and disappear. After that, defeat the Gibdos and Mini-Moldorms with your Sword while avoiding the fire chain moving around. After you beat the enemies, cut through the curtain-like things on the middle of the north wall to reveal a hidden door. Go through it up into the next room. There, use Bombos one more time to quickly incinerate all the enemies. After you beat them, take the Key that one of them dropped and use it to unlock the right door, then go into the next room. There, go around the wall in middle of the room, then run up or down into the pit when the spiked trap isn't near you so you don't get hurt. Fall through the pit into the boss's lair. To get information on defeating the boss, Mothula, read the Bosses section of this guide. After you beat it, take the Heart Container and the third crystal, then you'll be warped back outside. Skull Woods ----------- Now that you're outside and have three of the seven crystals, use the Magic Mirror to warp to the Light World. Then, use the Flute to call the bird and fly to the Magic Shop, which is point #2. Overworld --------- Go inside the shop and buy a red potion since you might need it for the boss battle in the next dungeon. Now, go back outside and use the Flute again and fly to point #3 in Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- There, go left to the light-colored path and follow it north to a dirt path, then follow the dirt path west and north. Continue north until you enter the Lost Woods. When you get there, follow the right wall up and right. Cut the bush in your way, then continue right and down out of the forest. Keep going south and use the Magic Hammer to pound down the stakes, then lift up the small stone to reveal a warp tile. Warp to the Dark World, then go up and you'll find a long row of bushes to the left. Dash through it to the end, then go down a couple screens into the Village of Outcasts. Village of Outcasts ------------------- When you enter this deserted and run-down version of the Light World's Kakariko Village, go down and right on the dirt path, then go down on the regular light-colored path. Go down until you pass the weird square area where you bought the Bottle from a man in the Light World, then go right to the gargoyle statue. Go in front of it and pull on its pitchfork and you'll fall backward and open the statue. Now, go inside and enter the dungeon known as Blind's Hideout. Blind's Hideout --------------- When you enter this dungeon, go right and up along the higher ledge in this room. When you reach the north wall, go right and drop off the ledge to the lower parts of the room, then go up into the next room. There, go up and defeat the red fireball-shooting enemy, then continue up to the wall. Don't climb the ladder, instead go right into the next room. In this room, watch out because underneath the higher platform to the right, there's a yellow swirl that'll follow you and turn you into a rabbit temporarily. To avoid it, go down and it'll crash into the wall. Go down to the giant block where two fireballs are moving around it and watch out since another of those swirls are hiding just south of it. Stand behind that block until the swirl crashes into it, then go down into the next room. In this room, go straight down and climb up the ladder, then jump right off the ledge at the other side. Now, go left into the following room. There, open the chest to get the Big Key. Then, use the Magic Mirror to warp up to the dungeon entrance. When you get there, go right and up the path, then go right and drop down to the lower section of the room. Then, go up into the next room and head north to the block with the fireball moving around it. From there, go right into the next room. Here, watch out for the yellow swirl that'll come at you and turn you into a rabbit. Just let it turn you into a rabbit, but do not come into contact with enemies until the effects wear off. Then, continue right all the way to the wall, then go down and climb up the ladder. Then, go left and up the path to the north wall, then go right and unlock the door with the Big Key and go into the next room. Here, go up and defeat the Stalfos, then lift up the pot in the upper-right corner of the room to get a Key. Then, go down to the locked door on the left side of the room, then unlock the door and enter the next room. Here, defeat the red and blue enemies and avoid the fire chain, then go left into the next room. In this room, you will encounter enemies that consist of a main red part that flies around the room and connects with a larger, transparent version of itself. Use the Sword to destroy the smaller opaque creatures to destroy the transparent part as well. If you need health, just use Magic Powder on the Bubble moving around the room to turn it into a Fairy. Then, go left across the conveyor belt and try not to slide into the spikes. When you reach the other side, go into the next room. Go up through this room and walk up the conveyor belt pushing downward while defeating the enemies you encountered in the previous room. When you reach the top, go up into the next room. Here, lift up the skull pot to get the Key, then stand where the pot was and hit the crystal switch to lower the blue barriers. Now, get to the north wall while avoiding all the spike traps moving around since you lowered the blue barriers, then unlock the door and go up the stairs to the first floor. In the next room, go to the lower-right corner of the room and lift up the rightmost pot to reveal a switch. Step on it to open the door to the right, then go through it into the next room. There, just go right and defeat the enemies, then go into the second half of this room. Defeat a couple more enemies, then go through the door into the next room. In this room, defeat a few more enemies, then use a Bomb and pick it up by pressing A, then throw it over the barrier onto the cracked section of floor that the light is shining on. Open the chest to get some Bombs, then go left into the previous room. Go all the way down the hall and through the door into the next room, then go left and up to the stairs. Go down the stairs to the basement again and get across the room carefully since there are many spike traps moving around. When you reach the other side, go down into the next room. There, go down a tiny bit, then go right over the lowered blue barrier and into the next room. Here, defeat the enemies and go right through the door into the following room. In this room, make your way to the stairs in the north wall by walking on the floor full of conveyor belts and different enemies. Go down the stairs to the second basement level, then in the room you appear in, defeat the enemies you see. Then, lift up the large block in the middle of the room, then go down into the next room. There, just defeat the single red fireball- spitting enemy, then go right into the next room. In this room, go right and up, unlocking all the doors along the way. Also, defeat all the enemies that you come across. Don't lift up the left pot in the second-to-last cell because it contains one of those swirls that'll turn you into a rabbit. Go into the last cell and open the chest to get a Key. Then, talk to the maiden and she'll follow you around through the dungeon. Now, go all the way down and left out of this room, then in the next room, just go left into the following room. In the next room, go left and across the small conveyor belt, then use the Key on the locked door and enter the next room. There, use the Magic Hammer to crush a couple of moles, then open the large chest to get the Titan's Mitt. Now you'll be able to lift up those darker-colored stones you couldn't lift before! Now, use the Magic Mirror to warp to the dungeon entrance. When you get there, the maiden will ask you not to go outside for some reason. Listen to her and go right and up the path all the way to the wall. Then, go right and drop down to the lower area and go up into the next room. There, go up to the large block with the fireball moving around it, then go right into the next room. In this room, watch out for the warp swirl that'll turn you into the rabbit. Just let it hit you if you don't feel like defeating the enemies. Wait until it wears off, then go right and down to the ladder. Climb up the ladder to the higher level, then go left and up to the north wall, then go right and up into the next room. There, just use the Pegasus Boots to dash straight up into the door at the north end of the room. In this room, you'll see a patch of light on the floor. Walk into that patch with the maiden behind you and the door will then lock behind you and the maiden will complain saying it's too bright. She'll then turn into Blind the Thief, who is the boss of this dungeon. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating Blind. After you beat him, take the Heart Container that appears, then the crystal that falls from above. You will then be warped back outside of the now complete dungeon. Village of Outcasts ------------------- When you get back outside from the dungeon, go right to the far right path, then go up and out of the Village of Outcasts. Overworld --------- When you're at the scene with the Fortune Teller's house, go east along the dirt path. Go all the way to the area where the graveyard would be in the Light World, then use the Magic Mirror and warp to the Light World. Then, go in the graveyard and get to the upper-right part of it. Lift up the two dark stones with the Titan's Mitt, then dash straight up into the tombstone to make it move back, revealing a hidden room. Go down into that room and open the chest you find to get the Magic Cape. Now, go back outside and go down and left, then down to the dirt path. Then, walk into the sparkling area where you warped to the Light World and go back to the Dark World. Once there, make your way all the way west along the path, then south into the Village of Outcasts. Village of Outcasts ------------------- When you enter this village, go down along the rightmost path all the way through town. When you reach the next screen where you can drop down ledges to a building with an arrow carved above its door. Go left in that area and lift up the small dark stones and talk to the toad dressed up in blue clothes. It'll ask you to take it to its partner, then it'll follow you around. Now, go back up and right, then up into the main part of the village. Then, go up and right into the next screen. Here, go right and lift up a large dark stone, then go right and warp to the Light World again. The toad will morph back into its original form, which is the missing blacksmith. Go up the nearby ladder and enter the Blacksmith's Shop. When you enter the building, the two blacksmiths will reunite. Now, exit and reenter the building, then talk to one of the blacksmiths. Keep answering yes to their questions and pay them 10 rupees, then they'll take your Sword for a little while. Now, leave the building and go down the ladder, then go left to the next screen. Then, go back right to the previous screen and go back into the Blacksmith's Shop. Talk to one of them to get the Tempered Sword (Level 3 Sword). Now, leave the shop and go down and enter the portal you came here with to go back to the Dark World. When you get there, go up the ladder and you'll see a chest in the run-down version of the Blacksmith's Shop. The chest turns out to be locked and you'll carry it along with you for now. Now, go down the ladder and go left, then lift up the large stone, then go to the next screen. There, go down into the following area and go down and drop down the ledges to the bottom. Lift up the large dark stone behind the building, then follow the path down and right out of the village. Overworld --------- Follow the path down and right along the dirt path until it moves upward. Then, follow the right wall south and lift up the large stone in your way, then continue south to the next screen. There, use the Magic Mirror to warp to the Light World. Then, go left to the canyon areas before the desert. Go up and talk to the strange man standing next to the sign. Promise him not to tell anyone about his secret and he'll open the chest, which contains the fourth Bottle! Now, use the Flute to call the bird and fly to point #8, which is south of Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- When you land, go left to the next screen. There, jump off the ledge into the water, then swim up and left to the large island there. Lift up the dark stone there to reveal a warp tile. Step on the tile to warp into the Dark World just inside the Ice Palace's walls. Now, just walk up into the actual Ice Palace. Ice Palace ---------- In the first room of this palace, go up to the north wall and the left ice enemy will come out of the wall to attack. Use the Fire Rod to quickly kill it and open the closed door. Now, go left into the next room. There, defeat the three blue jellyfish enemies. One of them will drop a Key; use it in the locked door, then go down the stairs to the basement. In the new room, go down and left and step on the switch to open the right door. Defeat the blob- like enemies that come out of the ground if you're not quick enough, then go right into the next room. In this room, go right and push the middle block to the right, then go down into the next room. There, use Bombos to defeat all the Pengators, then open the chest to get the Compass. Now, go back up to the previous room and push the middle block upward, then go right over the switch and into the right room. Use Bombos to defeat more Pengators, then avoid the Bubble and lift up the pot to reveal a switch. Step on it to open the doors, then go left to the previous room. Now, go left and step on the switch to open the doors, then push the block to the left and go up into that room. Here, defeat the red jellyfish creatures if you want, then hit the crystal switch to turn it blue. Now, put a bomb on the crystal switch and quickly go right and up over the lowered blue barrier before the bomb explodes and it rises again. Now, go up and right and bomb the cracked floor, then fall to the room below. Here, lift up the pots and go to the outer sections of the room and a Stalfos Knight will fall from the ceiling. Hit it with your Sword, then place a Bomb on its bones to defeat it. Go to the lower-left part of the room and another one will appear. Do the same thing to defeat it, then when the door opens, go down into the next room. In this room, get to the left side of the room while avoiding the spikes since the floor moves left and right. Be sure to defeat the blue jellyfish enemies since one of them drops a Key. Get to the lower-left part of the room and use the Key to unlock the door, then enter the next room (if the crystal switch isn't orange, hit it so it turns orange, then go into the next room). In this room, wait for the fiery bar to move to the right, then quickly go down and left and lift up the pot in your way. Then, lift up the pot in the lower-left corner and you're uncover a switch. Stand on it to open the door, then wait for the fire bar to move to the right side again, then use the Hookshot on the pot to the right to pull yourself to it. Then, lift up the pots in your way and go right into the next room. Here, just go right and take the stairs down to the third basement level. In this room, defeat all the Pengators that slide toward you with the Sword. Be careful where you move since the floor is slippery. After you beat all the enemies, go up through the door into the next room. In this next room, stand in the doorway because a giant spiked ball will move towards you, but stop before reaching the door. When it retracts towards its original position, go up and to the left path. Then, walk right into the middle path going up and down to activate the trap, then when it goes down, go up through the door into the next room. Here, just avoid the fireballs as the floor collapses, then fall down to the floor below. When you land, go up and right into the next room. In this room, defeat the red jellyfish creatures with the Hookshot, then use it to pull yourself over to the block at the other side of the large pit. When you get to the other side, go down and left and down into the next room. When you appear in the next room, select the Magic Cape from your inventory, then walk into the room and quickly activate it before the spiked ball hits you. Now, go around the wall and deactivate the cape when you get there, then go up the stairs to the floor above. There, go down to the wall, then use the Hookshot to pull yourself over the spike pit to the pot at the other side. Lift it up to reveal a switch, then step on it to make a chest appear at the left side of the spike pit. Hookshot over to it and open the chest to get a Key, then use the Magic Cape to walk across the spikes, then deactivate it and go up the stairs to the second basement level. In the next room, go down and defeat the Stalfos Knight that falls from above like you did earlier in the dungeon. Then, use the Magic Hammer and pound in the first set of mole-like pegs, then lift up the large block to reveal a Key and the yellow swirl. Quickly go right and down along the left wall to make it crash into the wall. After that, take the key and pound down the next set of mole pegs, then pull on the tongue sticking out of the statue to open the door. You can destroy all the pots to get some goodies and reveal a switch. Press the switch, then open the nearby chest to get the Map. Now, go right into the next room. Here, simply go up the ladder to the floor above. There, go down and destroy the pots, then open the chest to get the Big Key. Now, push the lower block to the left, then the other one up, then go left through the path into the next room. In this room, use Bombos to quickly defeat the Pengators here. Then, lift up the lower pot to reveal a switch. Step on it, then go left into the next room. Here, hit the crystal switch to lower the blue barriers, then defeat the red jellyfish enemies. Then, place a bomb on the crystal switch, then get to the north half over the blue barrier before it explodes and makes the orange blocks sink. Then, bomb the cracked section of the ground and fall through the hole to the room below. Here, lift up the pots north of you and defeat the Stalfos Knight that falls from the ceiling. Then, go to the lower-left part of the room and defeat the other Stalfos Knight. After that, just go down into the next room. In this room, get to the left side of the room while avoiding sliding into the spikes and the jellyfish enemies, as well as the black creatures that crawl out of the walls along the way. When you reach the left side by the crystal switch (make sure it's orange, otherwise hit it so it becomes orange), then go down into the next room. Here, go down and left and lift up the pots in your way. Lift up the pot in the lower-left corner of the room, then step on the switch to open the door. Now, wait for the fire bar to move to the right, then hookshot over to the pot to the right. Continue right and up, lifting up the pots in your way, then go into the next room. Here, just go right and down the stairs to the third basement level. In the next room, defeat the Pengators with your Sword to consume magic power, then after you beat them all, go up into the next room. In this room, go up to activate the giant trap, then stand in the doorway to avoid getting hit. Wait for it to move back up, then go up and left into the next room. There, just move cautiously along the slippery floor while avoiding the fire bar, then go down the ladder to the fourth basement floor. In this room, bomb the cracked floor above the ladder to make a hole, then drop down the hole you create to the fifth basement floor. When you land, open the big chest to get the Blue Mail. Now you'll be more protected against enemy attacks. Now, go and push the middle block to the right, then go up and push that block right. Then, go down and right into the next room. There, use the Fire Rod to defeat the ice enemy that'll come out of the left half of the upper wall, then open the door with the Big Key and go into the next room. In this room, go up and defeat the 3 red jellyfish creatures and the Stalfos Knight that'll drop down to attack. Then, unlock the door with a Key and go down the stairs to the floor below. In the room you appear in, use Magic Powder on the Bubble to turn it into a fairy, then use it to recover some health. Then, go down into the next room. There, defeat the ice creature that comes out of the left part of the wall, the Stalfos Knight, and some more blue jellyfish enemies. After you defeat them all, use another Key to unlock the right door, then go into that room. Here, go right and hit the crystal switch to lower the blue barriers, then quickly leave the room. In the previous room, go up into the following room, then go up the stairs to the fifth basement floor. Go down into the next room, then go right and down, then right into the following room. In this room, lift up the skull pots in the upper-left corner of the room and take the Key you find. Then, go across the slippery room while avoiding the black creatures and the Bubble, then lift up the lone pot up and to the right of the fire bar to reveal a switch. Hit it to open the door, then go down and into the next room. Here, follow the icy path all the way around to the door at the end. Use the Magic Cape if necessary to avoid the fire bar if you're moving too slowly. After that, go left into the next room. There, go left and lift up the pot to reveal a switch, then step on it to make a chest appear. Open it to get a Key, then defeat the two blue jellyfish enemies and go up the stairs to the next room. In the next room, go down and right, then up to the door. Defeat the gel-like enemies with the Sword and the ice enemy with the Fire Rod, then unlock the door with a Key and go into the next room. There, you'll see two pots next to each other. Lift up the left one and step on the switch there to open the door to the left. Avoid the enemies and go left across the slippery surface into the next room. There, just fall down the hole to the fifth basement level. When you land, go right into the following room. In this room, defeat the ice enemy that comes to life. You'll see two blocks next to each other on the left side of the pit; push the lower one into the pit, then jump down to the sixth basement floor. When you land, get off the block and lift the pot below it, then push the block onto the switch to open the door. You needed the block because the door will only stay open as long as something's on the switch. Now, just go down into the next room. There, defeat the jellyfish enemies and go left and down to the pots. Lift up the pots, then pull the right statue up so you'll have enough room to get in front of it. Then, pound down the mole pegs and lift up the large block to uncover a pit. Drop into the pit and you'll enter the lair of Kholdstare. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating this boss. After you win, get the Heart Container and the crystal, and you'll then be warped back outside. Overworld --------- When you get back outside, immediately warp to the Light World. When you arrive, use the Flute and fly to the southwest corner of the map (point #6). You'll land on an unreachable grassy ledge on the south end of the Desert of Mystery. Lift up the right dark stone to reveal a warp tile. Step onto the tile to be warped into the Swamp of Evil in the Dark World. Swamp of Evil ------------- When you arrive in this swamp, drop off the ledge to the actual swamp, then head north. Defeat any enemies you encounter in the swampy area, then when you reach a large, dry platform at the north half of the swamp. Get onto it and continue up and you'll see a tile with the Ether symbol on it. Stand on the symbol and use Ether to stop the rainy weather over the swamp and open up the giant head in front of you. Then, enter the head to begin the Misery Mire dungeon. Misery Mire ----------- When you enter this dungeon, go up and right to the pit, then use the Hookshot to pull yourself to the block at the other side. Then, go right and down the stairs into the basement level. In the next room, defeat the two enemies nearby, then go left and up and defeat the Wizzrobes when they appear to attack. You can only hurt them when they're fully visible. Defeat them all with your Sword and avoid the statue eye that shoots lasers at you if it spots you. After you kill all the enemies, go up into the next room, There, go down the ladder and head up to the boundary, then go left. Lift up the pot in your way and continue left, then go up and left to the ladder. Do NOT climb up the ladder, instead go right through the narrow path and up the ladder there, then go up into the next room. In this room, just go right into the following room. There, go up and lift up the pot in the upper-left corner to get a Key. Then, defeat the pink-tinted Stalfos and avoid the beam statue, then put on the Magic Cape and walk onto the spikes. Lift up the pot in the middle of the spikes to reveal a switch. Step on the switch to make a chest appear, then open it to get another Key. Now, get off the spikes and deactivate the cape, then unlock the north door and go into the next room. Here, just walk up across the grating and into the following room. In this next room, simply walk up the hallway and go left into the next room. Go left across yet another hall with no enemies all the way into the following room. Once there, lift up the pots and go up and left to the large set of walls with a fireball moving around it. Go along the upper half of this group of walls, then lift up the pot at the other side to get a Key. Hit the crystal switch to turn it blue, then go down and right past the lower half of the walls. When you're able to go down again, go over the lowered blue barrier and walk around the spike pit. Then, continue down and unlock the door with a Key, then go into the next room. When you enter this room, use the Magic Cape and walk straight down across the spike pit and past the giant spiked ball. When you reach the south door, deactivate the cape and go down into the next room. In this room, avoid the fireballs and Stalfos and head right into the next room. Here, go down all the way along the narrow path to the south wall, then go right and up across the grating. Avoid the fireball-shooter and walk over the lowered blue barrier, then lift up the pot to reveal a switch. Step on it to make a chest appear, then open the chest to get a Key. Then, go left and up into the next room. There, just defeat the slugs and the bombs they lay, then go right into the following room. In this room, go right and push the block to the right, then go up into the next room before you get hit by the fireballs the torches shoot at you. Go up the hallway into the next room, then go down the ladder and up across the bridge to a chest. Open it to get a Key. Now, go back down a couple screens to the room with the fireball- shooting torches. Push the block down and go down through the door into the following room. There, go down the ladder and go left to the other ladder. Go up it and go left and down to the locked door. Unlock it with a Key and go into that room. In that new room, destroy the floating Stalfos heads and the blue jellyfish creature using your Sword. Watch out because there is a device in the room that'll shoot a fireball each time you use your sword. After you kill the enemies, you'll find a Key. Take it and unlock the left door, then go into the next room. There, go left and down through the south door into the following room. In the next room, defeat the enemies while being careful not to get hit by a fireball when using your Sword. Then, go down, right, and up around the wall dividing the room. Lift up the pot in the corner and take the large magic decanter to completely fill your magic meter again, then go up the stairs to the first floor. In this room, go down and you'll see there are 3 blocks in a row blocking two torches on either side of the room. Push the top and bottom blocks forward, then push the middle block up or down. Now, go down into the next room and do the same thing for the next two sets of blocks. Then, go back up into the previous room and select the Lamp from your inventory. Now, quickly light the two torches in the room, then go down through the door into the next room. Light the other two torches quickly while avoiding getting hit by the Wizzrobes. If you went quick enough, you'll hear a loud rumbling sound. Now, go down and right into the next room. You'll see that it has expanded greatly compared to what it originally looked like. Now, go right and drop into the pit and fall to the floor below. When you land, open the chest to get the Big Key, then use the Magic Mirror to warp to the dungeon's entrance. When you get there, go up and right, then use the Hookshot to cross the gap. Then, go down the stairs into the basement level. In this room, defeat all the enemies like before to open the door, then go up through the north door into the next room. There, go right and up and go through the first door you see into the following room. In this room, just walk right across while avoiding the Bubble and go into the next room. In this next room, quickly use the Hookshot to cross the gap and pull yourself over to the block. Then, quickly use the Pegasus Boots and dash up the collapsing bridge to the large chest at the end. Open the chest with the Big Key and you'll get the Cane of Somaria. Now that you have the cane, go left into the next room. There, go left and down and drop down to the lower area, then go down and up the ladder. Turn the Bubble into a fairy using Magic Powder if you need the health, otherwise continue left into the next room. Here, go up to the barrier, then drop down to the lower part of the room. Go left and avoid the large energy balls moving around the walls. When you can't go left anymore, go up to the ladder and climb up to the upper area, then go left and into the next room. In this room, simply go left and up and avoid the fireball-shooters, then go up into the next room. There, just go left through the next door into the following room. In this new room, defeat the Wizzrobes, then go up and unlock the door with the Big Key and enter the next room. There, just go up and walk into the warp tile to be warped to another room. When you reappear in the new room, go right and lift up the pots in your way, then go up the ladder and unlock the next door with the Big Key, then go into the next room. In this room, go left and lift up the pot to get the large magic decanter and refill your magic meter, then go back right and climb down the ladder. Then, go up across the bridge and go down the stairs to the second basement floor. In the darkened room you arrive in, go right and down while avoiding the fireballs, then unlock the door in the lower-right corner of the room and go down into that room. Grab the 9 blue rupees, which total to 45 rupees, then leave the room. Now, get to the left side of this room, where you'll find a single skull pot. Lift up the pot to reveal a switch. Use the Cane of Somaria to create and place a block on that switch to open the door and keep it open. Now, go straight down into the next room. In this room, simply follow the left wall to the open door to the left. Go through it into the following room. In this new darkened room, go up to the boundary, then use the Magic Cape and walk all the way left to the boundary. That way you won't waste time and you won't get hit by the spike trap. Deactivate the cape when you get to the other side, then go down and lift up the pot in your way. Then, continue down and left to the wall, then go through the door into the next darkened room. Go left across the lowered orange barrier and go up to the north wall, then defeat the Stalfos and bomb the cracked section to make a hole in the wall. Go through that hole into the next room, then hit the crystal switch there to turn it blue, then go back to the previous room. Now, go left across the blue barrier and avoid the Bubbles, then go left into a fully lit room. There, go up along the right wall and avoid the yellow swirl by moving up quickly so it hits the wall. Avoid the gel-like enemies that fall from the ceiling, then when you reach the north wall, go left and lift up the pot, then hit the crystal switch to turn it orange again. Now, go back right and down until you can go left, then go left and avoid the spike trap. Then, go up the stairs in the middle part of the room to reach the first basement floor. There, avoid the fire chain moving around and go left, up, and left over the lowered orange barriers. Then, go up and unlock the door with the Big Key, then enter the boss's lair. You'll be fighting a creature called Vitreous as the boss of this dungeon. For help on defeating it, read the Bosses section of this guide. After you defeat it, grab the Heart Container and the crystal, then you'll be back outside again. Swamp of Evil ------------- When you get back outside of the Misery Mire dungeon, use the Magic Mirror to warp to the Light World again. When you get there, get away from the warp you entered the area with and use the Flute. Overworld --------- Then, fly to the Magic Shop and buy 1 blue potion and 3 green potions. You're REALLY going to need them for the next dungeon, Turtle Rock. Now, leave the shop and play the Flute again, then fly to point #4, which is in front of Link's House. From there, go right to the dirt path and follow it north and west, then north to the castle gates. Defeat the soldiers and walk through the open gate to warp to the Dark World. Then, go right and defeat the enemies, then go to the next screen. Head south all the way to the land bridge with the pegs on it. Pound the pegs, then continue down and left along the dirt path. Go left past the high ledges, then go up and right to the Bomb Shop (this is where Link's House was in the Light World). Go up to the large, orange bomb and press A to buy it for 100 rupees. Now, leave the store with the giant bomb behind you. Go left and down to the dirt path and follow it east. Defeat any enemies along the way, but do not press A since that'll make you drop the bomb and the 3-second timer will begin. Continue right to the end, then go up and pound the pegs again. Then, go up and left, then continue north until you can go west. Take the path west, then go left and up the steps onto the Pyramid of Power. Go left along the wall, then when the bomb is in front of the cracked wall, press A. After 3 seconds, the bomb will explode and the massive blast will make a hole in the pyramid. Go in the new room and you'll find a Mysterious Pond. Go up to it and throw in the Bow and Arrows. The fat fairy will appear, then answer her truthfully and she'll give you the Silver Arrows you'll need to defeat Ganon. They're stronger than your old arrows. Now, throw in your Tempered Sword and the fat fairy will appear again. Answer her honestly and she'll give you the Golden Sword (Level 4 Sword). Now, leave the room and use the Magic Mirror to warp to the Light World. Once there, use the Flute and fly to point #1, which is at the beginning area of Death Mountain. Death Mountain -------------- When you land, go down and right past the cave and continue right to the ladder while avoiding the enemies and the falling boulders. Climb up the ladder and continue up, then left and up to the tall ladder next to the cave leading to the bottom of the mountain. Climb all the way to the top of the ladder, then go right and defeat the giant Gohmas hopping around with your Sword. Continue right and walk onto the warp tile to enter the Dark World. From the point where you warped, go straight down and drop off the cliff to a ledge on the side of the cliff. Go inside the cave there and use the Magic Hammer to crush the mole pegs. Then, use the Magic Cape and go quickly along the long path covered with spikes. Lift up the large block at the end and deactivate the cape, then open the chest to get the Cane of Byrna. Now, use one of the green potions I told you to buy to recover your magic, then use the Magic Cape to get back out of the cave. Back outside, drop down to the lower area, then go left and up to the ladder. Climb up the ladder, then go right to where Spectacle Rock is in the Light World. Use the Magic Mirror to warp back to the Light World and drop off the north side of the rock, then follow the path east past the Tower of Hera. Continue right and defeat the Gohma and the enemy that turns into a stone when you attack it. Cross the bridge, then pound the stakes at the other side with the Magic Hammer. Then, continue right and defeat more Gohmas. When the path moves north, follow it north and east, then south again. Go down and right and lift up the dark stone, then climb up the ladder and you'll find 3 stakes. Pound them in counter-clockwise order (right, up, left) and a warp tile will appear. Step on it to warp to the Dark World, and you'll be standing on top of Turtle Rock. Go down and stand on the tile that has the Quake symbol on it. Then, use the Quake medallion and the Turtle Rock's head will disappear, revealing an entrance to the dungeon. Drop off the high ledge and go inside the Turtle Rock. Turtle Rock ----------- From the start of this dungeon, go up and lift up the right pot first. Then, go to the pit and you'll see a white track with a question mark block at the end of it. Use the Cane of Somaria to create a platform on that track, then go down and lift up the left pot to completely refill your magic. Now, ride the platform to the other side of the pit and enter the next room. Here, go up to the track and use the cane to create a block, then push Right on the Control Pad to move right and up along the track. Get off at the second stop (the platform stops each time you reach a question mark box; press the Control Pad in the direction you want to go to continue moving. At the second stop, go right through the door into the next room. Create a platform and ride it down and right to the intersection. Then, press Up to move up on the track. When you're lined up with the unlit lanterns to the left, use the Fire Rod to light the two to your left. Continue riding the platform and light the other two lanterns with the Fire Rod to open the north door. Now, use the Hookshot to pull yourself to a lantern and intentionally fall down the pit, only to return to the entrance of the room. Then, go up through the door into the next room. There, use the Magic Cape and quickly go all the way up through the room and walk around all the barriers along the way. You can walk through the giant spiked rolling pins since you're invisible. At the end, open the chests to get a Map and a Key. Now, go back down through the room without the aid of the Magic Cape to conserve magic power while avoiding the spiked bars. Go around the barriers and quickly go against the left or right walls to avoid getting hit. Then, go down through the door into the previous room, then go down and left and lift up the pots to recover all your magic and one heart on your health meter. Now, go left into the large room with the track. Create a platform and ride it up and left to the second stop, then get off and unlock the door with a Key and enter the next room. Here, defeat the giant bouncing creature known as Pokey with your Sword. Watch out that you don't get hit when one of Pokey's lower parts goes flying when you hit it. After you beat it, take the Key it drops and unlock the north door. Then, go up into the next room. In this room, avoid the Chain Chomps and stand below the lowered orange barriers and throw the Boomerang at the crystal switch to lower the blue ones. Now, go down to the left part of the room and push the lone block to the right to reveal a chest. Avoid the chained enemies and hit the crystal switch again to lower the orange barriers, then open the chest to get a Key. Use it to unlock the door, then go down the stairs to the first basement floor. There, go down the ladder and go right and down along the path. Defeat the blobs that come out of the ground and the Pokey while trying to avoid getting hit by the Bubbles. Then, climb the ladder in the lower-right part of the room and walk into the tunnel to automatically travel through it. When you come out at the other side, go left into the next room. In this room, you'll see two tunnels that you can enter. Go in the right one across the room, then when you exit the tunnel, go left into the following room. Here, avoid the Bubbles and go left and down to the crystal switch. Hit it to lower the blue barriers, then go down into the other part of the room. Use Bombos to destroy the enemies (excluding Bubbles), as well as the yellow swirl that'll transform you if it made contact. Now, take the Key the Pokey dropped and get to the right side of the room. When you reach the upper half of the right wall north of the locked door, hold Right and walk down to safely unlock the door since there's a laser eye that'll nail you if you stood in front of the door and looked in its direction. After you unlock the door, quickly run through into the next room. There, go through the tunnel to the platform in the middle of the room. Open the chest there to get the Big Key, then go down into the next tunnel. When you exit this tunnel, go right into the next room. Here, go through the tunnel to the other end, then lift up the pot and completely refill your magic, then go down and climb up the ladder. Go through the tunnel atop the ladder, then go left into the next room. This time, go down into the left tunnel through this room. At the tunnel's exit, go down through the door into the next room. In this room, use Bombos to defeat the two Pokeys and the yellow swirl that was hiding in a pot in the lower-right corner of the room. Then, go down through the already open door into the next room. Here, go down and left into the following room. In this new room, there are 5 laser eyes in the upper wall and two of them are always open and will shoot anything in their path. Do not look directly at the remaining eyes because they will open and attack you. Go left and down and lift up the pots, then bomb the cracked wall. Avoid the lasers and go through the door to a ledge outside of Turtle Rock. Death Mountain -------------- Walk right along the ledge to the other cave and go into it to enter a different room in the Turtle Rock dungeon. Turtle Rock (Second Part) ------------------------- When you reenter Turtle Rock, use the Hookshot to pull yourself to the large chest. Open it with the Big Key to finally obtain the Mirror Shield. Now you'll be able to defend yourself against all projectiles (lasers, fireballs, etc.). Now, go up around the chest and into the next room. There, avoid the fireballs and the spiked rolling pin, then get to the upper door and unlock it with the Big Key. Then, go up into the next room and go left through the tunnel to the upper-left part of the room. When you exit the tunnel, go up into the following room. In this room, defeat the Pokey, then bomb the upper wall. Watch out for the small black creatures that come scurrying out of the hole in the wall, then go up into the next room. Here, wait for the spiked rolling pin to move to the right, then quickly walk over the lowered orange barrier and hit the crystal switch with the Boomerang to lower the blue barriers. Then, quickly go left in front of the chest to avoid the spiked bar. Now, open the chest to get a Key, then wait for the spiked bar to come to the left wall. Follow it to the right and hit the crystal switch with the Boomerang again to lower the orange barriers. Then, quickly go over the lowered barrier and use the Key to unlock the door. Go down the stairs to the second basement level. The darkened room you enter is really annoying because it consists of those white tracks over the pit occupying the entire room. Also, there's a fire bar that moves around a block, which can get in your way if you happen to ride past it on a platform and it's about to hit you. Anyway, go down and create a platform and ride it to the right until you reach a connecting track going down. Hold Down to switch tracks, then ride it down and right until you reach another track going down and right. Go down onto that track to the platform in the middle of the room, then lift up the pot there to reveal a switch. Step on it once to open the door in the lower- left part of the room. Now, intentionally drop into the pit to return to the entrance of the room. Then, create a new platform and ride it to the left. Select the Magic Cape from your inventory and ride the track all the way down along the left side of the room. When you pass the fire bar, activate the cape until you're safe, then deactivate it. Follow the far left track all the way down until it turns right, then go right on it to the four-way intersection. Hold Down at the intersection to go on the track going down. Ride that track down and right, then up past the next four-way intersection. When you reach the intersection where you can either go left or right, go left to the next four-way intersection. Continue left along the track all the way to the end, then get off the platform and go through the door into the next room. Here, use the Pegasus Boots to dash down across the narrow path to quickly avoid all the lasers being shot at you. Dash into the Helmasaur at the end, then press another direction on the Control Pad to stop running. Now, go right and down into the following room. Here, there will be a bunch of paths to the left and right of the middle narrow path. Each side path is guarded by a laser eye that'll shoot at anything in its path. Dash down through this room to the wall, then defeat the red Hardhat Beetle. Now, go left on the last path going left and you'll reflect the laser with the Mirror Shield. When you're not being shot at, open the chest to get the Key. Here's a quick tip to get the rest of the treasures here without getting hurt by the lasers. Walk left or right on the path you pick until you reach the wall (you'll reflect the lasers with your Mirror Shield, don't worry). When the laser isn't shooting at you, open the chest to get whatever item was inside it. To get back to the middle path, face down and hold B to charge your Sword. Your shield will be on your left side, so go right back onto the main path while still reflecting the lasers. If you went on a right path and want to get to the main area, just face up and charge the Sword. Now that you have the Key, get back to the middle path and go up into the previous room. There, go around the path and unlock the left door with the Key, then go into the next room. In this room, hit the crystal switch to make the blue barriers sink. Now, go up and left over the first blue barrier. Make your way up to the next crystal switch. Go to the left side of the lowered blue barrier to the left of the switch, then use the Boomerang to hit the switch to lower the orange barriers. Then, go left and up over the lowered barriers to another crystal switch. Get to the right side of the lowered barrier to the right of the crystal switch. Then, use the Boomerang to hit the switch and lower the blue barriers again. If you need health before this point, turn the Bubbles into fairies to recover your health without wasting your blue potion. Now, go up over the lowered barrier go down the stairs to the third basement level. There, go left and create a platform on the track, but don't go on it yet. Lift up the pots to get a heart and a large magic decanter to refill your magic power instantly. Now, ride the platform across the pit to the other side, then open the door with the Big Key and enter the boss's lair. The boss of this dungeon is Trinexx, and if you need help defeating it, read the Bosses section of this guide. After you defeat Trinexx, take the Heart Container and the final crystal with Princess Zelda inside. Unlike all the other maidens you found inside previous crystals, Zelda will tell you what you have to do now that you have all the crystals. After that, you'll recover your health and magic and be warped back outside of the main entrance to Turtle Rock. Death Mountain -------------- After you get back outside again, go left and up, then left to the next screen. Head south to a large stone, then go west and watch out for the enemies that appear and shoot fireballs at you. Reflect their attacks and defeat the enemies with your Sword, then continue left across the land bridge. At the other side, defeat the enemies and go up and left to the next screen. Go down and left to Ganon's Tower. Walk past it and the seven crystals will break the barrier preventing you from getting into the tower. After that, go up the steps and into Ganon's Tower. Ganon's Tower ------------- When you enter Ganon's Tower, go up and left, then go down the stairs to the first floor. In the next room, dash into the back of the right torch when the energy ball isn't in your way to make the Key fall to the ground. Take the Key, then go left into the next room. Here, get on the conveyor belt and use the Magic Hammer to crush the right, upper, and left mole pegs in the middle part of the room. Then, stand where the left mole peg was and push the middle block to the right and you'll step onto a star tile, which makes the pits disappear. Now, go left into the next room. In this room, use the Hookshot to pull yourself to the block (not the pot) on the platform to the left. Lift up the pot and go to the lower-left corner of the platform. Then, use the Hookshot and pull yourself down to the right block on a platform south of your position. Next, pull yourself to the block on a platform to the right, then use the Hookshot again on the block at the south ledge to be pulled to it. When you get there, go left and pull yourself to the skull pots across the pit, then defeat the pink-tinted Stalfos and hit the crystal switch nearby with your Sword to lower the blue barriers. Now, place a bomb next to the crystal switch and get to the south side of the lowered barriers. When the bomb explodes and the switch changes color, go down into the next room. Here, go left and down, then place another bomb next to the crystal switches. Quickly go down and right to the corner before it explodes, that way you'll pass the orange barriers before they rise and the blue ones fall. Lift up the pot in the lower-right corner of the room to get a Key, then unlock the door and go right into the next room. In this room, hit the crystal switch to lower the orange barriers, then go up and walk along the north wall. When you reach the east wall, wait for the spike traps to move to the left, then go down and into the warp tile. When you appear in the next room, wait for the fire chain on the bottom path to move back to the left, then go down and left on that path. Go up in between the block walls to the second path, then continue left. Hide in between the walls to avoid getting hit by the fire chains. Then, push the lone block in any direction and a chest will appear on the other side of the pit. Hookshot over to it and open it to get a Key, then go down and unlock the door and go into the next room. In the barricaded section of the room you enter, walk into the right warp tile to reach another room. In that new room, go down and lift up the pots in your way. Then, go left and step on the left warp tile to reach the next room. There, go down and left onto yet another warp tile. In the next room, go right and knock the two blue Hardhat Beetles into the pits. Then, make your way around the pits and go right and up onto another warp tile. When you reappear, just walk up and onto the following one. Then, go right and down into the next room. Here, go down and right until you reach the path going north. Go up that path and defeat the enemies you encounter, then stay right when the path splits. Lift up the two pots you find at the end of the ledge, then go down and left, then up the left path. Go up and right to the boundary, then use the Fire Rod and shoot across the pit at the unlit lantern. When you light it, you'll see that all the invisible floor over the large pit appears. Now, quickly go back down and around to where you destroyed the two pots. Go along the invisible path as quickly as you can and knock any enemies into the real pit. When you reach the end of the path, go up into the next room. In this room, go up and right and lift up the skull pot blocking access to the lower-right part of the room. Turn the Bubble into a fairy if you need health, then open the chest to get 10 arrows. Then, put a bomb on the cracked floor next to the chest to make a hole leading to the basement below. Drop down the hole and land in the next room, where you'll fight the Armos Knights. Defeat them using the Silver Arrows since one arrow will kill each knight. After you beat them all, go up into the next room. There, open all 3 chests to get the Big Key, some bombs, and 10 arrows. Now, leave the room and go through the left door into the following room. In that room, ram into the hollow north wall to make a hole, then go into that new room. Use the Boomerang to take the fairies and recover your health if you need it, then go back to the previous room. Now, go left and up the stairs back to the first floor. There, push the right block to the right and get into the main part of the room. Open the large chest with the Big Key to get the Red Mail. You will now be protected even more than you were with the Blue Mail. Now, go up through the door and into the next room. Here, just go up the stairs to the second floor. Once there, go down and right, then go up the ladder and up the stairs to the third floor. In the new room, throw the Boomerang to the left and hit the crystal switch to make the blue barriers sink. Now, go left and down and left again along the lowered blue barriers and lift up the pots in your way. Get to the area in front of the closed door walk straight up on the blue barrier. Lift up the pot there and throw the Boomerang up at the crystal switch to turn the switch orange. Now, go left to the wall and push the upper block upward to open the closed door. Now, get back to where you were standing before you hit the switch and hit it again to lower the blue barriers. Then, go down and into the next room. In this room, go down and pull the statue to the right, then get in front of it and pull it downward just enough so you can get behind it. Also, make sure there's enough room so you can get to the left of it. Then, wait for the spike trap to get to the right of the statue, and then push the statue down and the trap will be out of your way. Then, go left on the middle path, then defeat the two red Goriyas with the Bow and Arrows to open the doors. Now, go right to the statue and put on the Magic Cape, then activate it and go right through the door into the next room (I made you activate the cape because I didn't want to waste time moving the statue again and all). In this room, deactivate the cape and avoid the lasers from the beam statues (you can't reflect their lasers, sadly), then defeat the two red Goriyas with a couple Silver Arrows. Then, go up into the next room. Go straight up the hall and open the door with the Big Key, then go into the next room. There, go down the ladder and walk up through the room while avoiding the spike traps. When you reach the second crystal switch, hit it with your Sword to lower the orange barriers. Then, defeat the two cyclops enemies with arrows after you wake them up. After that, lift up the middle pot to reveal a switch. Step on it and go down to the other side of the lowered barrier. Then, hit the crystal switch to raise the orange barrier, then activate the Magic Cape and walk all the way down through the spike traps. Climb up the ladder and deactivate the cape, then go right and up, then right into the next room. Here, go up and right along the path and avoid the cannonballs being shot at you from both sides of the wall. When you reach the end of this mess, go up the stairs to the fourth floor. In this room, defeat all the enemies to open the door to the left. Then, go left into the following room. Here, stay off the conveyor belt and defeat the Stalfos while avoiding the lasers coming from the beam statue. Then, go down into the next room. In this room, avoid the laser-shooting statues and defeat the enemies that you fought in Blind's Hideout. After you defeat them all, go along the conveyor belt to the south wall, then go down into the next room. In this icy room with a conveyor belt and some more of those laser statues, defeat the two enemies here to open the closed door. Then, get across the ice and conveyor belt and go down into the next room. In this next icy room without conveyor belts, avoid the fireballs and the lasers and defeat the pink-tinted Stalfos, as well as the pink enemy you saw in Blind's Hideout. After you beat them, go left across the slippery floor into another room. In this hallway, hide behind a statue of Ganon to avoid the yellow swirl. After it crashes into the statue, go left and into the following room. In this sandy room, you'll have to fight the Lanmolas again from the Desert Palace. Avoid the fireballs being shot by the trap in the lower-left part of the room and attack the Lanmolas' heads with your Sword. After you defeat all of them, go up through the now open door into the next room. Here, lift up the pots to get a heart, a small magic decanter, a bomb, and some arrows. Then, go up the stairs to the fifth floor. In the room you enter, wait for the three Wizzrobes to appear, then use Ether. You'll be able to see the invisible floor for a couple seconds, plus the Ether will kill the Wizzrobes. Now, remember the path and get across the room to the door, then go down into the next room. Here, go down and dash to the right through this room. You should defeat a couple Dark World soldiers along the way, plus you'll avoid the laser eye in the wall. After that, go up through the door at the right side of the room to enter the following room. In this room, wait for the four Wizzrobes to appear, then use Ether to kill them all at once. Then, walk up across the conveyor belts and through the door into the following room. Dash up through the middle of this room before the floor collapses and defeat the soldiers at the end, then go right into the next room. In this room, go right to the block with the fire bar attached to it and take the path going up. Lift up the pot in front of the unlit lantern, then go back down to the block. Go right and lift up the pot over there, then take the path going down and lift up the pot there. Now, equip the Fire Rod and stand on the north path just out of reach of the fire bar. As soon as it passes to the right, light the lantern with the Fire Rod. Then, go down and light the one to the right, then the one south of the block with the fire bar attached. Now, go on the left path and light the last lantern to open the door. Now, quickly go down and lift up the first pot in your way, then continue down and right into the next room before the door closes. If it closes, you'll have to relight the lanterns and try again. If you make it, you'll be in the next room, obviously. In this next room, get to the upper wall immediately to avoid the laser shots from the wall. Lift up the two pots in both corners to get a heart and a magic decanter to completely refill your magic. Now, quickly get to the south wall, then go up the ladder to the sixth floor. As soon as you enter this room, go right to the edge and face south, then use the Fire Rod to light the lantern. Then, go left and light the lower-left and upper-left lanterns. Finally, go up and right and light the upper-right one to open the door. Avoid the energy balls moving around the room while you do this, then go up through the door and into the next room. If you're not quick enough, the floor will collapse and you'll fall to the room below. Then, just climb back up the ladder and try again. When you make it to the next room, defeat the Helmasaurs and take the Key they drop when you defeat them. Then, avoid the fireballs and open the chests to get Bombs, then unlock the left door with a Key and enter the next room. Here, go down and avoid the small spike trap. Go all the way down and activate the larger trap and it'll come towards you. When it stops and moves back to the left side, get as close to the south wall as you can and face it while the conveyor belt moves you. Then, place a bomb in front of the crack in the wall. After it explodes and a hole is made, trigger the large trap again and avoid it, then go down into that new room. There, wait for the yellow swirl to crash into the orange barrier, then use the Boomerang and hit the crystal switch to lower the orange barriers. Then, get right next to the blue barrier and hit the switch again from far away to lower the blue barriers. Now, avoid the energy ball and/or the Bubble and open the chest to get a Key. Then, get to the outside of the lowered blue barriers and hit the crystal switch to lower the orange ones. Now, go down and unlock the door and enter the next room (you may have already had a Key for this door; if you do, just skip the above walkthrough for this room and use that key on the door instead). Here, drop down to the lower ledge and you'll fight Moldorm. Hit it twice in the tail with your Sword to destroy it. After you win, a chest will appear on a south ledge. Get to the lower-right part of the platform you're on and Hookshot over to the chest. Open it to get 20 rupees, then climb up the ladder and push the upper block to the left. Go left and down and push the second bottom block to the left. Finally, push the second upper block to the left, then go around it and continue left into the next room. In this new room, I highly advise you use the Magic Cape for safety. Activate the cape and go left and up through the room full of slippery floors, conveyor belts, and Helmasaurs. Continue up to the stairs, then deactivate the cape and go up to the seventh and final floor. There, go down and left through the hallway, then go up and unlock the door with the Big Key. Enter the room and you'll meet Agahnim again. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating him the second time around. After you defeat him, you'll see Ganon emerge from Agahnim's fallen body, then turn into a bat and fly away. The Flute will automatically be played and the bird will take you out of Ganon's Tower and to another place. Pyramid of Power ---------------- After the escape from the tower, you'll see Ganon in his bat form crash through the top of the Pyramid of Power. Link will then land in front of the hole atop the pyramid. Before you drop in for the final battle, go find a fairy fountain and recover all your health. If you feel confident enough without recovering health/magic, just drop into the hole and you'll meet Ganon when you land. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating Ganon. After you win, congratulations on beating Zelda: A Link to the Past!